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I know Lalafell have an incredibly in-depth guide on naming conventions over here, but I don't believe Miqo'te have ever had an official one.


I think the general consensus (For Sunseekers, at least) was that traditional miqo'te names involve having a short to long given name, with an apostrophe in place after the first letter. Their surname, on the other hand, is usually very short. Moonkeepers, on the other hand, have very short given names that are usually 3~4 letters long, and their surnames are just a very long garble of letters,(I.E Koh Lenbalalako, Jakoh Wahcondalo, etc) as has been mentioned above.


It was the same as it was in XI for Mithra, so there's lots of examples there for females. However, the only male Mithra we saw in XI had sort of a short name overall, that being Lehko Habhoka. So, XIV might have similar naming conventions to XI, but we really can't know for certain.


Now, this is a quote from Fernahalwes that will answer your question, just not right now, unfortunately.



"As for naming conventions, you won't have to wait for ARR's release for those, as we hope to have a comprehensive guide out sometime during before or right after the launch of Beta. It will cover all 5 races (including both clans and both sexes) and should include a Roegadyn dictionary to help those looking to make a Sea Wolf."


So, that should be coming out relatively soon. In fact, the thread can be found here, and I would suggest you bump it up and ask if this will in fact be coming out soon, as the last post was made last year and beta came out recently.



Lastly, having a Miqo'te doesn't necessarily mean you need a traditional Miqo'te name. There is a large variety of circumstances that could lead to your Miqo'te having a name with more Hyuran roots, etc. It really just depends on how they were raised.


For example, I've been toying with the idea of retconning my character to Miqo'te, and if I were to do so I would keep my Hyur name and surname. However, that would simply be because half of his ancestors had long since acclimated to a more modern society and dropped the tribal conventions to adopt a more modern namesake.


I'd suggest naming your character what you want to name them, or simply waiting for the official guide to be released. That's just my two cents, though.



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At this point there are traditional racial names, traditional regional names, and just plain names. Rhio Aldul's name is a traditional miqo'te given name and a traditional Ul'dahn name, both of which have undergone major changes in spelling over a long period of time. (Her given name traditionally was produced through a light rumble in the back of the throat similar to a purr followed by the vowel sounds, which was best approximated through "R'hio," with the apostrophe dropped over time. Her surname originally was written "al-Dhul" and has retained the same basic sound while the transliteration has grown simpler.)


I think that more important than having a fully normal name is having one that sounds roughly correct for the character and background. My given name is Scottish despite the fact that I'm pretty unambiguously not Scottish, but no one ever asks me what a man with a French family name is doing with a Scottish given name.


Actually, most people just ask me how the heck to pronounce my last name, but that's not the point.

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They're giving us an official naming conventions guide?! OMG, that's fantastic. I've helped with them in several other games, and currently am leading a project to make a guide for Wildstar...all of the time and guesswork and obscure name hunting (which has earned me a strange status as the Name Chic amongst some of my friends) removed and just having the damn thing provided by the creators. I think I'm going to faint.



Granted, I'm likely going to have to rename some of my characters. Particularly Rana, who is a Seeker of the Sun...though she grew up in Ul'dah so I'm not sure if its really necessary too. Eva Llewellyn is another one I'm considering changing, as the surname doesn't fit with the names I've since seeen in relation to those who escaped from Ala Mhigo; Eva's kind of neutral because it can be a nickname for a lot more complex, fitting names. May end up having to change Anezka's name, however I waited to give her a surname and I -think- it works; it's Gaelic, and an alternate spelling at that.



Anyways, now that my inner linguist has geeked out, back to one of the original questions here.



I do have a suggestion for you, beyond agreeing that most of the communing would be feeling based (sort of empathic in nature) rather than direct speaking, and when it was, the speaking would be very broken and defined in a word or two. Depending upon your race, you can go with this idea I used for Anezka - have your ears twitch when you suddenly hear the elements. In Ana's case, this generally happens due to how sensative the hearing of Duskwight are, whenever she hears something new that catches her attention, or her linkpearl goes off on her. I could easily see something like that happening when a Conjurer/White Mage hears an element.



Spacing out isn't entirely necessary. I believe the moogles do such more so because they can get in deeper conversations with the elements than we ever should be capable of, though if one said something really weird, it would make sense to stop and have a WTF moment from it.



Anyways, that's my whole 2 gil on the subject right now!

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