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Xaela Engineer seeking all contacts!

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I have Yui pretty sorted out now, all that is left is to RP her out! So, I'm looking to snag some contacts and hopefully some linkshells!


Yui is an Engineer, based out of a storage unit she calls her "Workshop" in Ishgard. With that in mind, She is also known to make her to each of the city-states for work and extra materials.. (As if she doesn't have enough already.)


First and Foremost, Yui favors repairs. Then it's tinkering with her own creations, where her specialty lies in creations such as Firearms and the like. She's able to defend herself with Guns, Hand-To-Hand combat and long-swords.


I'm looking for anything, from Friendships to enemies and then some!


Your character would know Yui if...

1: They've been around Skysteel Manufactory in Ishgard. Chances are they've seen her working on projects there.

2: Travelling between the states with a white-chocobo. 

3: Bumped into her at a Tavern.


IF you're an Au Ra, More so a Xaela.. You'd recognize/know of Yui if..

1: You're from the Moks tribe.

2: Overheard people talking about her and her creations in Othard.


Even if your character doesn't already know of her based on what I've listed above, that's even better! Those are just some quick, first thing I thought of prompts to make interaction a bit easier!


I would put more about Yui here, but I'm waiting to develop more of who she is through IC interactions. Feel free to message me if you'd like to RP! ♥

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