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Scholar / Duelist Miqo Sun Seeker LF Contacts!

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OOC Intro:

Greetings and Salutations!


Been about about a year and a half since I joined FFXIV and the balmung community altogether. I'm a medium-heavy RPer (I'm IC most of the time!) And After finally giving Y'uraq enough of a backstory and development I'm finally ready to join the rest of Balmung community and partake in what's made our community so awesome. Or I would, but get a tad nervous approaching people IC'ly, guess this was the next best idea. xD




About Y'uraq:


  • Y'uraq is my main, and only character. You can read all about him here.
  • But if you don't have time (or simply don't want OOC spoilers, i know i don't!), He has a dorky, timid, calm, and soft spoken demeanor, but has been noted on his feral and vicious tendencies in arenas by judges, spectators, and fellow duelists across Eorzea.
  • In terms of tropes, Y'uraq is a "Yangire"
  • His wild and fiercely devoted tendencies can make him either an anti-hero, or a villain depending on whose point of view.
  • dislikes Aether travel, rides his chocobo places instead.


Since recently mastering his dark affliction. Y'uraq has carried on to enjoy his second chance at a full life, and return to pursue knowledge and research. Now he continues to find connectons between the Ancient Allagans and the Void among fellow scholars in La Noscea. While also keeping with the arenas and gladiator pits in Thanalan to quench his inner yearning for true freedom.

Y'uraq Can be found at:


  • At his free company home (The Vylbrand Academy), In the Mists
  • Limsa - Arcanists Guild, Markets, The Drowning Wench
  • La Noscean Wilderness
  • Ul'dah - Ossuary, Hall of Flames, airship landing, markets, and rarely the quicksands
  • The Grindstone - Central Thanalan, Fesca's wash
  • Thanalan Wilderness


  • Gridania - Markets, Botanist guild
  • Travelling through the Black Shroud
  • Ishgard - Astrologian's Guild
  • Travelling through Coerthas
  • Mor Dhona - Revenant's Toll, St. Coinach's find

What I will RP:



  • Long-term/ Story arcs - I'm a sucker for a great story arc and long-term RP!
  • Short-term / walk-ups / lounge RP - I welcome these also!
  • Romance - Y'uraq is currently single, and I am fine for romance as long as it's something that occurs over time and is not forced.
  • Conflict - Conflict happens everywhere and that's great! I'm looking for antagonists/enemies/rivals to raise stakes with.
  • Darker themes/ stories - I'd love to join or devise a story arc that could include violent, or dramatic scenes. However, keep in mind I don't want this happening every day/week/Month. I expect these to be nothing more than scenes important to plot points and helping someone progress their story, and/or my own.

For possibly plot driven RP/Story Arcs:


I am looking for contacts/friends, foes/enemies, rivals (friendly or hostile). I'm also happy to join an in-progress story arc or perhaps start a whole new one!


  • a THM/BLM mentor - Having shown past potential in void based magicks, Y'uraq has joined the Thaumaturge's guild in hopes to further his understanding of dark aether to better connect the links between the voidsent and the ancient Allagans.

  • a CNJ/AST mentor - Y'uraq has always struggled evoking aether without resorting to his traditional method, recalling moments where his limited experience as a healer would barely grant him the ability to cast a proper cure spell.

  • a LNC/DRG mentor - Y'uraq has limited experience fighting with a spear and would jump (ha, pun) at the opportunity to improve his skills 
  • A fellow student, researcher or Academic/Scholarly mentor - Y'uraq has only gotten his feet wet in the world of scholars, and would be happy to make new contacts or perhaps even a mentor in his pursuits in Allagan History.
  • A rival (friendly or hostile) - Based on all the info i'm giving here there's GOT to be someone who would be at odds with him.
  • A mentor to a A GLA/PLD/MRD/WAR/DRK student - Y'uraq is proud of his achievements as a man-at-arms
  • Romance - Y'uraq is pan-romantic, and because it's not Final Fantasy without a bit of romance on the side. And like i said before, he's not meant to be with -just- anyone. If your character has an interest in him, then work for it! Forced relationships fall apart faster than Minfillia's character development (and just as boring too). How that romance starts or develops is to the imagination and I'm also not restricting races for this. If Y'uraq ends up liking your character enough is because of who they are. Y'uraq is not traditional in his people's customs. (No interest in Nunhship)
  • A Protector - Though normally shy and reserved, Y'uraq has no problems upholding his creed as a dark knight, and rush to defend the downtrodden without hesitation.
  • Void hunters - Y'uraq's affinity with the void is bound to attract some unwanted attention
  • The Lambs of Dalamud - Does anyone RP as one of these guys? Either way would make for some great conflict.


If there's anything I might had missed, or you think Y'uraq would be a great addition for, please feel free to comment below or send me a PM! And I'm always happy to make new friends in general to play and do stuff with in-game!


I'm online almost all day, but I may be "afk" while im tabbed out working on a drawing / commission during the day. But I normally start playing sometime between 6 pm to midnight EST


Thank you for reading! <3

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Oh, lawd!  Your boy’s definitely come a loooong way since the last time I saw him! Still browsing his wiki but it’d be really fun to have our boys meet again. I’m gonna go out here on a limb and say they’d likely become fast rivals, but I’m down for being proved wrong. Then again, no one really gets along with Feine.


Let me know where you prefer to RP, whether it’s here on RPC, elsewhere or in-game and I’ll try to catch you sometime if you’d be interested! Feine’s wiki is still a massive WIP but you’re more than welcome to sift through it. 


Happy writing!

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Oh, lawd!  Your boy’s definitely come a loooong way since the last time I saw him! Still browsing his wiki but it’d be really fun to have our boys meet again. I’m gonna go out here on a limb and say they’d likely become fast rivals, but I’m down for being proved wrong. Then again, no one really gets along with Feine.


Let me know where you prefer to RP, whether it’s here on RPC, elsewhere or in-game and I’ll try to catch you sometime if you’d be interested! Feine’s wiki is still a massive WIP but you’re more than welcome to sift through it. 


Happy writing!


Oh man, the RP community has been a blast \o/ Yes! Y'uraq hasn't seen Feine since forever! :U And that'd be awesome! I'm dying for some conflict around here xD. As great as most people getting along is, it's always interesting to have someone to be at odds with.


And I perfer to RP In-game, though im not opposed to forum RP. (I just like RP'ing in game more xD)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh hey, I think I've seen you around!


I'd be happy to RP with you sometime on any of my girls, though this weekend is lining up to be a busy one, unfortunately ; w ;


Check out my wikis and shoot me a PM if you'd like to RP!

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