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Silly, silly keeper cat, doesn't know what he's doing.

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PLAYER DIRECTORY thread! Check it out, because I have no idea what I'm doing, either.


I already put up some info in the other thread, but minor boring mun info here:


New to MMO rp, but not to FFXIV or rping in general! So really, I just gotta get used to how this works. How people usually do it, etc. Hoping to learn and get a foothold and have lots of fun! \o/ Woo.


Now onto the good stuff –the actual character.


Rhiki Padfoot, 16 year old Keeper male.

(Well,the equivalent of a fifteen-to-sixteen year old human, both mentally and physically.)

(On another note – he is a Seeker/Keeper mix. Such is probably obvious ICly to whoever would notice.)


  • He's a kid at heart, which generally means he's usually pretty decent to be around, if not aggravating – the kid's smart. A little too smart, and given the right motive and opportunity, will probably rob you of about half your gil.
  • As you might have figured from the above, he's a little bit of a criminal, though it's only ever in just stealing things.
  • He's homeless, so he often wanders everywhere and sleeps wherever. For the most part, stealing is done to survive – and probably get a little bit extra. He's had a few rough runs with people trying to take advantage of him, though it hardly affects much -- he's initially hard to trust, but... it takes little to no effort to dazzle him into admiration, usually.
  • He probably could settle down and try to claw his way up, but nah. He ain't about that life. Kid's got ambition, dreams. Those dreams usually change every time you talk to him, but the goal is the same: he wants to make it big.
  • Feel free to call him an idiot – he's not good at keeping his cool, and while he knows how to lie and act, he's not that great at it. He has a bunch of obvious cues and can get riled up pretty easily – his attempts to try and match a far more superior opponent (in terms of wit, acting, cunning, etc.) can be pretty amusing.
  • He's had some time to adjust from leaving his tribe, and he took really well to living in the cities – tribal life is a mystery to him; it felt comfortable,sure, but stuffy. Boring.



what am I looking for?

… anything!


No,really. While Rhiki is his own character, he is susceptible to a lot of different sorts of growth depending on who he hangs around with a lot. Though I will admit, I do favor me the darker shades of things. That being said, some dynamics/things/ideas I'd like to see:



Serious Business

Is your character Mr. Grumpygills? Someone did something undesirable to their cereal that day? Village burned down by an arch-nemesis? WELL. Rhiki isn't really someone to try and soothe another. He might offer words of comfort, but his idea of getting someone on their feet is usually by trying to drag them onto their feet or by trying to be such an overly positive energy and get them to start moving to either join in his positivity or to strangle him. Either works.

But what if they aren't nice? Rhiki can be an enemy. An annoying, obnoxious enemy. He'll take your gil, if not your shoe. And if he can't steal,he'll hinder you in some petty, silly way – putting rocks in your shoe, playing crocodile tears to the nearby law enforcement, or something.

And hey, maybe they could be friends. He is still a child – his energy and way of thinking could sometimes be refreshing. He could be like a puppy, and be a good companion to have good Banter with, or he could simply be a background character who offers a moment of respite. Probably.


Birds of a Feather:

Likewise, others similar to Rhiki can have interesting interactions.

Anyone happy-go-lucky or as young as he is would be pretty cute – and interesting, depending on the differences in ideals. Otherwise, it's at least a nice, lighthearted series of interactions, and could lead to either fast friends or fast enemies depending on how well (or how badly) they may clash. Think of how kids can get into pretty serious arguments and such over miscommunication and... really petty stuff. Except their 'serious arguments' are usually squabbles and scraps.


The Not-So-Lame-os

Does your character actually do a thing?A job, though not of the criminal variety – that comes later. Simply put: there's probably a hook in there someway or another, whether it's Rhiki taking up a job as being the packrat/temporary assistant, being an actual assistant (albeit a constantly wayward and easily distracted one), or the kid who tags along when you're on important errands and either tries to take your stuff or shows genuine curiosity in what you do. He's seen a lot of the city, but he hasn't seen much of what the Big Boys do – that is, people with actual jobs. Careers. Studies.

And at the worst, he can always just laugh at your job if its something he thinks is really lame, but there's usually some intrigue to be found.



A category all on its own, because there's just a bunch of different things that could be done.

Males– be prepared for an annoying tag-along, especially competent(-looking)Keepers. Seekers, too, because they have a lot more stuff going on-- who the heck is 'Nuhn' and 'Tia' and why do they have so many kids?! (he really doesn't know what the heck's up with Seeker culture), and they also look kinda cool.

Depending on the personality, be prepared for a scrap, too... one that Rhiki will probably lose due to his overall inexperience. Poor kid.

Females– Beat. Him. UP. He's not entirely sure how to go about handling females. He's not necessarily awkward, per se – but the female Miqo'te he's ever interacted with were his siblings. You know, girls who were eventually raised to be hunters and gatherers. More often than not, he's just blunt and acts as usual, if not a little more loose-tongued and likely to offend.


The D A R K S I D E:

Hooray, darker connections! Criminals, void people, etc. – feel free to either corrupt this kid or make a fool out of him. Really, it'll probably be fun to watch, and interesting to play. I'll probably actually add DRK to his list of classes eventually, so a plot with that could be neato.

But otherwise. Ayyyyy criminals. B^)

At the very least, it'd be hilarious to watch a proper thief put him in his place. Imagine if he unwittingly tried to steal from one. Hell, what if he actually managed to do it? What if he failed and got robbed?

Good stuff, man.


... and here's where I stop because this post is getting too long and I need to actually work on progressing ingame and getting his wiki page done.


But yeah! Lots of options, really. Willing to work with anyone who has even a little interest in dealing with him. :'D

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Hey there!


So, there's a few things I can toss your way here...


First, there's Kasi. She's a wandering freelance mercenary, trader, and cook, that has a bit of a soft spot for other Miqo'te who might be down on their luck or trying to find their place in the world. She's kind of a racial nationalist in that respect. She's pretty experienced, and willing to train others on occasion too (with the greatsword and/or lance). That being said, she isn't without her darker side either and has numerous connections to organized crime as well as legitimate business. You can read all about her in my profile below!


Second, there's ShroudLife. If you are angling to get out of the towns and cities and embrace the wilderness (especially as a Miqo'te), there are a lot of opportunities here too. There's a lot of opportunities to link up with folks in this linkshell and encounter mercenaries, traders, and all other sorts along the roads of Eorzea. You can also read all about this in my signature.


Last but not least, there's free companies! If you're looking for event-driven, Miqo'te-centric RP, there's Shroudwolf. If you're more interested in going down the dark path with a lot of spontaneous RP and strong potential for conflict, there's Mischief's Coven. Both of these are (surprise surprise) also linked below!


In any case, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Otherwise, best of luck on your search!

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Hey there!


So, there's a few things I can toss your way here...


First, there's Kasi. She's a wandering freelance mercenary, trader, and cook, that has a bit of a soft spot for other Miqo'te who might be down on their luck or trying to find their place in the world. She's kind of a racial nationalist in that respect. She's pretty experienced, and willing to train others on occasion too (with the greatsword and/or lance). That being said, she isn't without her darker side either and has numerous connections to organized crime as well as legitimate business. You can read all about her in my profile below!


Second, there's ShroudLife. If you are angling to get out of the towns and cities and embrace the wilderness (especially as a Miqo'te), there are a lot of opportunities here too. There's a lot of opportunities to link up with folks in this linkshell and encounter mercenaries, traders, and all other sorts along the roads of Eorzea. You can also read all about this in my signature.


Last but not least, there's free companies! If you're looking for event-driven, Miqo'te-centric RP, there's Shroudwolf. If you're more interested in going down the dark path with a lot of spontaneous RP and strong potential for conflict, there's Mischief's Coven. Both of these are (surprise surprise) also linked below!


In any case, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Otherwise, best of luck on your search!


Funny enough, I already talked to Liliro about Michief's Coven and she pointed me to contacting you, so that's definitely a thing that'll happen. >:D

... I guess I need to advance the story so I can ACTUALLY get to Gridania first, though. Oops. 


But aside from that, heck yeah! I'd love to see an interaction between the two of them. Meeting someone actually competent would do him some good, especially someone who would put up with him. Bless that Miqo'te solidarity. #preachit.


I looked into Shroudlife and alas, Rhiki's probably more liable to get lost in a forest than be at home in one, so rip.


But thank you! ;u; I'll be sure to ask any questions I can come up with.

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I'd definitely be interested in Tyll'a meeting your character!


Sorry for the slow response; I've been busy doing homework and haven't been able to log on but.

Heck yeah! I'm all for it! From the look of the wiki, it seems like the two of them are veeeery different. :3c 

That'll be fun to see.


I'll try to track you down ingame and add you so we can plan stuff, next time I'm on! ^^



And yeah, Thunderbolt. it really is. But AAYYYY WE MADE IT. B^)

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I'm gonna just nose in here and say your boy sounds frickin' awesome and adorable! I'd love to see him in action sometime! I'd probably offer up by catte Khaz, since I feel he'd probably be a bit more "pleasant" and funny to have around Rhiki. I use the word "pleasant" very loosely here. ;u; He's become quite grumpy and feisty, and I can't help but feel it'd be rather hilarious overall to have our boys meet sometime if you'd be interested! ...I get the feeling they'd scuffle more often than not, too.


You're welcome to browse his wiki, it's linked in my signature below!

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I have two potential characters that would probably be fun for your little tyke to meet. Though since it seems city life he favors, One would be easier to meet than the other.


My Auri Female. Rana Kotsu, would have fun little scraps with the kid, being she's still pretty young and immature as well. Like 19 years of age, and she's pretty much a thrill seeker. Basically a lot of your requests, she can fit pretty easily. Has a competent job. Childish at times, or just dense. She's neutral and have dealt with Criminals both fighting, and working with them. She's just a huge trouble maker.


My other character is a Shroud Miqo'te, though he's pretty weird based on the culture side of it. He likes kids, though it sounds like he'd get annoyed pretty quickly. Him being a hunter, and Ex wood wailer is a nice hook possibly. 


You could look me up in game :3


Rana Kotsu

Shadow Shouvome

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