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X|V:CS Compatible RP Combat System for FF:X|V

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Thanks for the clarification!


Mh, last question (I think), what is "base" on the char sheet, next to the damage column?


No problem! I am more than happy to answer any question!


Base is where you put the values (instead of 0) so the calculator can put it all together!


For example:


VIT Protection Calculator:

                             12   0

Buff/Debuff 1: Living Wall 3

Buff/Debuff 2: Protectra 2

Buff/Debuff 3: Defensive Stance 1


12 is the total protection

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have had the occasion to try it the last week on a trial event I ran, and it works very well. Of course I 'dumbed' it down a bit so that folks don't get too terrorized by all those sheets and numbers (especially the non tabletop people and total neophytes)... And so, actually, even without the stacking system (stacks, etc), the AP regen, the thing is pretty solid! What I liked with that is that you can remove stuff or add stuff pretty easily and adapt it and it still works nice.


Then of course since it was kind of like a tutorial for everyone it felt like the amount of HP for playable characters was colossal, but then again, I bet you can make other mobs more lethal... Especially if we also start to deal in AoEs and the likes... But yeah, I may feel the thing is not lethal enough, for example if you put 2 characters against each other. You might need more than 8-10 turns to finish it. It takes time. Well then again, I guess it's a matter of preferences and I might reduce it a little on the freelancer base the next time since our group mostly plays average characters/mercs after all.


Would also love a better way to swap stances on the character sheets but I can't think of one sadly... I guess it's the limits of the googledocs sheets (though those still perform outstandingly well in the end).


I may have noticed a few things that seemed a bit weird to me in terms of balance, maybe, but that's rather minor... For example, maybe it's actually what was desired behind, but what is the point for a character to use Grit as a DRK if he also has the defensive stance that outperforms it in every way? Maybe it's the idea though? I don't remember every little thing like that I spotted like that sadly though... Not that much in any case.


Mh also, more on a personal feedback and tastes, I find that the general magic categories are way too encompassing in terms of magic, even if you have to take all the levels up to compensate... So I like to play it a bit differently here and I split them all into magical disciplines the same way they are already for example for enfeebling magic, protective/supportive magic, healing magic, etc. I basically just broke down the Magic lvl1, 2, 3 into elemental magic basically, getting rid of all the redundancies found in those containers to let them specific to their own categories (so basically magic becomes elemental magic and the rest disappears and gets back to their own, like lore, enfeebling, etc etc). I find it a bit better to make distinctions between thaumaturges and conjurers, even if in technical lore they should have access to the same kind of spell arsenal... It allows me to introduce the schools of thoughts that they are taught and that way the only thing they really share most of the time is elemental magic... Also of course, those characters that want to be conjurers and still deal in enfeebling magic rather than supportive, can! And vice versa for thaumaturges that want to support/heal. The basic set remains elemental magic and you can build around that.


So yeah, personal taste mostly. I think both ways work fine to me.


I also found a way to simulate a little the differences in terms of character power and experience. Some characters are very green while others are grizzled. So my take on that was to get the magic levels (1, 2, 3...) as an example for everything, and apply it to every commands: for example, I can have healing lvl1, lvl2 and lvl3. I just weed out all the biggest and nastiest stuff for lvl1 characters, like, a lvl 1 character will only have access to cure and not cura/curaga. A lvl 2 will have access to cura, but not curaga, etc.


Again, personal take on it... And that's what I like with the system: you can modulate your own stuff.


I will try to give more feedback the next time I use it since I have only had the time for now to do a few turns of combat...

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I have had the occasion to try it the last week on a trial event I ran, and it works very well. Of course I 'dumbed' it down a bit so that folks don't get too terrorized by all those sheets and numbers (especially the non tabletop people and total neophytes)... And so, actually, even without the stacking system (stacks, etc), the AP regen, the thing is pretty solid! What I liked with that is that you can remove stuff or add stuff pretty easily and adapt it and it still works nice.


Then of course since it was kind of like a tutorial for everyone it felt like the amount of HP for playable characters was colossal, but then again, I bet you can make other mobs more lethal... Especially if we also start to deal in AoEs and the likes... But yeah, I may feel the thing is not lethal enough, for example if you put 2 characters against each other. You might need more than 8-10 turns to finish it. It takes time. Well then again, I guess it's a matter of preferences and I might reduce it a little on the freelancer base the next time since our group mostly plays average characters/mercs after all.


Would also love a better way to swap stances on the character sheets but I can't think of one sadly... I guess it's the limits of the googledocs sheets (though those still perform outstandingly well in the end).


I may have noticed a few things that seemed a bit weird to me in terms of balance, maybe, but that's rather minor... For example, maybe it's actually what was desired behind, but what is the point for a character to use Grit as a DRK if he also has the defensive stance that outperforms it in every way? Maybe it's the idea though? I don't remember every little thing like that I spotted like that sadly though... Not that much in any case.


Mh also, more on a personal feedback and tastes, I find that the general magic categories are way too encompassing in terms of magic, even if you have to take all the levels up to compensate... So I like to play it a bit differently here and I split them all into magical disciplines the same way they are already for example for enfeebling magic, protective/supportive magic, healing magic, etc. I basically just broke down the Magic lvl1, 2, 3 into elemental magic basically, getting rid of all the redundancies found in those containers to let them specific to their own categories (so basically magic becomes elemental magic and the rest disappears and gets back to their own, like lore, enfeebling, etc etc). I find it a bit better to make distinctions between thaumaturges and conjurers, even if in technical lore they should have access to the same kind of spell arsenal... It allows me to introduce the schools of thoughts that they are taught and that way the only thing they really share most of the time is elemental magic... Also of course, those characters that want to be conjurers and still deal in enfeebling magic rather than supportive, can! And vice versa for thaumaturges that want to support/heal. The basic set remains elemental magic and you can build around that.


So yeah, personal taste mostly. I think both ways work fine to me.


I also found a way to simulate a little the differences in terms of character power and experience. Some characters are very green while others are grizzled. So my take on that was to get the magic levels (1, 2, 3...) as an example for everything, and apply it to every commands: for example, I can have healing lvl1, lvl2 and lvl3. I just weed out all the biggest and nastiest stuff for lvl1 characters, like, a lvl 1 character will only have access to cure and not cura/curaga. A lvl 2 will have access to cura, but not curaga, etc.


Again, personal take on it... And that's what I like with the system: you can modulate your own stuff.


I will try to give more feedback the next time I use it since I have only had the time for now to do a few turns of combat...


Thank you for all that! I will try to figure out a good way to break up the magic, cause I tend to agree with you that there is a lot for one set. An idea that comes to mind is to change the levels and schools into points, so say enfeebling 1 would be 1 point set, while enfeebling 2 costs 3. Can assign each level of magic, say, magic lv.1 gets 3 points to speed on school lists, 2 gets like 6, etc etc. How does that sound as a quick thought?


The issues for Grit and all that is that as designed right now, the commands sets are defaulted to the one assign with the job if they pick a job. So there are better defensive moves than Grit if they pick another skill set, but some people may not want to, and may want to stick with grit as is. Grit does cause you to do a lot less damage when you act, but some may be fine with that. Some may want a better one. It's mostly to make sure there are plenty of options available for everyone.


The HP was a result of not enough originally! People we killing each other in 3-4 turns, but with more feedback I will adjust to what the majority thinks.


But I am glad you are enjoying it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Taking all the suggestions and doing a bit of tests, I updated the system with a major change, turning it to 1.1


Patch 1.1 (5/17/2016): Magic Rework: Point System

Freelancer HP has been dropped from 70 to 50, meaning all lost 20HP

All classes and jobs buffed (either by +5HP or +1AP, please check class and job values)

Mechanics page was updated to provide information on the new point system

All spells were given a "Spell Value"

Magic (Lv.1) changed to Allows user to pick spells from spell list, up to 20 points

Magic (Lv.2) changed to Allows user to pick spells from spell list, up to 40 points

Magic (Lv.3) changed to Allows user to pick spells from spell list, up to 70 points

Several spells removed from Black Magic Command List (see command list for current BLM spell list)

Blue Magic changed to fit with the new spell system

Summon changed from spells to command set

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Thank you for all that! I will try to figure out a good way to break up the magic, cause I tend to agree with you that there is a lot for one set. An idea that comes to mind is to change the levels and schools into points, so say enfeebling 1 would be 1 point set, while enfeebling 2 costs 3. Can assign each level of magic, say, magic lv.1 gets 3 points to speed on school lists, 2 gets like 6, etc etc. How does that sound as a quick thought?


The issues for Grit and all that is that as designed right now, the commands sets are defaulted to the one assign with the job if they pick a job. So there are better defensive moves than Grit if they pick another skill set, but some people may not want to, and may want to stick with grit as is. Grit does cause you to do a lot less damage when you act, but some may be fine with that. Some may want a better one. It's mostly to make sure there are plenty of options available for everyone.


The HP was a result of not enough originally! People we killing each other in 3-4 turns, but with more feedback I will adjust to what the majority thinks.


But I am glad you are enjoying it!


Well, don't feel too compelled to nerf that HP pool too much though. As I said, keep in mind that it was a tutorial for people, so my NPCs were basic gladiators and stuff... And they were only two against like, 5 of us! But yeah, I think that -20 HP can be cool. Since the HP bonuses for tank classes don't change it tends to differenciate them a lot more with the squishy ones. Eventually the nice thing is that you can adapt it to various groups of power: people playing average joes will get freelancers with 50HP, and people playing heroes facing tons of powerful enemies may want to buff it up a lot.


Your new point system for magic looks fine to me. It's a good idea. I would probably still proceed differently in my case but that's mostly taste! Ideally, I think what I would do is an easy to grasp skill tree of sorts for pretty much every command skill:


For example a conjurer character will pick up as one of their commands the healing magic one. The player says "my character is a novice", so they just take the basic package. Then they say instead "they are a senior conjurer", they take the basic lvl 1 package, the lvl2 one, as well as the level 3. I would break down every command into 3 tiers. Mostly for fluff, no points behind, just for a roleplay perspective. You know you play a powerful character, you choose accordingly. Well at least that's what I did myself more or less. All in all it boils down to "my character gained lots of experience in conjury the past year, so let's upgrade his conjury lvl1 to conjury lvl2". I like that because it allows me to differenciate grizzled vets from green novices.


For the Grit skill, well, I would ideally have expected it you know, to have just a different effect than the defensive one, but I totally understand that at some point you just run out of different things to find with all that.

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Crap I said Earlier


Well, don't feel too compelled to nerf that HP pool too much though. As I said, keep in mind that it was a tutorial for people, so my NPCs were basic gladiators and stuff... And they were only two against like, 5 of us! But yeah, I think that -20 HP can be cool. Since the HP bonuses for tank classes don't change it tends to differenciate them a lot more with the squishy ones. Eventually the nice thing is that you can adapt it to various groups of power: people playing average joes will get freelancers with 50HP, and people playing heroes facing tons of powerful enemies may want to buff it up a lot.


Your new point system for magic looks fine to me. It's a good idea. I would probably still proceed differently in my case but that's mostly taste! Ideally, I think what I would do is an easy to grasp skill tree of sorts for pretty much every command skill:


For example a conjurer character will pick up as one of their commands the healing magic one. The player says "my character is a novice", so they just take the basic package. Then they say instead "they are a senior conjurer", they take the basic lvl 1 package, the lvl2 one, as well as the level 3. I would break down every command into 3 tiers. Mostly for fluff, no points behind, just for a roleplay perspective. You know you play a powerful character, you choose accordingly. Well at least that's what I did myself more or less. All in all it boils down to "my character gained lots of experience in conjury the past year, so let's upgrade his conjury lvl1 to conjury lvl2". I like that because it allows me to differenciate grizzled vets from green novices.


For the Grit skill, well, I would ideally have expected it you know, to have just a different effect than the defensive one, but I totally understand that at some point you just run out of different things to find with all that.


Actually, if you have a suggestion for Grit I would love to hear it! As of right now, it's set so that there is at least one defensive move in the DRK set. But I'm curious to hear your alternative if you have an idea.


And I glad you liked the point system. I was going for the branching system at first, but it ended up being a lot of redundancy and a lot of people were not happy with spells being missing in certain sets and it was a lot, so I talked to some people and they said they would be happy with the point system, this way they can collect the spells they really want, and for those who want to be the new characters can just take simple spells and those who are the vets can get the stronger ones.

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For Grit? That's the funny thing, I told myself as soon as I noticed it was a dumbed down version of Defensive "What a shame, it should have more flavour, it's grit!"


Then I was like "Yes but what?"


I guess I haven't thought about it enough. I was a bit rushed to make all those character sheets before the event.

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  • 1 year later...

I realize I haven't been updating this page with changes I have been doing so I apologize about that. I have recently updated the system to include Stormblood and then-some!


All the changes and updates will be noted in the last tab! Again like always feedback is welcomed!


(Also I do hope this doesn't count as resurrecting a dead thread when I'm labeling and updated. Apologizes if it does.)


The system link:



I am also working on a character growth attachment to the system now too and it's almost done!


Growth Addition:


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