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Warmest greetings from another world!

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Hello All,


As I busy myself with reading the RP style guides and such, I thought it would be fun to give an out of character introduction as well as an in-character one. Most people on the internet know me as "Ori" (my main in game is Orifielle Cerfblanc on Exodus server, if you'd like to chat sometime in game or dungeon crawl) and I've been an online forum junkie for a few decades now, however I fell out of it in about 2007 when the bbs I was on closed (super sadface). I'm very happy to have found this place and I look forward to some fun story telling and RP. :). As for my other hobbies I draw, crochet, play other video games and spend time with my favorite real life people. If you have any questions for me (or my character; see below ;) ) please feel free to ask!


Lots of love,


- Ori




"Hello? Please could you wait a moment,


It's been ages since I've visited and, to my dismay I'm a bit lost. These decks and plank paths have always gotten me turned around. I need to get to...


What? Yes they're real -- and the tail is too. What an odd thing to say to a man  -- No I most certainly did NOT drink dragon's blood, nor am I some manner of chimera. Surely you've seen others of my kind about?




My name? You can call me Koichi. Listen, I'd love to stay and chat but I've got somewhere to be; please, could you tell me where I might find this city's Archaist's guild? Have business there and I can't be late...


What do you mean what does a white mage want at the archaist guild? That is surely none of your business, but I'll have you know that my niece is receiving an important honor today and I mustn't be late! So please, please -- if you could just...




Ah of course, I completely forgot about that short cut; that is extremely helpful -- thank you very much, uh -- your name was?




Thank you again. I'll be on my way but should you linger in town, I'll be taking my niece for a celebratory luncheon after her award ceremony, if you'd like to join us. The first drink will be on me -- I've got to run! Have a grace-filled day!"

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