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Winter's Knell Celebration - January 14th - 5PM EST - Coerthas Central Highlands


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[align=center]Winter's Knell Celebration[/align]





“Brothers and Sisters, Allies and Friends, we wish to invite you to our yearly Winter’s Knell celebration!

This festival is an old tradition hailing from the regions of Gyr Abania to celebrate and usher in the winter, and one we very much would like to share with you all.

We invite all Ala Mhigan and non-Ala Mhigan alike to participate in these merry festivities! From performances, to honouring Father Frost and even a Snowball Fight Tournament, no doubt there will be something to entertain yourself with.

We hope to see you there!“



  • What: A Merry Winter’s Knell Celebration for all - Ala Mhigans and Non-Ala Mhigans are both welcome.
  • Who: Anyone who wishes to join in the fun. Whether you’re wanting to perform, hold a speech, just join in for the Snowball Fight Tournament, or just want to enjoy the atmosphere? You’re all welcome to join! You don’t have to be Ala Mhigan!!
  • When: Saturday, January 14th - 5:00 PM EST
  • Where: Coerthas Central Highlands - Click for Mini Map - x30 y31
  • Contact: Avelyn Firestone.

[align=center]Snowball Fight Tournament[/align]


  • When: After the ‘main’ events are over.
  • Rules: Be as creative as you want! First one to hit the other with three snowballs wins. Grindstone rules.
  • Prize: Bragging rights winning Rhalgr’s favour in the tournament. Yes, even with snowball fights.

Performances, speeches and the like are very much welcomed and encouraged! As always, there will be spots left for people to say and do their thing without signing up. But if time starts to run short? You might not get a chance to. If you want to be certain of your spot? Please contact Avelyn Firestone either in game (or RPC) or shoot us a message trough Tumblr.


If you have any questions left? Please do contact us as well! But we do have a handy lore post about Winter’s Knell, if you have no idea what the festival is about. Click For Link.


You don’t need to participate, observers are very much welcome as well!


~ May Rhalgr smite your foes.

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This is a wonderful idea, I just hope the timing of 3.5 works out for you, given that it's MSQ will likely have major repurcussions for Ali Mhigan RP.  Given the patch is supposed to drop mid-Jan, I'd have to think it'll hit a few days after the event though, so you should be good.  I'll have to see if I can get Xerek to swing by this one.

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This is a wonderful idea, I just hope the timing of 3.5 works out for you, given that it's MSQ will likely have major repurcussions for Ali Mhigan RP.  Given the patch is supposed to drop mid-Jan, I'd have to think it'll hit a few days after the event though, so you should be good.  I'll have to see if I can get Xerek to swing by this one.

The patch gets dropped after the event! I kept it in mind to avoid people getting caught up with the MSQ ect.


But feel free to stop by if you see the chance to!

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