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New Wandering Adventurer Seeking Connections

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Hey everybody! For those who haven't seen me posting elsewhere, I'm a longtime rper and FFXIV player, but I've just started dipping my toes into the rp community. In fact, I finally got a server transfer over to Balmung a few days ago, and now that my character's wiki is (mostly) sorted out, I thought I'd put out one of these connections threads and see if I could find some people willing to take a chance on a new face.


A bit about me: I've been rping on and off for a little over a decade now. MMOs, forums, D&D...I've done about everything short of LARP. I consider myself a heavy rper, but I'm also flexible for the right people and, once I've established myself and been around a while, I'll also be interested in trying to teach other people just getting into the hobby. If you want to know more about my specific rp tastes, you can read up on my profile in the player directory. For the most part, though, I'm open to a lot of different storylines. I'm also interested in ongoing rp storylines, but I don't have a ton of time to devote to FFXIV, so I may not be the greatest fit for that if you want to keep the story moving quickly. I live on Central time (GMT -6) and my regular schedule is Monday-Wednesday after 5pm and Saturday-Sunday mornings/afternoons. I can't guarantee I'll be on during those hours, as I play other games, as well, but I can guarantee I'll at least be available at those times if you want to schedule something ahead of time.


Now, on to Kazukata. You can find the full details on his wiki page (see my signature), but the short version is that he's a Raen Au Ra who is (yet another) Doman refugee. Kazukata openly fought in Doma's army both against the Garleans' opening invasion and in the revolt, making him a bit of an old warhorse, even if he never rose above the rank-and-file. Gravely injured in the final days of the Doman Revolt, he woke up on a ship to Eorzea to news of his homeland being reduced to ash and his family (probably) killed. This was a devastating blow to Kazukata, who spent the time between the Domans' arrival and present day wandering around being a generally depressed wreck. Eventually, Kazukata was roused from his stupor by tales of the Warrior of Light's and others' heroics, and after seeing the people of Eorzea stubbornly persist in the face of ludicrous odds, became curious, then fond of his new homeland. And we step into the story as Kazukata has once again taken up his spear and become an adventurer, determined to become a similar inspiration for others as Eorzea's heroes have been for him.


A few plot hooks from his wiki:

■ As a travelling adventurer, Kazukata is technically a spear for hire. He'd prefer to be off doing something heroic, but for good coin, he'll do mundane work, as well. Highly unlikely to accept any shady business dealings.

■ Having just recovered from being a depressed wreck, Kazukata has a soft spot for those who are facing similar struggles and will try to reach out and help them.

■ Naturally, Kazukata is eager to reconnect with other Doman refugees.

■ He'll listen to anyone with a good story, especially if it teaches him more about Eorzea. He naturally gravitates towards bards.

■ He spends most of his time in and around Gridania, so anyone in the region, particularly if they're fellow adventurers, have a chance of running into him.


So, that's Kazukata. If you've got any questions or want to meet up, feel free to share!

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I have to say your character sounds super interesting! :o Sadly theres not much I can offer you in the way of connections as I run a criminal FC! However if he does ever leer towards the evil unlawful route gimme a poke, until then happy hunting! :D


Ah, that's alright. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Barring major disaster, it's unlikely Kazukata will turn towards crime, but if I ever make an alt with darker intentions, I'll know who to call.

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Hey there!


I can toss Kasi your way- she's also a traveling mercenary, trader, and cook, plus she usually has a few good stories to tell about previous jobs. Granted, she's no bard, anyway. You can read about Kasi (in my signature) and let me know if anything catches your eye. 


What you'd probably be somewhat more interested in is ShroudLife, however, which is a roaming RP linkshell for getting out of the cities. It's angled more toward wilderness survivalists, traders, and generally people who walk the roads for one reason or another. It's not specific to the Shroud anymore, but there's still a good chunk of RP that happens out that way. The full dissertation on the linkshell is also in my signature!

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I actually see a lot of common ground between Kazukata and Kasi. They're both adventurers/mercenaries, have military backgrounds, and were hunters at one point. If they were to bump into eachother on the road, I think they might be able to connect. Their differences in morals could be an interesting point of contention, as well. You mind if I add you once I get online and we can hash out more details?


As for ShroudLife, I noticed it advertised around, but I'm not sure if Kazukata is necessarily what they're looking for. I'm all for rp on the road, but the LS's description was pretty explicit that it's largely for people who live in the wilderness and eschew civilization, while Kazu more just passes from town to town wherever his job takes him. If that's not a problem, though, I'd be happy to give it a shot.

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I actually see a lot of common ground between Kazukata and Kasi. They're both adventurers/mercenaries, have military backgrounds, and were hunters at one point. If they were to bump into eachother on the road, I think they might be able to connect. Their differences in morals could be an interesting point of contention, as well. You mind if I add you once I get online and we can hash out more details?


As for ShroudLife, I noticed it advertised around, but I'm not sure if Kazukata is necessarily what they're looking for. I'm all for rp on the road, but the LS's description was pretty explicit that it's largely for people who live in the wilderness and eschew civilization, while Kazu more just passes from town to town wherever his job takes him. If that's not a problem, though, I'd be happy to give it a shot.


Yeah, you're very welcome to add me once we're both online! I'm also on Discord, if that helps at all, too! I'd be happy to stage a run-in or two. I'll add you to my hit-list as well. 


In ShroudLife's case, it's up to you! At this point, I'm actually the admin for it as well- and well, you know Kasi. My acid test is that it's just a linkshell- not a FC. If you have due cause to interact with people in the wilderness, you have enough justification to join the LS.

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Yeah, you're very welcome to add me once we're both online! I'm also on Discord, if that helps at all, too! I'd be happy to stage a run-in or two. I'll add you to my hit-list as well. 


In ShroudLife's case, it's up to you! At this point, I'm actually the admin for it as well- and well, you know Kasi. My acid test is that it's just a linkshell- not a FC. If you have due cause to interact with people in the wilderness, you have enough justification to join the LS.


In that case, I'd be happy to give ShroudLife the ol' college try. I'll go sign up for that in a bit.


Tyll'a also spent some time as a depressed wreck, and he generally stays in the Gridania area as well.  Maybe the two can meet?


I'm all for more meet-ups! I'll add you.

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I just saw this! But you already know that I am interested. The new information here seems to be your availability, which I have translated into my strange timezone and considered. Good news! I can make those hours work as well, :D.


Other note is that I should talk to Kasi about that link shell. Hmm.


I'll figure out where to go from here, how to add you in the game, and everything else in the morning. Time to (very late) sleep!

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I just saw this! But you already know that I am interested. The new information here seems to be your availability, which I have translated into my strange timezone and considered. Good news! I can make those hours work as well, :D.


Other note is that I should talk to Kasi about that link shell. Hmm.


I'll figure out where to go from here, how to add you in the game, and everything else in the morning. Time to (very late) sleep!


Yeah, I saw your comment in Vel's thread, and I'm looking forward to an opportunity to rp with you! What kind of schedule do you run on, might I ask? I'll try to add you whenever I hop online this weekend.

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Yeah, I saw your comment in Vel's thread, and I'm looking forward to an opportunity to rp with you! What kind of schedule do you run on, might I ask? I'll try to add you whenever I hop online this weekend.


While these are not the only hours I can make happen, they are the most stable. I'll present them first in my timezone, GMT+8, and then translate them into EST/CST.


Monday-Wed, starting at 8am to about 1pm. (Sunday-Tues CST/EST evening)

Monday, Tuesday, Friday evenings. (Monday, Tuesday, Friday mornings)

Saturday evening, every other week. (Saturday morning)


Today, when I slept at 4am and woke up at noon (Nooooo) is an anomaly, though may sometimes happen, haha. (but typically on Thursday and Friday, which is why it is unlisted)

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