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[WIP]The Beginning of the Holy Empire of Ladylake[WIP]

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Hello, I'm currently searching for people to begin roleplaying with. Currently, I only have one other interested as.. I am a bit shy to walk up to others and to start. I'm very nervous as I write this, as I'm scared of.. very very bad backlash. if anyone wants to post here with tips, ill listen. I'm aware I may be spelling several names wrong and so on...


This roleplay is meant to naturally interact with other roleplays, thus perhaps creating a true world wide experience. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but its worth it to try. Currently, I'm only getting Alisha's name out. Asking friends if they'd like to participate in the future. My goal is to buy a Mansion before I do anything else, in Ishgard for Alisha and her Free Company/Linkshells.




What is Ladylake?



The Holy Empire of Ladylake is a vast, wealthy nation to the far north west of Eorzea. It spans across three continents and is considered an enemy of the Garlean Empire. It is said that the Holy Sword, and original Zodiac Blade, Excalibur, rests within the Great Lake of Altear on the Southern continent. 


Ladylake is also run off a different currency. Due to the fact I do not know what Gil is made of, I'll assume a less-than-expensive metal alloy of some kind. Ladylake's most abundant resource is precious stones. However, the abundance and availability has them treated as currencies instead. Corundum, is the main source of this abundance or, rubies, sapphires and so on. Other gems also are apart of this, however diamonds are considered rather worthless and are exchanged with Eorzea and other continents for imported goods. Mainly tomes, and texts on forgotten magics, along with information on tradition and the Garlean Empire.



Who Rules this Nation?



The nation of Ladylake is led by the twin Empresses and their Elder brother, who reside over the Twelve Kingdoms. Four Kingdoms, on each continent. Each with their own abundant resources that provide for the Holy Empire as a whole.




I would prefer to work hand in hand with everyone, but you are rather free to decide your member's life. Even royalty is known for becoming monster hunters, mercenaries and so on. Some have spent their entire life in luxery, while other's have traveled the nation on foot. Children of the royals are acceptable of course. Just run it by myself or those I may place into a position to do so in the future.



The Current open Roles are:


Several Princess slots. Hyur/Miqo'te Only. One Elezen spot is open from adoption.

Several Prince slots. Hyur/Miqo'te Only. One Au Ra spot open, due to being found as a child.


Eorzean Knights of Diphda, Paladin, Dark Knight, Warrior, Astro, Dragoon, Handmaiden, and so on. Total of 24 positions. Level 30 OCC required, Job NOT required. However, Knight's may have pupils they are teaching, and pupil's can choose whatever class they want. 


[White Mages are an unknown in Ladylake, as only four recorded instances of White Mages exist.]


Emperor is closed, and will not be open for quite some time.

One Empress position, as Alisha's eldest sister may be open. Name is decided.

Alisha's mother is open, but nobility. Also, her Mother must be a Seeker or Keeper Miqo'te.



Are they an enemy of the Garlean Empire?


Yes. However, Garlemead lacks the ability to contest them in any sort of prolonged war. Each continent has its own military force, much like the Eorzean alliance. Yet, as said before the three nations are ruled by one at the top, three below, twelve at the third spot, and the nobility of each nation at the bottom.



Who is currently involed in this roleplay?



Currently, only myself as Alisha Diphda, and one other friend have expressed interest. However, I... haven't exactly asked. I'm afraid of the possible backlash from the community.


Alisha Diphda, is the Seventh Princess, and is currently Thirteenth In line to the Throne. She is the diplomat between the Three Grand Company's and Ishgard at this time. However, talks have only entered Ishgard with the fall of the previous ruler, and Ul'Dah. Notable figures that she is well acquainted with include: Rauh Bahn, The Sultana, House Dzemaul and House Fortemps. 


As for her deeds, she was noted to be a companion of The Warrior's of Light when invading Castrum, along side her own personal guard. Note, this achievement is merely to give her some form of direct familiarity with the Warrior's of Light. It is a tale she recount's to few, and mainly to children.


Alisha is currently a member of the Twin Adder. This is merely an act of good will, and she is currently known for being an avid Monster Hunter.




The Warrior's of Light, are to be heavily acknowledged within this Roleplay. They will not be seen of course, as that is a role I wish no one to have. While it is important, imagine the level of IC RP you'd be expected to be a part of. Perhaps if someone was truly interested once this took off, but for now I would prefer for such positions to remain closed. Its really just a big argument waiting to happen.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm still on top of this. But, its been on hold for some time. Its meant to be a side experince for people who might want to take part.


as an added note, I'll be renaming things of course. Placeholders

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