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Long time lurker finally saying hi.


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So I've been playing the game for a while now. Reached the end of the story content and now I'm looking to become more involved in the RP side of things.


My character, Mikh'al, is a wandering conjurer. Clanless, jobless and homeless... though if you were to ask him he'd insist that the Shroud was his home. Still doesn't change the fact that he sleeps in a tree instead of a warm bed. He has some trouble in his past (who doesn't?) and a burning curiosity about the world beyond the Shroud. He's even taken to traveling in recent days, though these little excursions of his always land him in more trouble than it's worth.


His hobbies include eating, sleeping, and Imperial bothering.

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Welcome out of lurkdom! If you ever see a wandering Lalafell named Ulemo. He might offer Mikh'al a song. Not exactly the substance he needs but it'll be better then nothing. If hearing a ditty or two is not your thing then may he can find a hunting partner with L'zhax if your Keeper doesn't gave a burning hatred for the Seeker kind.

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Welcome out of lurkdom! If you ever see a wandering Lalafell named Ulemo. He might offer Mikh'al a song. Not exactly the substance he needs but it'll be better then nothing. If hearing a ditty or two is not your thing then may he can find a hunting partner with L'zhax if your Keeper doesn't gave a burning hatred for the Seeker kind.


I'll keep an eye out!

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