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So I'm back at it again on Balmung and I'm ready to mingle! So...I'm just gunna use the template...again lol


--MMORPG background

Angels Online, Tera Online, Some WoW, Some Perfect World


--RP experience

RPed on forums, a little bit on FFXIV when I was on Balmung first, so I kinda know what I'm doing. I mean. I'm a professional ;)


--Character ideas/info

No clue.


--How did you learn about the coalition?



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Everything I can be.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Work pretty much everyday, and since school is over I'm pretty much on every night from 4pm to 11pm EST. When I'm off from work you can expect me to be on pretty much all day, but I also play on Lich so I'll be dividing my time between Balmung and Lich.

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