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Looking to get into rping

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So after nearly a year off the game I decided to jump back in,  wouldn't you know it my desire for roleplaying came right back as well,  I tried some random pickups in the Sands and stuff but I find I either waste my time or when  something happens I get all tongue tied and freak out a bit,  difficult to play a confident character when you yourself have got the odd social issue xD



So I find a bit of setup effort before hand does wonders,  so here I am asking for people to try out roleplaying with me! I'm usually on fairly late in the -4 timezone,  I'm open to anything for the most part,  just looking to get my foot in the door and I'd love to try with some other newer people,  I find the idea of roleplaying through the early dungeons quite appealing! 


A bit about my character,  Izzalynn Ryder is the daughter of a con man,  she is one of the younger of her 5 siblings and after years of assisting her old man in his schemes and swindles she's decided she wants to thrust out on her own,  she's confident and tough,  but actually a bit naive as well,  one aspect of her character I'd like to latch onto is her having used a sword for years,  but only recently did she pick up the shield, I figure she'd be trained in fighting to defend their little troupe out on the roads,  outside of that she is a story teller and dabbles in a few other things,  sleight of hand and dancing. 



This is all just mostly spit balling for now,  obviously I'd like to iron out her character through actual roleplaying so in a month or two this could all change xD


Feel free to send me a friend request or a mail in game (Izzalynn Ryder)   or a Pm on here :)  thanks for your time guys and gals.

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So after nearly a year off the game I decided to jump back in,  wouldn't you know it my desire for roleplaying came right back as well,  I tried some random pickups in the Sands and stuff but I find I either waste my time or when  something happens I get all tongue tied and freak out a bit,  difficult to play a confident character when you yourself have got the odd social issue xD



So I find a bit of setup effort before hand does wonders,  so here I am asking for people to try out roleplaying with me! I'm usually on fairly late in the -4 timezone,  I'm open to anything for the most part,  just looking to get my foot in the door and I'd love to try with some other newer people,  I find the idea of roleplaying through the early dungeons quite appealing! 


A bit about my character,  Izzalynn Ryder is the daughter of a con man,  she is one of the younger of her 5 siblings and after years of assisting her old man in his schemes and swindles she's decided she wants to thrust out on her own,  she's confident and tough,  but actually a bit naive as well,  one aspect of her character I'd like to latch onto is her having used a sword for years,  but only recently did she pick up the shield, I figure she'd be trained in fighting to defend their little troupe out on the roads,  outside of that she is a story teller and dabbles in a few other things,  sleight of hand and dancing. 



This is all just mostly spit balling for now,  obviously I'd like to iron out her character through actual roleplaying so in a month or two this could all change xD


Feel free to send me a friend request or a mail in game (Izzalynn Ryder)   or a Pm on here :)  thanks for your time guys and gals.


I have no idea if our times online would ever match up, but I'll keep an eye out in game to see if we can ever make something work! My character is pretty timid at times IC so it might be easier to practice confidence with somebody who's not going to challenge it at every step of the way. He's also a doctor. Everyone loves doctors.


I'm usually free 9am-5pm EDT on weekdays. The absolute worst time to RP. In-game name is Morrick Malkavian.

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