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Seeking various connections!

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Heya folks! I'm a long time Final Fantasy XIV player, dating back all the way to the dark ages of 1.0, and I'm looking to make some contacts amongst the RP community and possibly find a longer term partner to hang out with. I have a couple characters in mind, but also some overarching things I look for in a partner or habits I tend to keep as an RPer in general. So read on, and see if anything interests you!


About Myself:

  • My RP characters are not level capped yet, so if that's a dealbreaker for you I'm sorry.
  • My playtimes are somewhat erratic right now due to a hectic work schedule, but I tend to play during most of my free time which equates to quite a lot.
  • I'd like to be able to get along and be friends out-of-character with any prospective longer term RP partner. I find it difficult to immerse myself in an RP story when I can't joke around OOC or just chat about random stuff on the side.
  • I love RP, but sometimes I just feel like kicking back and playing the game on my main who I do not RP on. I may not be the best fit if any time we're both online is expected to be 100% RP. Sometimes just doing our own thing while chatting via tells/whatever is just as fun!
  • I would definitely prefer something longer term as opposed to a sort of "one shot" scene, I find the best RP stories are built over time rather than being rushed in one session.
  • I am a sucker for traditional adventure RP: a pair or group starting off in a city/town on a humble job that eventually turns into a quest that takes them across the world. Throw in some drama and romance and it's perfect.


This is as much about me settling on a main as anything else, so once I find someone or some people I'm content I'm a good match with I'll likely shelve the other characters so I can focus on the one. I'll link the (very much WIP) RPC wikis for my characters below with a brief description of each, with more information available upon request. I'm trying to avoid spoiling too much about them, though, so I'd prefer to keep responses to PMs for the most part.

My Characters:

Hamul Argo

Hamul is a Xaela from the Argo clan (which I made up because he used to be a Hyur but the name sounded tribal enough that I figured I could get away with it), who were fiercely isolationist, going so far as to send all members of the clan off to live alone on the steppes when they became adults, only to return once a year when they would gather to compete with one another and pair off. This left him socially stunted when it came to dealing with outsiders, though since coming to Eorzea he has been doing his best to be less intimidating to strangers, though he's still disappointed in what he perceives to be other Xaela throwing away their traditions to better assimilate with Eorzeans.


Grinnaux Etienne:

A former medic for the Order of the Twin Adders, Grinnaux is an Elezen who pays for his travels by acting as a wandering healer and sawbones. He does all of his work the old fashioned way, having little aptitude for any aether manipulation, but was brought up by his physician father to follow in his footsteps nonetheless. Though he considers the Twelveswood his current home, he enjoys a good trip and good company, but will settle for an enthralling book if none is available.

Cassius Nerva:

A seasoned adventurer of over half a decade, Cassius is professional and good at what he does. Confident, cool and composed, he ventures the length and breadth of Eorzea and pays his way by taking contracts from local adventurers guilds and contacts he's made over the years. He's a friendly sort, enjoys reading but doesn't often stay in one place, rarely staying for more than a day or two before he takes the next job that will put him back on the road.


In Closing:


Like I said, these were just brief little blurbs and there's a bit more info for each on their RPC pages. If you like the sound of any of them, or just the idea of a long-term adventurey RP, drop me a PM and let me know and we can definitely set something up. Hope to hear from some people soon!

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Hello there! I have three characters you could pretty much choose from, all somewhat different from each other. Following is just a brief example of them. If you have any more questions about one of them feel free to shoot over a PM!


U'khoa Ohhbi: A local Ul'dah raised orphan, this Seeker turned to a life of crime from an early age. Now at almost 33yrs old and unhappy with his current ranking and position in one of the local syndicates, he's since left and is seeking to build his own. Usually keeps to himself and when he does decide to attend a tavern of some sort, usually secretive and almost refuses to discuss his private life but will always share a drink with another in case it's an opportunity to do business or obtain information from the locals


Emoni Yaeger An upbeat, over the top flirtatious Hyur Midlander who loves to get her way. She has no qualms about asking someone else to pay for her drinks or meals and will throw herself at them to try and make it happen. She spent her childhood as an orphan by U'khoas side and though she views him as a brother, her not having any immediate family is troubling for her and in turn she trys and drum up plenty of attention from others to make up for it.


Savona Drake Originally born in Ul'dah, at the age of 3yrs old, this Hyur Highlander was carted off to the surrounding lands of Ishgard and lived with her merchant father. Her father became rather wealthy with his sales to local adventurers and Ishgard itself. Growing up around IShgard, all she heard was stories of Dragoons and dragons, and thrilled in it all. When the citites gates were finally opened and her and her father entered, she immediately enlisted in the military there. Given her non-native background she was not very well accepted and is often the brunt of many cruel jokes and pranks.


Recently she has been instructed to travel to Ul'dah and await further orders. Since her arrival she has not heard hide nor hair from her commanders and has begin to harbor thoughts of this being a cruel joke to release her from service. In her eagerness to complete her mission she had left for Ul'dah straight away and now lacks both the funds to return to Ishgard or live a casual life. Running low on gil she now struggles to make enough through odd jobs to occasionally afford a warm place to sleep and food for her belly.


Still in all this she remains upbeat and constantly happy. She is always wearing a smile on her face and is just a happy person. Even in her situation, she'd give you her last piece of food, her last gil coin or the shirt off her back, even if it was a stranger asking for it. She is extremely energetic, outgoing and loves to make friends. However due to her time alone as a child, and her treatment within Ishgard, there are not many she calls friends and she's trying desperately hard, perhaps to the point of being annoying, to rectify that problem. ((This is my current RP/PVE Main))


If you have any more questions, feel free to send a PM and ask!

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