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A bit late, but hello! <3 (Balmung, GMT)


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As the title says, this introduction is a bit late as I've been playing FF for nearly a year by now, but I want to get more active on the forums and expand the number of people I roleplay with, so hello! :D


I've been a roleplayer across various games for well over ten years now, with obvious titles such as WoW, GW2 and Wildstar. I signed up for FFXIV just a few weeks before Heavensward came out and haven't looked back since!


Currently, my main character is Shayla Maldorf, a character who was originally a Necromancer in GW2/D&D, an Engineer in Wildstar and now a Dragoon/Thaumaturge, as well as being adept with various other pre-30 close combat classes As of writing this post, she's a Corporal in the lovely mercenary FC, Hallr's Vanguard. But now I'm looking to expand my horizons and reach out for roleplay with people outside of the FC a bit more often than I do now, as I hear the FF RP Community on Balmung is quite lovely. That and it'd be nice to meet more roleplayers in my timezone! <3

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