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Kindly Lalafell looking for contacts!

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Hey all!


I've been around/RPing since launch but, as it turns out, I'm super bad at meeting new people, so I'm putting this out there just in case there's any one looking for a new friend/enemy/miscellaneous drama partner. I'm open to either in-game RP, or play-by-posts on here or on Skype if you want something more relaxed. My timezone is PST and I'm kind of a night-owl at that, so I am typically most active later at night.


Kinono is a generally cheerful and motherly Dunesfolk who loves bad jokes and hates cultists. She considers herself a retired adventurer, and as such has a fairly wide (if utilitarian) amount of knowledge on topics magical and martial. Current internal conflicts include adapting to a domestic life and dealing with mortality.


For more information/ideas on connections/other stuff, you can view her wiki here or send me a PM!


Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any response or interest. B)

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I believe I've seen you around in-game before. I have two characters (wiki in my signature) who would likely get along with your character rather well. 

Nanagi is an aether researcher and rather stubborn. Kanako is rather laid back and easy to get along with. I'm available for in-game and forum RP, just let me know what you prefer and hopefully we can work something out.


Hope to RP with you soon. ^_^

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Yes Nebula needs more lala minions ... special cauldren vgitable stew spa treatment awaits. Or happy to just meddle in your business.


I'm not sure about the sounds of that first one... Everyone knows Lalafell taste best marinated.


Meddling, though, is something I can always get behind!


I believe I've seen you around in-game before. I have two characters (wiki in my signature) who would likely get along with your character rather well. 

Nanagi is an aether researcher and rather stubborn. Kanako is rather laid back and easy to get along with. I'm available for in-game and forum RP, just let me know what you prefer and hopefully we can work something out.


Hope to RP with you soon. ^_^


Both your characters seem like they'd be a lot of fun to RP with, and I'd absolutely love to soon! I'll keep an eye out for you in-game, as that's where it's typically easier for me to RP! I'll do my best to poke you and add you to my friend's list but if you happen to catch me first, feel free to get my attention!


Always up for meeting new folks on all my characters.  And Jujuwai needs to add to his ever growing number of platonic lala friends.


There's a list? Is it like a mailing list? Is there a newsletter? I wanna be on the list!


I shall try and keep an eye out and add you to my friend's list as well! :D If you happen to see me on first though, feel free to poke me!


Kinono is the best and if I actually RP'd regularly I would bother you all the time.  But you get my endorsement for awesomeness anyway.


Tyndles here is a liar and charlatan. Don't believe a word he says!


Just kidding he's pretty great too.

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From the sound of things, Kinono would likely get along great with my character, Zozomaru Roromaru. He's something of a wanderer, with knowledge in a random assortment of things from that. Upbeat, sarcastic, willing to go down the rabbit's hole on a completely made up topic, a little flirty, but generally a decent guy.


Feel free to look me up!

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