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Wandering Warrior LF RP Contacts!

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Yo! Having just returned to FF14 after a fairly long hiatus I find myself with painfully few RP partners and I'm looking to rectify that! I don't have a wiki or anything like that so read on for details.


[align=center]The Character [/align]

Name: Kei Malaguld


A Brief Description: Kei is a fighter through and through. She wanders from place to place simply looking for things to fight in order to challenge herself and become stronger, or die trying. Despite this she isn't a very violent person, though she is a bit rough around the edges. Kei also has a hard time ignoring others who are in need of help, especially other Au Ra. 


Well, that will do for now, there's more that could be said but I won't make you read all that and the very basics should be sufficient for now!


[align=center]What I'm Looking For[/align]


Simply put, I'm looking for folks to tie this would-be wanderer down and complicate her simple if not self-destructive way of life. Whether that be some downtrodden stranger, a friend who gets themselves into trouble now and again, or someone more like an employer looking to hire a straightforward and effective warrior. On a side note I am also currently without an FC so that may also be something I'd be interested in.


Anyways, I would firstly like to say thank you to any folks who actually read all this. Secondly, if you have any interest or questions you can find me in game on Kei Malaguld most days in the afternoon/evening, or just reply here! 


[align=center]Have a good one!~[/align]

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Hey there!


Kei seems very similar to Kasi in a whole lot of ways, as Kasi is also a traveling mercenary who goes around trying to find the next-big-challenge to overcome so she can continue gaining experience and grow her skills further. So, in that regard, Kasi could easily be a recurring sparring partner and comrade, a rival, or even an enemy if they end up chasing the same target. It really depends on what you're most interested in! Either way, Kasi's profile linked below can tell you a whole lot more.


As far as employment goes, I'll point you towards the Mischief's Coven, which is essentially a Thieves Guild FC. I am aware they are looking for hired muscle as much as thieves, though- which is why Kasi has ended up running some jobs for them in the past. 


Finally, there's also ShroudLife, which is a LS for roaming world RP, so if Kei is doing a lot of traveling along the road, this might be a good idea to shoot for as well. There is both a Discord presence and an in-game presence with this one, so you can arrange for meet ups with other travelers anytime you'd like!


Hope this helps! Let me know whatcha think!

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Hi Kei


It sounds like our characters would get along pretty well. Deahfel is a strong warrior who is transitioning from the life of a full time adventurer and working on putting down some roots and helping the community. She still trains/spars everyday to keep her skills sharp (sometimes on her own sometimes with other PCs). She is in the process of starting an order of volunteer knights and protecting/helping people is very important to her. She will take work contracts out in the field and loves to drag other capable adventurers along with her for company. She will not work on more dubious contracts and prefers ones where she is removing criminals and thugs from the streets. When she isn't busy with the above she is relaxing at the inn with a nice hot cider. So it could be fun to try to rope your character into any of the above.


Let me know if that sounds interesting to you and we can figure out a fun way for our characters to meet up!

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Hey! Thanks for the reply. 


I think Kasi and Kei would probably get along, Kei hasn't had a good spar in a while. But thanks for all that info! I'll definitely look into that LS, is there someone I should get in touch with to get involved?


Anytime! :D Kasi would love to have more sparring partners. Actually, she spars with Deahfel and a few other people too, so I imagine if you meet either of us, you'll probably end up running into the other. 


For Mischief's Coven, you'll want to get in touch with Liliro Liro (you don't need to join the FC to get jobs either- should have mentioned), and for ShroudLife, I am actually now the lead contact for that LS (happened after I made this post this morning- ahem). To join ShroudLife, there's a Discord join link which will get you into the Discord (after which we'll get you tagged and named proper like), and you can just tap me in-game to get you added to the LS there.

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Hi Kei


It sounds like our characters would get along pretty well. Deahfel is a strong warrior who is transitioning from the life of a full time adventurer and working on putting down some roots and helping the community. She still trains/spars everyday to keep her skills sharp (sometimes on her own sometimes with other PCs). She is in the process of starting an order of volunteer knights and protecting/helping people is very important to her. She will take work contracts out in the field and loves to drag other capable adventurers along with her for company. She will not work on more dubious contracts and prefers ones where she is removing criminals and thugs from the streets. When she isn't busy with the above she is relaxing at the inn with a nice hot cider. So it could be fun to try to rope your character into any of the above.


Let me know if that sounds interesting to you and we can figure out a fun way for our characters to meet up!


Awesome! I'd be happy to have Kei dragged along. She might grumble about it a bit but as I mentioned, she has a weak spot for those in need and trouncing some criminals certainly isn't anything she's opposed to.


Hey! Thanks for the reply. 


I think Kasi and Kei would probably get along, Kei hasn't had a good spar in a while. But thanks for all that info! I'll definitely look into that LS, is there someone I should get in touch with to get involved?


Anytime! :D Kasi would love to have more sparring partners. Actually, she spars with Deahfel and a few other people too, so I imagine if you meet either of us, you'll probably end up running into the other. 


For Mischief's Coven, you'll want to get in touch with Liliro Liro (you don't need to join the FC to get jobs either- should have mentioned), and for ShroudLife, I am actually now the lead contact for that LS (happened after I made this post this morning- ahem). To join ShroudLife, there's a Discord join link which will get you into the Discord (after which we'll get you tagged and named proper like), and you can just tap me in-game to get you added to the LS there.


Great! I'll get right on that c:

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Hey! Thanks for the reply. 


I think Kasi and Kei would probably get along, Kei hasn't had a good spar in a while. But thanks for all that info! I'll definitely look into that LS, is there someone I should get in touch with to get involved?


Anytime! :D Kasi would love to have more sparring partners. Actually, she spars with Deahfel and a few other people too, so I imagine if you meet either of us, you'll probably end up running into the other. 


True story, if you end up RPing with one of us you are bound to run into the other at some point. Hydaelyn Protectors have an event coming up on Thursday 1/12 if you are interested in helping some folks and putting away some bad guys (details in the signature post). If you can't wait until then I am sure our characters could meet up in the mean time!

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