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Valentine's Day


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K so we've got:


Ladies x Doods


1. Xenedra x Paradyme

2. Risu x Yssen

3. Alothia x Farridor

4. Deidre x Zesiro

5. Eiri x Kylin

6. Siobhain x Shippu

7. Manari x Zenge


(I ended up splitting them into 'males' and 'females' and put Eiri in with the ladies and I used the balled up paper + which does my grandpa pick from each pile method. It was a toss up between Kylin and Eiri for which went into the 'girl' pile. No offense intended.)


If this is acceptable, I'll need a special volunteer of artist to do two pictures. If no one has the time for two then I can do two!


Furthermore, if anyone wants to pick which pieces they do, feel free. If you don't want to pick I can assign artists the same way.


For the sake of diversity, I'm encouraging the artists that volunteered (if they don't want this to be random) to draw for couples that don't include their own characters.

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Okay, sorry this took a bit.


First off, Gerik, if you'd like (I think you will) we can put you in with Eiri and Kylin if neither of them have any complaints. If you don't want to or if they don't want to then we can put you alone.


Secondly, thanks to Vee (aka Isil'wen) for helping me random choose the artist line up.


So we have (UPDATED 7:32 pm EST)

1. Xenedra x Paradyme by Deidre

2. Risu x Farridor by Shippu

3. Alothia x Yssen by Eiri

4. Deidre x Zesiro by Xenedra (If she is available, she said she would be moving so if it's too much trouble, this one is also up for volunteers or I will do it myself)

5. Eiri x Kylin (x Gerik?!) by Siobhain

6. Siobhain x Shippu by Mtoto

7. Manari x Zenge by Abaigael.


So there we have it. If anyone has any complaints or would like to switch or any such thing, feel free to tell me and I'll edit this post. Also, if anyone has any potential inspiration for the artists (not necessarily speaking for the other artists that they will utilizing it) as for poses, situations, conversations, etc. of what you may like to see for your character or someone else's, feel free to say it here. Like I said, I can't say whether or not your suggested 'theme' will definitely happen but if you want to give us some suggestions, I, personally, love suggestions.

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Farridor seems the more innocent pervy type. I shall switch them, as Alothia seems down with it and either boy gets a cute Miqo lady. ^_^


P.S. Gerik, if you're cool with it and Xenedra's too busy, could you pick up the Zesiro x Deidre picture? I read volunteer/throw you in as a person in a picture and completely overlooked the 'so busy' thing so, didn't realize you were also volunteering to draw. Durr. I can't read.

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I just want to cheer this on, and hope to see some awesome/hilarious pictures! :)


I didn't step forward for either part because of reasons, but I do think it's so cool that it's happening. Makes up for my failure to go ahead with the art trade I mentioned to follow up the previous one I organised. That was also for reasons. >_>

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Can't see it the img is white to me :(






My pairing is of two alts that have not been completely formulated or created within the game. There's no profiles on the forums or wiki etc. Ergo I cannot draw my picture currently because I have like absolutely zero to go on....

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Right, like various authority figure are not ALREADY after him. Can't say he'd cross the line into that territory though, what with having an adopted 14 year old. Is pretty hilarious though, and I do love a good joke. ;p


All and all switching was a good plan, though.

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Okay... No idea if I can bring myself to post this. *deep breath*






Kylin (I tried to make him pretty in the face), Eiri (With hair down), and Gerik (*nosebleed*)


Forgive my anatomies. This is new stuff for me but I decided to try it.I want to color this in GIMP if I can, but judging how long it took me to scribble out a freehand pic in the program, no idea how long that'll take me. For now there is this.


Happy Valentione's Day.


*hides under a blanket*

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