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Help a Lala BookWorm see the world!

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By force, more than likely!


So. I've had the idea for a Dunesfolk Lalafell character that would be a very scholarly type, always a nose in their books, studying, trying to understand Aether and such better. I know, super original.


Haven't quite got a solid idea yet, was hoping to maybe get an interest check of some sort! Someone, or multiple someones whose characters, perhaps a nice lalafell or two, are willing to drag the poor Lala out to see the world. Even if they have to drag him kicking and screaming.


Finalizing the character idea for the moment, however. Stuck on a name, which is really the only hang up, and potentially a Class and Job, prolly Conjurer to start, and go from there, because books!


But yeah, would love to try and play out this character, so hope to make some contacts for the little nerd.


- Edit: Woops! I.. may have messed up a bit. I forgot about the Server Character Creation Restrictions. For some reason I was under the Impression that once you had a character on the Server, you could make more. Or if you have one there, you can transfer one in. I was horribly mistaken!


However, still would like to make some connections, maybe chat here or through a chat program to finalize ideas and such.

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Hiya, I'd be happy to RP with you sometime!


Adelaide is the least likely candidate (though you're free to look at her wiki if you'd like to see if you still wanna RP with her!), so I'll offer up Rihxo and Arata! Their wikis are in my signature, so check em out and shoot a PM my way if you're interested!


*pops confetti popper*

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Hello and Welcome! My main is a lalafell and she is an Aether Researcher.

Admist her RP plot chaos, i'm sure there can be time for her to meet with your lalafell.


Great place to write out ideas and get advice is the Character Workshop. A wonderufl thread that compiles a bunch of lore links is the Frequently Discussed Subjects. This also has links going in-depth about lalafell RP and magic.


If you ever need any help, there are plenty of people here who would be willing to lend a hand.

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Hey there! Your ideas so far are really fun, and something that'd be fun to take part in or help with, if needed! If you had skype, my name on there is simply kinono.kino, and it's the easiest way to reach me, otherwise, we could chat on here. Kinono also has a wiki and knows some of the ways of the world, while also being self-sufficient... and she's going a little stir-crazy to boot.



Hope you're able to get on Balmung soon!

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