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So as the title suggests, I'm looking for a Free Company on the west coast, or operating on west coast times. East coast times are a bit early for me to be able to make their events and tragically, it seems even the PST FC's I've come across hold events early to accommodate those on the East coast. 


I'm looking for an ACTIVE RP FC, regular events are a plus, active members that are willing to rp outside of events are also a plus. 


Theme isn't really all that important, so long as it's active and not just rping in a house or tavern.



Not very many "requirments" other than activity, PST evening times and more than just house/tavern rp, (house/tavern rp is fine, just don't want to do it constantly!)


Just respond here or message me if you wanna chat about your FC !!!

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What kind of character do you have? Are you interested in adventure, or mystery, anything like that? What kind of qualifications or special skills does your character possess? Info like that can really help folks hook you up with a new FC that suits your tastes :D

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What kind of character do you have? Are you interested in adventure, or mystery, anything like that? What kind of qualifications or special skills does your character possess? Info like that can really help folks hook you up with a new FC that suits your tastes :D


Well my character is fairly newish so flexible (the character is old and leveled but the IC version of her new), so I'm not really picky. The problem I keep running into is people having events a bit too early for me so I'm a little afraid to be too specific at the risk of narrowing an already narrow list. 


Though, of course, I have basic character stats picked out for her and an idea of her direction. She's a young Miqo'te keeper, some specific background details have made her ignorant of her Keeper roots (without giving too much away). I would like for her to eventually progress to the point she becomes a mechanic of sorts, however, the journey to get there can go a billion different directions so I'm not concerned with that. I will likely also have a friend that would be joining me. (I derped and forgot to add that). 


I do have some preferences I can post, but they are NOT requirements, as I can adapt and will adapt in exchange for rp contacts and friends in a cool environment that's active.. this sounds a little bit like a different kind of add... anyway!!



  • Adventure is always good! 
  • Crime based is also fun. 
  • My character is a Keeper and I'm a little curious about more tribal set ups as well. 



Those would be my top 3 picks if I could be that picky! Anything that mixes them together would be wonderful. 


The reason I tried to keep it vague is simply because I'm afraid to make it too specific and people think they can't message me cause their thing isn't listed here. This list is in NO WAY the be all, end all. I'm looking at anyone that meets the activity request and more specifically the time frame. :D

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Hi there! Thought I'd mention my FC since our events are based in PST time! :D It's nice to actually see some fellow PST people! There seem to be so few of us for some reason? You can check out my signature if you'd like to know more about us, but we're always recruiting new faces!


The mischiefs coven has a mix of GMT and PST players! :o we're a criminal mafia/thief guild masked as a friendly tavern!


Wonderful!! Thank you both, I look forward to looking into your FC's! Thanks a bunch for posting!!

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