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Returning player and RPer


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Hi!  I played FFXIV more than two years go and played pretty hardcore before I left the game when life called.  I've never forgotten the game, and for at least a year now I've had an intense desire to start playing again. I finally downloaded the game again today after mulling over it for a week.  


I had a level 50 scholar, and I've checked the lodestone and see he's listed.  He's also still on Balmung, but I can't say if that's accurate.  I'm hoping the character is still available and hasn't been booted from the server or anything. If this game even does that?  I'm in the process of trying to recover my account from SE since I've long forgotten the login details.  So we'll see.


In the meantime I thought to find a community and familiarize myself with the lore again.  Used to be I could tell you anything and everything about this world, now I can barely remember naming conventions. 


As for my story, I'm envisioning a somewhat shy Keeper Miqo'te who is kind-hearted with a muted charm.  However, he's currently feeling bitter and very, very lonely.  The idea is that for a long time his closest friend was another Seeker male who was the complete opposite of him.  Physically strong, boisterous, socially adept and always making new friends and acquaintances.  These two spent all of their time adventuring together, but the Seeker has recently moved on to new things and people.  


My guy is left feeling somewhat betrayed and unsure of what to do with himself.  Secretly he harbored very strong romantic feelings toward this Seeker but knew they would never be reciprocated.  He's distraught but also determined to change.  He's realized that all of his goals and ambitions were simply to be with his friend and help his friend in any way that he could.  His friend always chose where to go, what to do and who to see.  My character wants to change that and find a place to belong.


So yeah!  That's my short story, and I'll be refining/detailing more as I study up.  I'm looking to  get back in there with my new character and a fresh start.  Hoping to eventually find a solid group or even an RP buddy to play with regularly, but for now I'll be playing it by ear.

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Welcome back to the game, a lot of new stuff has happened. That's not the kind of thing I know a great deal about though, because I'm prone to take month-long breaks as well, haha. When I came back from my most recent break, Square was pretty cool about resetting my password for me after I sent in a support ticket. Hopefully it goes as smooth for you as it did for me!


I really like the sound of your character, and I think he'd fit right in with plenty of the FC's and LS's around the server. No idea what kind of RP you're looking for or what kinds of characters you're looking to interact with, but feel free to poke me on Koen Stone if you want to set something up. He's an old soldier who's spent most of his years traveling to different places and missing his kids. You can see his wiki in my brand spanking new signature, if you want to prod around for more info.


Good luck getting back into the flow of things and finding IC pals for your Keeper.


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Hey there, and welcome back to Balmung! :thumbsup:


Far as some potential leads go...


Since you're Miqo'te, I'll suggest having a look at ShroudLife as one option. It's by and large Miqo'te-based, but also heavy on the world RP and more casual encounters. I've found it to be very useful, at least- useful enough to slap into my own signature.


There's also Shroudwolf Clan (which I might have a slight bias for) as well as Morbolvine Clan, which are both Miqo'te free companies.


If nothing else though, I'm certainly willing to throw Kasi at you!

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