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[Balmung] Looking for fun!

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Feels odd not writing that in a Grindr account...


Anyways, hey! Been out of the RP world for the most part over the past year, and what little I've done was done toward reshaping Ardi's personality and character a bit to someone who isn't so far removed from myself. Once a hot mess, he's more grounded and mature, and has grown quite a bit since anyone seen him last during his days in Harbingers. Once a foul mouthed, thick headed, alcoholic, confrontational and overall antagonistic highlander, his year in Eld has granted him a better perspective, and now spends his days meditating, training, working with animals, reading, writing, laboring, and trading. Now he's just... foul mouthed.


With a lot of pve and game content finished, along with my character profile nearly done, I'm looking to branch out into more RP outside of the self contained sessions within my own FC.


I'd really like to get involved in some roll based adventures, or just adventures in general. Also into your standard RP formats; taverns, one on one, group association, etc. Given the ending of the MSQ a lot of my character's focus would, understandably, be toward Little Ala Mhigo and the resistance, so any affiliations would be welcome (I am involved in the LS as is, so no worries there!) 


In short, I've been out of the RP community for a while now and looking to get back in. Friends, acquaintances, enemies, I accept all options with open arms!


Reply, give me a shout in game or shoot me a PM!

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