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Magitek lover looking for airship engineers

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... Or just skypirates with access to manacutters.



Anyway, hello!


Since I have had no luck finding what I was looking for so far (or just outright missed opportunities as often!), my character is desperately looking for a ways to... well. Approach manacutters. Very simply, she saw one (with possible skyrates) and now she is all over the idea of seeing more of those, or even getting her own - the wild dream.


So, i'm looking for airship engineers for that to happen, maybe? The end of the story is always open ended with me. Maybe she can get one? Maybe she will never get one and actually be outplayed or conned? Whatever happens in the end, she is super determined to get her hands on one.


I'm really open to any idea or suggestions, hooks or whatever could fit with your character.


The only thing I think important to add is that I generally consider stuff like manacutters a bit like a novelty in Eorzea (since well, they were invented only recently by Garlond), but we see them spreading and being used kinda like expensive toys/cars by skypirates (cf VA intro cutscenes in the Sea of Clouds). With that in mind, I would just rather avoid the slippery slope of "Want a manacutter? Sure, I build and sell them by boatloads!"


So yeah, if that could be meaningful thing with counterparts, or IC hard work, anything... I'll be happy!


To summarize a bit what kind of character i'm offering as connections, Suen is a little nerdy punk with a rebellious attitude and a craving for badass/cool/edgy/spooky things, especially any kind of fancy tech.

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I am the Free Company leader of the Lemieux Skytrade Company and I share your views on the rarity and magnificence of manacutters.


My group of pirates currently owns four manacutters. Three work and 1 is broken. They've taken these manacutters as loot after some high-octane adventures against rival pirates and the such.


Have your character swing by Goblet Ward 4, Plot 30 after about 8pm EST and sooner or later your bound to hear talk of manacutters. And if she's real lucky, she might just get escorted to check them out as far as buying them :P, we'll see, but we do roleplay them as being extremely expensive and beyond their worth just rare enough that they won't be willing to part with them very easily. Maybe the broken one :P.


Let me know if this is relevant to your interests :)

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Sure. Especially the broken one... Since she is kinda broke, or at least, not rich. I don't mind if eventually she just ends up looking at them with envy.


She is kinda good to fix improbable stuff though.

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In the Week, i'm on in the EU evenings (20:00-24:00 GMT+1 so 18:00 - 22:00 GMT currently with DST), or pretty much all the day in the week end (maybe not in the middle of the night though). 


I'll try to catch you both ingame if I can!

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