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Returning Player!


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Heyo guys! Tyonis is here once more to travel the lands of Eorzea!


A bit about me:


Played FFXIV 1.0-End of an Era. I rolled on a regular server before checking out the RP community!


I've been RPing for close to sixteen years! I am currently trying to hone my accent writing, so expect a few written colloquialisms from my characters. I started as a forum RPer, and if anyone is interested in forum roleplay, I can recommend a few websites to check out! Unfortunately, I no longer have the time to dedicate to forum RP.


Tyonis Magstrom is my main character, and you can normally find me idling on him if I'm not doing anything!


I was a member of the RPC for awhile, although I never truly socalized on the forums.


I am a heavy, multi-paragraph RPer that borders on hardcore. But I am very flexible and sensitive to the tastes of my partners.


I tend to keep my IRL information away from the masses, although I will sometimes share my contact info with my RP partners.

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Hi Tyonis! Welcome back.


HOLY CRAP ITS FEARLESS ROE!!!!!!11!11!!111111!


Somehow, I knew you'd react that way.  lol


Welcome back Tyonis :)


LOL we need to RP Fearless! We only did so like once or twice!


Thanks Ellie! Did I ever get a chance to meet you in game?

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Hey skank! How you doin'?

Pretty good lol! 


How about you Xen? Still playing GW2?


Off and on. Not nearly as much because of certain THINGS!


THINGS! is it....


Yes, I also love doing THINGS!, ha-ha-ha.

Welcome back!


Man, I ain't got no cred to welcome anyone back.


LOL it's good to see you too Rhio!


And don't worry. You always got cred in my eyes. (How much, you prob dont want to know)

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Thanks Ellie! Did I ever get a chance to meet you in game?


If we did meet, I don't remember it too well. Do you remember meeting my 1.0 character Keisuna Hidae?


Welcome. Willkommen. ~

I don't understand what that means!!


I believe "willkommen" is German for "welcome".

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Thanks Ellie! Did I ever get a chance to meet you in game?


If we did meet, I don't remember it too well. Do you remember meeting my 1.0 character Keisuna Hidae?


Welcome. Willkommen. ~

I don't understand what that means!!


I believe "willkommen" is German for "welcome".


Yeah I did RP with you once or twice, nothing beyond the usual: "sup" "yo" kinda introduction though! Hopefully we can RP a bit more in 2.0!


And thanks for the translation lol.

Wb Tyonis~


lol thanks! Did we ever get a chance to RP or meet in game?

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No sir! I'm new to the RP world^^;

Welp, welcome to the RP WORLD!


We have awesome cookies.

I remember you.


Yo! Welcome back.


I remember you too!


We only RPed once, I think, so we should remedy that and RP moar!

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