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Hi all! Nice to meet you all. This intro will probably be longer than it should (sorry), but I just want to fully explain my FFXIV time/future time and how I came about joining. I'll use some of the starting points that were recommended in the sticky. 





MMORPG background: FFXI was my first and only mmo (besides FFXIV being my current mmo). I was on the siren server. I have very fond memories and enjoyed my time there immensely! I started when ToAH was about to be released and stopped just before the moogle mini expansion came out. I enjoyed it so much, since it was my first mmo, and there was so much to do! I logged on never knowing what I would get into next!





RP experience: None. More explanation in following point.





How did you learn about the coalition: It all started back in 2010. I learned FFXIV was coming out and kept up to date with information; frequently on ZAM. I was excited knowing I finally was able to play another FF mmo again, since I quit FFXI many years prior. I started on Karnak as Weffrey Pencroff. I forget the day, but Castiel(at the time)/Kylin posted a topic about the RPC. I read it and immediately became interested, curious to know more about roleplaying. I watched the site since that moment and realized wow this is very interesting. So when FFXIV was kind of stale in the beginning I would read the stories/events created by you all back when you were all on Besaid. I realized roleplaying was very creative and noticed you all are extremely talented and creative people. I even went as far to PM Kylin(again back when he was Castiel) on ZAM for ideas for LS events because a LS I was in was in dire need to connect members in new ways(due to the game having not much content at the start.). I suggested the ideas and only one person was interested, therefore the great ideas were never set in motion.



From there on out, I continued to play on Karnak/Excalibur from 2010-2012, while always checking what you all were up to for the 2 years. I had great fun through my two year experience. Met lots of great people, but always was pondering the thought of having another character for roleplaying only. I was nervous and thought I wouldn't be good enough, so I just kept stalking...ahem...reading/watching. :lol:



THEN! Legacy conditions were announced. I saw the great plan Yoshi-P put into place allowing for multiple characters while keeping the same price. I realized I could finally join you all!:) I was beyond excited! :bouncy: So today was the day I decided to try and start my roleplaying journey by becoming a member of this site.





What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?: I never roleplayed before. Therefore, I probably should start at light, but because the character I create here will be solely created for the roleplaying experience it would be nice to move to medium/heavy.


Going Forward: I will be playing ARR once it comes back online after beta. I enjoy the time with my friends on Excalibur as Weffrey, but also want to have a main character here as well. Basically, I'll be playing both characters as much as I can. I hope that is okay to do. Also, my brother plays as well and he might want to try roleplaying here too! 



PS: (Sorry if I sound like a suck-up. Speaking from the heart.) I respect all your creative abilities greatly. I enjoyed reading a bunch of what your characters went through. Now hopefully I can become apart of a story! ^^ Also, to the artists here I respect and enjoy viewing your artwork a lot. I have no art talent whatsoever, therefore I appreciate artwork very much.



(Again, sorry for this long intro :blush:) (Ask me any questions if there is anything you wish to know/wish to know more about me.)

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First, let me say I'm glad that you have decided to join us officially. : ) Welcome, it's always great to have new RPers and please feel free to ask any questions you might have.


Like you, my only MMO was XI before XIV came around. I made the jump over to XIV and RP was pretty much what kept me here until the game itself started to become more enjoyable.


I'm hoping you'll consider making your main leveled character your RP character, but can understand if you have connections/linkpearls on another server to keep in touch with. I only say this because I have seen people try to have a main character for leveling and an alt for RPing and it is difficult for them. RP isn't (unfortunately) something that is going on all the time, so when you log in on your RP character and don't see any RP to jump into, you may log off and go to your other character.. when five minutes later, some RP pops up! You will have missed it! What a lot of us do as these are our main characters is level/play the game in the "downtime" between RP (or RP in the downtime between raids!), or we speak on our RPLS's in-character to see if we can incite some during the quiet times. While events are scheduled often, there's nothing better than just bumping into someone and starting up some unplanned random RP!


Not to say you can't make it work just fine, (don't let that scenario discourage you from delving into an RP character) I just wanted to let you know how it works sometimes in game! : ) You might just end up leveling your RP-only character too, just because!


Welcome, again!

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Welcome~! Something to also consider:


With the release of a Realm Reborn they will be allowing you to transfer servers (Only to existing ones.) so if you in fact want to migrate your current character over to the RP server you'll have perfect opportunity then! I don't believe the population is planning to change servers but until we find out what new name Balmung will be going by (I think they're changing the names to be monster-themed, aren't they?) it might be best to hold off on any plans for that.


There's plenty of linkshells to choose from and when the game relaunches there will be a public RP social linkshell for anyone to join. So if you want to wait on a RP linkshell and just want to socialize with other RPers you've got that option too. Anyhow, again welcome to the fray!

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First, let me say I'm glad that you have decided to join us officially. : ) Welcome, it's always great to have new RPers and please feel free to ask any questions you might have.


Like you, my only MMO was XI before XIV came around. I made the jump over to XIV and RP was pretty much what kept me here until the game itself started to become more enjoyable.


I'm hoping you'll consider making your main leveled character your RP character, but can understand if you have connections/linkpearls on another server to keep in touch with. I only say this because I have seen people try to have a main character for leveling and an alt for RPing and it is difficult for them. RP isn't (unfortunately) something that is going on all the time, so when you log in on your RP character and don't see any RP to jump into, you may log off and go to your other character.. when five minutes later, some RP pops up! You will have missed it! What a lot of us do as these are our main characters is level/play the game in the "downtime" between RP (or RP in the downtime between raids!), or we speak on our RPLS's in-character to see if we can incite some during the quiet times. While events are scheduled often, there's nothing better than just bumping into someone and starting up some unplanned random RP!


Not to say you can't make it work just fine, (don't let that scenario discourage you from delving into an RP character) I just wanted to let you know how it works sometimes in game! : ) You might just end up leveling your RP-only character too, just because!


Welcome, again!

Thank you for the reply Aysun! I understand what you're saying completely. I think what I'll do is try to dedicate days to each character. I would make a personal rule to not switch to the other character for however long I play for that specific day. Then, I'll alternate days so I can spend a decent chunk with my Excalibur friends and another decent chunk with Balmung friends. :) I'll try it this way for awhile, but if I notice it's not working I'll try and come up with a new plan.

Welcome~ If you need help with anything just let us know!

Thanks for the reply Deirdre! I do have many questions and would like to know should I post them here or is there another area I can/should bombard instead?

Welcome! You chose the perfect time to signup since today was the launch of the new site :D


I think I actually remember you from Zam. You wanted ideas for events back then, right?

Thanks for the reply Kylin! Yes I did. ^^ I was MrStyles on ZAM. I still have your ideas saved in a word document haha. Great to finally join after a couple years spying! ;D

Welcome~! Something to also consider:


With the release of a Realm Reborn they will be allowing you to transfer servers (Only to existing ones.) so if you in fact want to migrate your current character over to the RP server you'll have perfect opportunity then! I don't believe the population is planning to change servers but until we find out what new name Balmung will be going by (I think they're changing the names to be monster-themed, aren't they?) it might be best to hold off on any plans for that.


There's plenty of linkshells to choose from and when the game relaunches there will be a public RP social linkshell for anyone to join. So if you want to wait on a RP linkshell and just want to socialize with other RPers you've got that option too. Anyhow, again welcome to the fray!

Thank you for the reply Mihana! I thought of transferring Weff to the Balmung server(or w/e it will be called if they change server names), but again I made great friendships in Excalibur I wouldn't want to just up and leave. To me roleplaying feels like a different game almost(hope you know what I mean and I don't sound crazy haha.). Therefore, I wanted to make a character dedicated to staying IC as much as possible, but if nothing was going on I would take Aysun's advice and level my roleplaying character during the downtimes. 


As for a RP LS, I think I'll wait and see the options since right now the linkshell tab is blank. Not sure what my choices are yet. When I do see my choices, I'll be looking for a LS that doesn't mind a person new to roleplaying, or maybe an entire new LS dedicated to new ARR roleplayers(considering established RP LSs may not want me until I get experienced at it, to avoid me from slowing them down.).

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Hey there! Welcome to the New and Improved RPC.

Thank you Tadir! Can't wait to try RPing!


Always nice to see new blood on the RP scene. It can be kind of awkward in the beginning so don't get discouraged. We were all in your shoes at some point so help is never too far away. Welcome to the RPC.

Thanks Duplicitous Rex! Yeah, I am not sure what I should do first honestly haha. Not sure what direction my RP character will go, but thanks for the encouragement!


Welcome! Glad to have you.

Thank you Teveriel! 


Hey, silly summoner! Welcome. ^^


Thanks Aveline! The reason I put that title is because summoner has always been my favorite job in the FFs I've played. The silly part is because I didn't want to have a title that sounded like "Grand Summoner" (you know like sounding cocky/full of myself). Also, crazy/silly events always happen to me in real life and in FFXIV, so I decided I wanted to add that since some days I don't know what crazy things will happen next! :cactuar:

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Long is good! Long means we get to know just that much more about you to start out with.


Welcome here, dear. For people new to RP I imagine, this is the place to be.


Unintentional rhyming and bad grammars on my part. Apologies. >.<


Thanks for the reply Siobhain. Rhyming is fine by me, do it all you want!

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I will rhyme my brains out. Cus yanno...that's what I'm all about. AHA!


No... I'm a terrible poet. If you have any questions, I also volunteer to help try to answer them. Mostly if it regards markers. I can do markers. My resume is short....


Haha nice one! I do have many questions, but I am not sure where to post them. Should I lay them all out here in my intro thread or is there a better section to post them all to receive some insight? (There are a lot of what if scenarios that I could see myself getting into. Just want to make sure I handle them in the correct way!)

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Welcome to the RPC, Weffrey! :3


I noticed you asked about where to post questions, and you have a few options. You could always ask in this thread if you like, or you can post in the RP Discussion Subforum which is especially good for big topics that engender a lot of discussion. You could also PM me or any of the other moderators if you're more comfortable with that. 


Now that you mention it, though, I think we might want to start thinking about making a beginner's guide to FFXIV roleplaying. So keep an eye out for that and other resources.

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I think there are some new posts up under the roleplaying thread with information. Merri cleaned up one old post with sources. But by all means, you can ask here. People will continue to read this thread and respond. Or ask in any other thread that seems to match your subject of questioning.

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Welcome to the RPC, Weffrey! :3


I noticed you asked about where to post questions, and you have a few options. You could always ask in this thread if you like, or you can post in the RP Discussion Subforum which is especially good for big topics that engender a lot of discussion. You could also PM me or any of the other moderators if you're more comfortable with that. 


Now that you mention it, though, I think we might want to start thinking about making a beginner's guide to FFXIV roleplaying. So keep an eye out for that and other resources.

Thank you for the reply Ellie! I'll post a "The Question Box" thread in that section and see how it goes. I hope others will use it too to post their questions! Also, thanks for offering me the option to PM Spam  (I have a bunch!) ask you questions through PM. I think I'll try the thread though so everyone can put their input in if they want! 


I'll keep my eye out for the guide too!


I think there are some new posts up under the roleplaying thread with information. Merri cleaned up one old post with sources. But by all means, you can ask here. People will continue to read this thread and respond. Or ask in any other thread that seems to match your subject of questioning.


Where's the rhymes? :cry: I'll try posting in the section that Ellie linked and see if it works. I'm nervous though, got so many questions. ><

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Welcome to the RPC! It seems to me like you all ready have the makings of a good roleplayer, just keep at it and don't be afraid to ask for help! :)


Thank you for the reply Vee! Those are very kind words, thank you. I hope I will be decent at it and yeah I'll definitely ask for help. :)

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