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Astrologian role play tool

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It's nothing spectacular, but here's a tool for Astrologian roleplayers I made for fun after the lore book revealed that there are canon major arcana spreads (ala real life tarot).


Right now it's more functional than anything, but I do intend to add a fanon spread or two and lore. Maybe more if time and energy allow.


Astrologian Fortune Telling


I don't mind comments or feedback but do keep in mind that this was just for fun and I don't ever intend to treat it at the same level as my professional work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is cute. Do you have it set up so they may appear upside down?



As each of the cards represents two gods (one of astral polarity, one of umbral), two different meanings can be gleaned from the arcana depending on the direction they face when turned. In their proper, upright position, they take the astral interpretation; when inverted, they take the umbral.

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  • 3 months later...

You're looking for Encyclopedia Eorzea, page 244. I'm sure someone has a scan of that somewhere. :)


EDIT: Interesting easily missed tidbit on that page: the Deck of Sixty has appeared in every Astral Era. It's what L'yhta would term "deep magic" -- something that has grand significance magickally and represents a principle woven into the fabric of reality.

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