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Smuggler Character - Interested in Contacts, Antagonist, and RP

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Howdy there!


Hope everyone is well. I know there are a lot of these sort of posts so I'll get to the meat of the matter and let you all move on! :D





Quick cap.  Been rping for roughly four to five years now in both MMO's and Tabletop.  I work a lot (but who DOESN'T these days) so time in game isn't as much as it could be but I prefer RP to game play so always happy to pop in and rp when able.  I love plots and hope to maybe be part or help organize some if able to.


The Character:


My character, Tray'Ju Estinoch, is a drug-dealing smuggler operating out of Ul'dah and I'm looking for rp with him!  He's a miqo'te in his thirtieth year.  He's soft spoken, thoughtful, and currently trying to pay off some debts he owes while also trying to finance his own addictions.  He was born and raised in Limsa, where he served as first a cabin boy and then, later, a ship's navigator.  His naval career began when he was sixteen and came to an end a decade later when he bonded and settled down to farm and start a family. A goal that, sadly, never reached fruition.  His mate was killed and he came to Ul'dah planning to avenger her.


However he became wrapped up in crime and, in truth, as stopped trying to avenge his mate on any scale above lip service.


RP Hooks

A hook would be pretty simple. If you character is a law enforcement type, they could apprehend him. If the criminal sort, well that's an even easier hook. And if something else, I'd be happy to work it with you.


Type of Rp Looking for:

I am seeking all sorts of rp, especially good plots that span multiple events. Tray'Ju is a low fantasy character so I try to aim for that sort of story since he couldn't keep up with fireball wielding mages or void spawn, though I won't say no to any sort of good rp. lol.


If you are interested, pm. I wish you a good day and thanks for stopping by!

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Hi! I write a petty thief who resides in Ul'dah, also low-fantasy, and I'd love to rp some time! Shoot me a /tell next time you're in game!


Cohno'ra Vukoja


Hey there! I'll be looking for you next time I'm in game! Looking forward to rping with ya. :D

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I have a dark knight alt (Aesmir) who could act as an antagonist for your character, maybe. She is a blind traveller and thinks it is her duty to help people as best as possible wherever she goes, so she could try to stop his criminal activities with hope to guide him on a "better path".

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I misread that as "Snuggler character" xD My derps aside though, I have a keeper alt that is supposed to be prone to getting some drugs from time-to-time, and is open to the kind of trouble that one might get for doing that, so if you're interested in something like that hit me up ^^ Timezones might be a challenge but it tends to be workable :)

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