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Hello! I'm back at it after a lengthy hiatus, and looking to dive back into roleplaying. I am available in-game, but I am more readily available via Skype, e-mail, or PM here. Like many others here, I'm looking for some new RP partners. I've posted in the player directory already, but if anyone has any questions or anything, please ask!



What I'm looking for: A long-term RP partner/buddy. I'm totally not against walk-ups or casual encounters at all, but would ideally like to find someone that would want to try for something a bit more in-depth and plot-driven. Honestly, I'm open to just about anything. xD I miss RPing damnit! Idea-wise I'm pretty open. I don't have any itches that need to be scratched, so throw some ideas my way!



A bit about me: I'm in the Central time zone. I work full-time in a cube farm, aaand that's about it haha. I have two cats and a male betta fish. Since I work a full-time gig I'm mainly available in the evenings in-game, but I'll also be available during the day via the other things I mentioned (shhh I RP at work). I keep a somewhat busy schedule, but I still have plenty of free time for RP. :3 






My main RP character is a female Seeker on Balmung, but I also have two much-less thought-out female lalafells on Faerie. My miqo girl has a 

Wiki that is a massive WIP (it's all in my head, I just need to dump it out onto the page). Here's a bit about her though...



W'erryn Zhol is a tribe-born miqo'te that has been exiled from her clan for challenging her nunh and being defeated. She left behind her a Keeper mother, an older brother (W'zhot Tia), and her father (W'zhol Nunh). The reason behind her exile is shameful, and it isn't something that Erryn likes to talk about much. In fact, she doesn't even publicly acknowledge her tribe anymore; only a very select few know her full and true name. She is loathe to discuss her past, but sometimes finds it hard to dodge because she bears a very noticeable scar from being defeated by her father in combat: she lost an eye. 



Erryn survived in the alleys of Ul'dah for a spell before having a "come to Hydaelyn" moment with herself and setting herself straight. She traveled to Gridania and enrolled in the archer's guild to re-learn the art of archery (in her tribe she was a very skilled huntress). Some time passed, and eventually she embarked out into the world as a wandering hunter/bow-for-hire. She doesn't tend to stay in one place for too long, but she does frequently travel to Ul'dah, as it was the place of her rebirth in so many ways.



Personality-wise, she has many faces. At first she seems very coy, witty, and overall rather friendly. She can be flirtatious, and her quick wit is nearly as sharp as the daggers at her hips. Upon further prying though, she becomes a little more withdrawn. Having been more or less on her own for as long as she has, she finds it difficult to get close to others. She is ashamed of her past, and fears judgement, so she tries to keep people at arm's length. She desperately seeks companionship though, as she grew up in a decent-sized tribe.

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Hello there! Welcome back to the ffxiv hype :D


I myself happen to prefer RPing through Skype or PMs, so I'd totally be interested in throwing my boys at chu! I'm actually seeking contacts for them as well, and I've got their wiki links and an RP hook thread linked in my signature below.


Anywho your character sounds really interesting and one of my boys happens to be an ex-Tribal kitty himself! -fistbumps- Please let me know if you'd like to RP sometime! :cactuar:

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Hello there! Welcome back to the ffxiv hype :D


I myself happen to prefer RPing through Skype or PMs, so I'd totally be interested in throwing my boys at chu! I'm actually seeking contacts for them as well, and I've got their wiki links and an RP hook thread linked in my signature below.


Anywho your character sounds really interesting and one of my boys happens to be an ex-Tribal kitty himself! -fistbumps- Please let me know if you'd like to RP sometime! :cactuar:


Yay for fellow ex-tribers! xD



Throw your boy(s) at me! I'd love to RP with you! :3 I think Erryn and Chip would be a fun duo. I'm leaving work right now, so shoot me a PM and we can discuss ideas? :D

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Erryn sounds interesting, and like you, I'm still getting into RP things (though admittedly I'm still rather new in general, as well as getting over some nerves and shyness ;v; ). Seeing as she frequently returns to Ul'dah often, perhaps she may run into Serdtsevina now and then! 


Serdt is a blind Au Ra courtesan who's currently residing in Ul'dah, and has been for a good many years. While a bit reserved and distant, he doesn't mind meeting new people, and will warm up enough to carry on discussions and talk if given enough time. While I currently don't have any plans for him to get into an adventuring life, I would still like for him to make some more friends and connections, so if you're at all interested in seeing if they'd hit it off, I'd be more than happy to discuss stuff over PM and hash out possible ideas with you for a meet and greet! 


As an RPer, I prefer doing so here on the forum through PMs (or even on google documents, if you'd prefer). Serdt is currently still being leveled and prepared to be moved to Balmung, so I can't RP in-game at the moment regardless due to being on Ultros at the moment. I also sort of prefer a forum-like atmosphere for RP, since I sometimes need time to formulate a response, and I feel there's less pressure on both parties :>


But yeah! Hopefully we can see how these two would do!

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Erryn sounds interesting, and like you, I'm still getting into RP things (though admittedly I'm still rather new in general, as well as getting over some nerves and shyness ;v; ). Seeing as she frequently returns to Ul'dah often, perhaps she may run into Serdtsevina now and then! 


Serdt is a blind Au Ra courtesan who's currently residing in Ul'dah, and has been for a good many years. While a bit reserved and distant, he doesn't mind meeting new people, and will warm up enough to carry on discussions and talk if given enough time. While I currently don't have any plans for him to get into an adventuring life, I would still like for him to make some more friends and connections, so if you're at all interested in seeing if they'd hit it off, I'd be more than happy to discuss stuff over PM and hash out possible ideas with you for a meet and greet! 


As an RPer, I prefer doing so here on the forum through PMs (or even on google documents, if you'd prefer). Serdt is currently still being leveled and prepared to be moved to Balmung, so I can't RP in-game at the moment regardless due to being on Ultros at the moment. I also sort of prefer a forum-like atmosphere for RP, since I sometimes need time to formulate a response, and I feel there's less pressure on both parties :>


But yeah! Hopefully we can see how these two would do!


OooOOoOo~ Serdt sounds really interesting! That's a character concept I've not yet heard for a male.



I'd definitely be interested in seeing how they'd get on. :3 PMs are good for me, as are Google Docs (I would actually almost prefer this, as I like to create folders for my RPs for images, a brain dump doc, and the actual RP doc). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

:moogle: Bumpu~


I've found two wonderful RP partners here that are keeping my Erryn on her toes, but I've got another lass that I'm looking to roleplay with as well! So I'm still looking for more RP partners. :3 I don't have a Wiki for her yet, buuut...


Kokari Yushite; SCH/magic-y type. I fantasia'd her from a lalaboo to an Au Ri. She tends to be very serious and prefers to be alone. I don't really have a background for her yet (would totally be willing to explore that with anyone!), but her personality is pretty set.

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Yo! If you're ever looking for more people to interact with, I have a Mixlander always looking for more friends and allies. You can find his wiki, just search Josiah Covey. TL;DR- A vigilante knight-type guy with daddy issues. He's a pretty reserved guy, content with keeping to himself, but he'll never shy away from people. Anyway, back to work for me, but message me any time here, or in game!

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