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My name is Theodore Castagnier. But you are more than welcome to call me "Theo" or "Teddy", whichever you may choose. As a heads-up, this name is in fact, my in-game character name. I hail from the Diablos server as a Lvl 59 Dark Knight Mi'Qote male. I haven't had a whole lot of time to dedicate myself to the game recently, though, due to lots of work hours, bills, etc, etc. In short, being an adult sucks. xD 


But be that as it may, I still find some time to dedicate to my hobbies in RP, and would very much like to do that with some new people. My character does have a bit of history that I've written down on paper as I progressed through the storyline so far, so I hope that will pique your interest, and hopefully, we can draw something up together from that. It can be one-on-one, it can be open to the public. If you want some kind of personal plot with my character, I am more than happy to try it. As for his story? Well, I'll copy-pasta that for you some time in the near future.


If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message me up here, or, you can ask for my Skype address here. Doesn't matter to me. Also, do keep in mind, that I may not always be able to get around to RP responses, due to work, fatigue, or perhaps simply not having the muse at the time. That said, hope to hear from some people soon, and maybe you can help me fully understand how things work around here.


Cheers, loves!

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