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LF Contacts, Short Term or Long Term RP

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Hello! I'm fairly new to this RPing on video game thing (I've been exclusively forums), having only started I wanna say two to three weeks ago. I've done the hang out at Quicksand/Drowning Wench scene. Well, TBH while my character (Maria Zolts) isn't shy or awkward, I am, so things haven't been going as well as I'd like. I am in an awesome FC though, so that's been helpful. Nonetheless, I'd like for my character to meet others and form new bonds, relationships, and develop as a whole.



I would love to have someone for Maria to interact with on the long term, but short term is fine as well. Love interest is not off the table, as Maria's (distant)dream is to ultimately have a large family, but atm she's not interested in romance or in having a lover/flings. It'd take some work/plotting. +5 if you're a roegadyn man though.


Since joining her FC she's not really holding down an official job. She travels and is doing personal research on aetherial theory and any history pertaining to magic. For extra gil on the side she is a seamstress/leatherworker. As an adventurer, she shows herself off as a thaumaturge.


Personality-wise, Maria comes off as laid back and easy to please/amuse. Very casual upon first meeting and has a live and let live mentality. Her motto is practially 'far be it for me to judge...' Ofc that's something to explore for long term RP, since it can make her come off as uncaring.






+ Brandy (or rum, but brandy is 1st choice)

+ Baths and Bath houses

+ Books

+ Pretty much anything sweet

+ Fashion




- Insincerity

- Cruelty

- Ochu and Morbols (don't ask)

- Pushiness


Alignment: Neutral Good


More information can be found on her Wiki Page.

She also has a tumblr.

I'm on PST and am on at sporadic hours, but can be found online during the afternoons/evenings, since my FC holds a lot of events during the week.

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Heya! Im always up for meeting new folks, I just always seem to be in a scene when ive seen maria around.   I have a number of characters she could meet, that id be happy to detail later!  (A storm ate my modem, and dont feel up to a lengthy post on my phone atm)

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Heya! Im always up for meeting new folks, I just always seem to be in a scene when ive seen maria around.   I have a number of characters she could meet, that id be happy to detail later!  (A storm ate my modem, and dont feel up to a lengthy post on my phone atm)


Sure! Feel free to message me in whatever way is comfortable for you. Looking forward to learning more about your characters.

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ALRIGHT, my internet is back. Lets do this.





The Soldier




My main, Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn.  A Maelstrom vet with over 19 years of combative experience, a warriors soul crystal around his neck, and an axe larger than most hyur, he's an intimidating son of a bitch.  But appearances can be deceiving.  The man is incredibly kind, to the point of nearly being selfless.  Always willing to help someone in need for the price of a pint and a tale afterwards: be it stopping street thugs, or pummeling primals, he's game.  



The Inventor


Growing up in a traditional Dunesfolk Nomadic family, Jujuwai is a bit... rustic.  He, his three brothers, and one sister, all grew up roaming Thanalan upon the backs of a herd of adamantoise, and it often shows in his mannerisms.  However, thanks to the firm insistence and efforts of his mother, he and his siblings where all educated.  Following the calamity, the family was forced to stop their nomadic ways for a time, and take refuge in Ul'dah, where they all took up various jobs in order to sustain themselves.  In the instance of Jujuwai, this was an apprenticeship with an engineer of the Garlond Ironworks.  Years later, Jujuwai has come into his own as an engineer and mechanic, working in the employ of the Foreign Levies of the Maelstrom as support staff: repairing and creating devices to help them fight the good fight.




The Professor


Hailing from the Western Highlands of Coerthas, Aulsoix Claimane is a scholar of thaumaturgy, archaeology, history, and any other topics what happen to grab the interest of his infinitely curious mind. He keeps his personal life mostly to himself, preferring general anonymity.  He currently works in the employ of the Thaumaturges Guild of Ul'dah, where he specializes in the handling of dangerous artifacts: often being sent out to retrieve them to be brought back to the ossuarry for safe keeping and study.  He has been known to teach classes at various institutions around Eorzia, and even takes on the occasional pupil, educating them in the thaumaturgical arts.  


Upon first meeting, he is impeccably polite and cordial, if a bit distant.  Often coming across as cold, it is likely a byproduct of his Ishgardian upbringing.  However, as one gets to know him, he has been known to loosen up on occasion; typically with a glass of wine in hand.



The Shaman



Styrmoeya Hymronthsyn is not your typical run of the mill conjurer.  Hailing from the isles of the North Sea, he is what his people call a Styrmgreh, or Storm Calmer.  His purpose, to guide and protect his tribes vessels from the elements.  


He has been stranded in Eorzia for nearly four years now, after a rogue wave he was ill prepared to face swallowed his ship and crew in the middle of the night.  He has been struggling ever since.  Upon the surface, a stoic man with purpose.  But beneath that front lies a lost young man, failed in his purpose and far from home.


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