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Looking for IC Maelstrom Personnel

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⚑ Maelstrom Command ⚑

a new Grand Company/Law Enforcement RP LinkShell & Free Company, is now accepting new characters!


We're looking for:

  • IC members of the Maelstrom, Knights of the Barracuda, or Yellowjackets – all IC ranks, all classes
  • Young whipper snappers looking to join up and begin training
  • Sailors, crafters, farmers – both combat and non-combat types
  • Spiritual leaders (of Llymlaen, the Navigator, specifically)
  • A mix of characters who would follow Admiral Merlwyb to the ends of Hydaelyn, and characters who hate her and would rather undermine her ‘til their dying day... or hers
  • Combat & weapons trainers, law enforcement, tacticians, scholars, detectives etc.


For more information about us, including how to join, check out our page in LinkShell Hall:



~'Til Sea Swallow All!~

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