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Looking for long term rp contacts!

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Name: Kura'to Jhovu

Gender: Male

Race: Miqote

Clan: Keeper

Citizenship: None

Age: 26

Marital Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual with a leaning towards the same sex.

Name Day: Third Astral Moon

Guardian: Menphina

Occupation: Pirate of the Dread Wyrms, Monk, Minor skill with a bow



A lost Keeper looking for some semblance of a "home". Kura'to has always been in search of what it means to have a home and what a family is. Such things are rarely questioned by male Keepers, but he wasn't like the others. At first he was kicked out of his clan when he was ten for a display of uncontrolled aggression and rage. It wasn't like the clan to just leave him to die so they found an older woman who always stopped by the Clan to take him with her. She did and raised the young cub to adulthood. She spent no time training the boy in martial arts and taught him as much as she could. The woman was a surviving member of the Temple of Rhalgar. She saw this as an attempt not only to help the boy control his rage, but also to continue a dying profession, a dying art.


Years later after the loss of Olava Warsong, his makeshift parent, he returned to where his clan was and was met with an empty waste filled with ruined homes and carts. It was covered in thick ivy and as a result it was difficult to tell the cause of such destruction. Was it by bandits or attackers of some kind? Did they die out for other reasons like starvation? Or did they simple move away for an unknown reason. He didn't know. So he moved on. Why did he even come back?


He moved to Uldah where he started taking all the jobs he could just to afford living while being bothered with his reasons for even looking for a place that left him behind. Some time drinking among other things lead to him to realize he felt lost and out of place. He didn't understand what a home was. He was always moving, His clan left him behind and his mentor always kept a hand between them. What was a real home? The people who were born to but sent you away or the teacher who kept a distance between you? He wasn't sure but he wanted to find out. He got a better hand of his rage thanks to Olava, but it still surfaced and he gained a reputation for being deadly when provoked. His contacts started to call him the Puma of Uldah. Provoke the beast and you'll regret it. A mistake people make based on his outgoing personality and active nature. Most assuming he isn't the Puma until they enrage him.


After some time working freelance Kura'to thought to himself that perhaps he needed to find an organisation to stay in. Some group. Maybe that will help him understand what a home could be. If not at least he'd find better pay and living conditions. It was in light of this desire he came across a few gossiping wenches in the Quick Sands. The two ladies discussed a group called the Dread Wyrms and how they had a reputation for getting work done, being ruthless, and close knit. This seemed like the perfect opportunity. A chance for better coin and a chance to see what this "family is like".


OOC Info:


I'm open to most any kind of rp connections whether our characters knew one another before we start rping or we could just pick up our rp encounter from a first meeting and see where it leads. I'm open to romantic rp too and I do find that kind of rp to be very enjoyable, but we'll have to let it play out naturally. If you'd like to rp or talk to me about setting something up feel free to post me a message on here or send me a tell in game to Kura'to Jhovu.


Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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