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Character music if your character was just slightly different


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Ok so I'm a huge fan of music in terms of ambience, tone, and mood setting, and I use it a lot in my writing when it can be more of a multimedia sort of project.


I also love character themes, whether for certain events or just leitmotifs or the like.


A lot of us probably do have at least one, if not multiple musical themes for our characters that fit their personalities or histories.


The challenge I propose is -- what if something happened just a little bit differently to your character? What if instead of a specific life event occurring, the coin flipped and Fate decided on a different outcome? How would it effect the feel and emotion of their themes today?


Example for Tenrilaux here. He's pretty jaded and cynical and has a more serious and darker look upon things. I reflect that in his general theme with the song I have in his wiki (which I recently remade which is why the song is so darn new). However as I was going through Civ 6 music, I stumbled upon Greece's industrial era theme, and that was when this thought occurred to me. It would fit Ten greatly -- IF he were just a bit more heroic. If some of the stuff that happened to him in Ishgard played out just a tiny bit differently.


So as I said the normal theme is in the wiki so I won't like it here again, but if he were just that little bit more ... pleasant, he could have easily sounded like this. https://youtu.be/-T3t2LdCEBw?t=2m34s


Anyway I thought this could be a fun little character expression challenge.


EDIT: I didn't really want this stupid video to embed because it's not starting at the section I want it to it's just starting from the beginning. x_x The section I want is at 2:34

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