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Ave's Monk Lore Dump


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[align=center]Fist of Rhalgr Loredump






Bare with me while I try to order this chaos. Most of my posts been writing on other online media, so my formatting will be hell for a while. There's still a lot missing regarding more in depth lore regarding Monk outfits, history, heresy, oaths, soulstones ect. Admittely, I'm posting this partly to keep my own lore hoarding gathered in one spot, but I figured others would enjoy it as well. I will be updating this at my own pace. What might be very fast, or very slow.


But I can highly recommend reading up @Sounsyy's posts on the Fist of Rhalgr in the meantime! They are excellent lore source for history on the Fists ect.


Sources, screenshots will be included!


Link One

Link Two



Fist of Rhalgr (NPC) Skills[/align]

[align=center]A Summary[/align]





Due to the upcoming hype regarding Stormblood and Monk roleplay, angry grandma Avelyn Firestone is here to shed some more light onto the skills the Fist of Rhalgr skills! This goes from what we have on our skillbars, to what we exclusively see in the job questline. This compendium is nowhere complete, but I do keep it as lore friendly as possible. With every skill, screenshots, links and photos from the lorebook are provided, either as links or directly placed within the document.


I could very much be wrong on certain things, as some skills are still guessing work! Also, sadly enough I had to find a Youtube clip to see the 50-60 abilities, so the screenshots are of a questionable quality. But anyhow!


We will start with the skills outside the skillbar and shown in the questlines.




  • Gutripper                                              - Shadow Punch
  • Blast Wave                                            - Shadow Pulse v1
  • Spirit Pulse                                           - Pulse Wave
  • Ultimate Focus                                     - Shadow Pulse v2
  • Rehabilitation                                      - Unnamed Ability 1

                                                                               -  Unnamed Ability 2

                                                                               - Unnamed Ability 3


[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]






Widargelt uses this at the start of the level 50 quest often. It is an AoE square directly in front of him, with very little range. The animation itself is him snapping forward with one hand, a green aura appearing around his hand. It is safe to say, judging from the name and the animation made, it is likely they are, with the use of focused aether, trying to rip someone’s guts open


[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]





Another skill Widargelt uses at the start of the battle quite frequently. While it has a different name, the animation, and the line itself very much mimic that of the ability Howling Fist. They are probably one and the same, named differently. I could however be completely wrong!


[align=center]Spirit Pulse[/align]

[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]




A very interesting one in my opinion! Widargelt here creates a purple sphere after standing skill and channeling it with his arms wide open whilst even more Aether flows around him. We have seen the Chimera mobs use this. However interestingly, these orbs do follow you at a rather rapid pace and last longer. But this could be my personal observation and completely and utterly wrong.


At touching said orb, it explodes for massive AoE damage. But unlike the Chimera orb, it does not cause the paralyze status. Next to that, it is shown onto your mob list in game, so it is counted as a separate enemy by game mechanics.






[align=center]Ultimate Focus[/align]

[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]




Ultimate focus is a short casting spell. Widargelt once more stands there with his arms wide open, Aether swirling around him once more. He continues to heal himself over and over, this spell can be casted on repeat HOWEVER Oddly enough the XIVDB site claims it has a 50 second recast timer, while I’m certain that he casted it a few times in a row. I’m not certain if he has a passive ability what allows him to do this. What brings me to the fact Monk’s self healing, when reached a certain level of skill, becomes insane.



[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]




This one is a very interesting one. As soon your Seventh Chakra start to open you start to selfheal automatically over time. The very interesting part, if you go looking up the skill in XIVDB, the name of the skill is shared by skills used by the Warrior of Light as well during a few Main Quest Scenarios; I’m not certain whether it is used as Hydealyn’s Blessings, or one of your companions just casting a perma regen on you. Basically it’s very interesting to me, and something I really need to find more information on a later time; I will revise this version once I’ve found more information!


[align=center]Shadow Punch[/align]

[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]






Another version of Blast Wave/Howling Wind! Employed by H’raha Tia, it appears to be the exact same. The attack seems to be exactly the same. Sadly enough I had to use screenshots from a youtube clip, as I currently don’t have the luxury to redo the quest on my alt. This might just be the Shadow Sect’s naming of Blast Wave, or perhaps an improved version, I cannot tell!


[align=center]Shadow Pulse v1[/align]

[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]





It appears to be another version of Pulse Wave. It does the exact same thing. A shadowy purple bolt appears from him after standing still, spread wide open with his arms. It also chases you, and does massive AOE damage around you. Once more, these show in your enemy threatlist as well. However…




[align=center]Pulse Wave[/align]

[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]





… Unlike what we’ve seen in our fight with Widargelt at 50, these orbs do not only explode and cause AoE damage. No, these stay on the ground for a small amount of time, and start blasting a big AoE circle around them to damage the player. It appears to be a stronger and more advanced basically now capable of doing its own attacks.  What brings up to our next point!


[align=center]Shadow Pulse v2[/align]

[align=center]Skill Link on XIVDB[/align]





Eventually H’raha Tia tells you he is about to get serious. So he summons four orbs around him. These look a bit different from the normal Pulse orbs we’ve seen so far. These also don’t chase you whatsoever. No, these orbs just stand there static. After a while tho, they start to charge their attack. By the name of Bubo Burst.




This however, provided it does manage to be casted does an AoE attack with a range I’ve never seen so far in this game. This extends beyond the Mage LB3 circle. Suffice to say, if all orbs are left to be ignore, these would have the capability to wipe out a whole group of people.


[align=center]Unnamed Ability 1[/align]

[align=center]Special Ability - XIVDB Quest Dialogue Link[/align]




H’raha Tia is capable of stealing the life force of the other three named Monks involved in the questline. He appears to do this with relative ease, and the three of them are not capable of resisting it either. Interesting enough, he only seems to tap the Aether of what I’m going so assume their Chakras, and not their personal Aether, as that would indeed kill them. The group is still capable of fighting, but I honestly doubt they can do their Aether infused abilities to the extend they can with their Chakras.


He however only says it makes unleashing his Ultimate Technique easier. Heavily implying he was already capable of doing it without stealing the Aether of the three in question. Despite this attack being absorbed the the WoL and unlocking their Final Chakra, he still claims he is stronger due to holding these energies.




[align=center]Unnamed Ability 2[/align]

[align=center]Special Ability - XIVDB Quest Dialogue Link[/align]




After H’raha Tia steals the three’s energy, he claims he can now easily use his Ultimate Technique. However he says it in such a way that he probably could have done this without their energy, but simply making it easier.


Reaching his eblow back, a massive orb of bright energies appear around his hand, and for a better lack of terms, hurls a hadouken at the group.  But I still like to point out despite this, H’raha isn’t your average Fist of Rhalgr. He was the Shadow Sect leader. So keep the destructive hadoukens probably for advanced, older Fist of Rhalgr! Not to mention, he is basically casting a spell without a weapon. What is EXTRAORDINARY in Eorzea.


The orb itself seems to be a massive, destructive gathering of Aether. On impact with the Warrior of Light, it causes the ground around it to fly up.



[align=center]Unnamed Ability 3[/align]

[align=center]Special Ability - XIVDB Quest Dialogue Link[/align]




When the ‘Ultimate Technique’ gets hurled towards the party of three, the Warrior of Light steps in.


Extending her hand, she absorbs the Aether by the looks of it. She might be simply dispelling it, but judging from the fact her Final Chakra opens right after, I’m going to speculate that absored Aether forced her Final Chakra open.


And once more, she is doing this with her bare hands. A very rare thing in Eorzea all things considered. Probably having your baby Monk doing this is probably not something what could happen as we haven’t seen anything like this before.

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"Does it matter what chakra the other monks have when you fight them? If a chakra 13 monk fights a chakra 5 monk of the opposite sect, does it still open? I AM SO CURIOUS"





O’tchakha: Recently, I have focused on opening light-aspected chakra. Of my own aspect, I have succeeded in opening but six. I am no match for Master H'raha Tia.



They still can yes!


However it was considered an well-guarded secret. Why? I only got guesses.


Maybe it was a way to ensure that the Shadow and Light sect Monks constantly didn’t go actively for one another’s throats and ensure stability with the new-found privileges and powers the Light Sect Monks gotten in Ala Mhigo due to aligning with the royal house.


Perhaps they only permitted ‘Masters’ to face one another due to honour. Because let’s face it, there’s no honour in beating a wee apprentice with 1 meager chakra to shreds while you got 10.


Or perhaps it was just a way to assert power over the Shadow Sect in the eyes of the Light Sect. Light Sect did afterall boot out the Shadow Sect.


Perhaps it was a way to control the Shadow Sect with rules?


O’tchakha: Those who had opened all seven of their native chakra were permitted to duel those who had achieved the same in the opposing aspect.


O’tchakha: For generations, such duels were held in great secrecy.




I really don’t know why it was a well-guarded secret. Only thing I can sort of vague guess that probably consciously engaging in said battles would probably would be disrespectful to the ‘old ways’. Permission appeared to be needed and most likely piss quite off the Monks who upheld this tradition with honour; even if we don’t know the exact reason why this tradition was held up.


I’m not even sure if this tradition will be enforced with the ‘new’ Monks. I really can’t tell! Knowing how the storyline goes? I’m suspected that will be a central theme of the Fists, the harmony and balance being restored between the two sects split off due to their disagreement about aligning themselves with the Royal House. So this tradition might just be tossed aside. I really don’t know! I’m merely making guesses here ultimately.


Okay sorry for going a bit off topic there! Hope it helped.







[align=center]Monk Question 2!


"I figure I can answer this by just finally getting my monk to 60 (and I want to before Stormblood anyway) but what are the differences between how light sect opens chakra and shadow does wol kinda magically open all through feel good story powers of being>"





Nothing at the core. They are the same as your light sect chakras. They aren’t negative, they aren’t positive, they are just the opposite aspect of your chakras. The harmony and balance between the two sects is a massive theme during the questline. Strike thoughts of negativity away; shadow aligned chakras are not evil, nor do they make you behave evil.



O’tchakha: Yours is the sect of light, and ours shadow. We are two sides of the same coin.


Shadow sect chakras are not negative. Shadow Sect Monks are not inheritely evil. They just had clash over allying themselves with the ruling Royal House of Ala Mhigo.



Erik: Now, it is common knowledge that the Fist of Rhalgr rose to the zenith of its power by virtue of royal endorsement. Lesser known is the dispute which broke out over this arrangement between two factions within the Fist─the sect of light and the sect of shadow.

Erik: The head priest of the sect of light believed that an alliance with the royal house of Ala Mhigo was the key to prosperity. However, his counterpart in the sect of shadow disagreed, warning that it would lead to their undoing. History has proven them both right. But I digress.

Erik: So, in the past, the two sects both belonged to the Fist of Rhalgr, and their disciples trained beside one another as comrades. And yet, though the techniques they employed were identical, the manner in which they harnessed energy was opposed in nature. It was this difference which gave rise to two aspects of chakra.

Erik :There is a tradition wherein monks from the two schools would meet each other in single combat. In attacking you, I posit that the disciples of shadow are seeking to recreate this tradition.

Erik: This clashing of light and shadow quickened the aether within, causing a chakra of the opposing aspect to open within them. In simple terms for your simple minds, disciples of light fought to open shadow-aspected chakra, and disciples of shadow fought to open light-aspected chakra.

Erik: And the implications of this? There are not seven, but fourteen chakra all told. Yes, yes, two sides of the same coin; where there is light, there is shadow, and all that poetic tripe.


Opening your other sect was only allowed if you had all chakras open of said sect already. It was probably a well-guarded secret only the elder Fist knew, given Widargelt did not know of it.



Otchakha: In the beginning, members of the Fist of Rhalgr strove to open all fourteen chakra─seven of light and seven of shadow.

Otchakha: Those who had opened all seven of their native chakra were permitted to duel those who had achieved the same in the opposing aspect.

Otchakha :For generations, such duels were held in great secrecy.


TLDR: Warrior of Light is being forced into combat with other Monk. Only certain way to open is to murder a (probably fully unlocked) other sect Monk. It is meant to (have been) a well-guarded secret, if not deemed sacred probably.

Permission of duelling other (fully unlocked) sect Monks was needed.

Shadow Chakras are not negative.

The difference between Shadow and Light sect is caused due a disagreement about an alliance with the Royal House! Politics and all that.

Monks who act like dicks do it because they are dicks. Not because of some chakra voodoo at this current point and time.



Hope that helped.





[align=center]Monk Chakra Question


"Are monk chakras in FFXIV more like you gaining a power level or does each chakra have a specific type like in Buddism/Hinduism? The lore book has surprisingly little about them."





First of all… excuse me for the amount of lore I’m going to toss towards you, because I love Monks and I got a hard time staying with the bare minimum. I’ve tried to cut down as much as I could, but this only skirts past the bare minimum on FFXIV’s chakras.

And for the sake of it, a photo of the lorebook’s information on chakras, because no doubt more people will read this!





But yes! They are power levels.

In the Questline, the Monks involved, while brave, know they might easily die still three against one, despite the WoL being ‘only’ one chakra less than H’raha Tia.


O’tchakha: You are our best hope, . Even so, you are still one chakra short of fourteen─a small yet decisive difference.


O’tchakha: Thus far, you have opened thirteen chakra─the most of us three. But one more, and you could face H'raha Tia as an equal…

Widargelt:  Remember my words. All our chakra may not be open. But we have each other. Together, we can defeat H'raha Tia. We can rescue D'zentsa.


And when you open your final chakra, D’zentsa states this.


D’zentsa: That’s the only explanation! Which means that ’s now an equal with H'raha Tia!


Even one Chakra difference can make the difference between two Monks. So yes. Seats of Power as they are described in the official Job description sums it up perfectly.



Now for the other question regarding Buddhism and Hinduism.


Chakras are best are inspired by the real life version. But they are NOT a copy paste of them.

The real life chakras, while the Fist’s chakras are inspired by them, aren’t a direct copy Why? For one Monks don’t have, beyond enraging while losing control over said chakras, any indication about emotions being connected.


The chakras are not named. They don’t have anything emotion in the lore connected to them. They are merely described as giving power.


Next to that? The real life chakras have lower and upper body based ones. The lorebook speaks of valves and on top of that chakras are duel aspected (honestly my best GUESS is umbral/astral aspected aether).



Now people think this is all new information that chakras are dual aspected when the lorebook came out? I can assure you, it isn’t! It was in the game all along.


O’tchakha: Yours is the sect of light, and ours shadow. We are two sides of the same coin.


Erik: And the implications of this? There are not seven, but fourteen chakra all told. Yes, yes, two sides of the same coin; where there is light, there is shadow, and all that poetic tripe.



On top of that, the two schools of Monk employ the exact same techniques. Their chakras don’t make them fight differently either.


Erik: So, in the past, the two sects both belonged to the Fist of Rhalgr, and their disciples trained beside one another as comrades. And yet, though the techniques they employed were identical, the manner in which they harnessed energy was opposed in nature. It was this difference which gave rise to two aspects of chakra.


If anything? Chakras have more a Yin/Yang feel to them. They are not evil nor good. Nothing states Light sect or Shadow sect chakras are evil. They are still the same chakra, just another aspect of it opens up when unlocking it.


(On top of that. Light sect Monks were massive dickbags towards the Shadow Sect Monks and the citizens of Ala Mhigo according to the hints we’ve gotten. But that’s a discussion for another time.)




Emotions and Chakras: the Real Life Chakra Confusion Saga Continues

Now the pitfall what gets people confused and making them believe they are real life chakras. Widargelt’s 1.0 50 ending and the 50 ARR ending. Somehow people see the fact Widargelt wants to kill you as the ultimate proof. But I’m here to disapprove that.

This is the blurb people often claim to be evidence.


You arrive at Silvertear Falls only to find you are too late. Widargelt has already opened his seventh chakra, and with his newfound powers summarily annihilated a number of Garlean soldiers. The power flowing through his chakra is too great, however, and he has lost control over it. Defeat him to quell the rampant energy surging through him.



Widargelt: So close… Why? Why will you not yield your power? For the greater good…

Widargelt: Stay back! This power…is mine!

Widargelt: The others of Eorzea ignore our suffering. Why should I care for their lives? Why should I care for yours?

Widargelt: I must have that power. I must protect my people.



They don’t go into emotions in the quests. They state he lost control over his powers. Not of his emotion directly. Surely him being upset about the situation he is in does not help the slightest. But it is not the chakra who forces him into doing this. That is still a fate by his own making. If he wasn’t emotionally unstable to begin with, he would have never lost control.

That said… He already appeared to be emotionally unstable before he even grasped the 7th chakra. He wanted to do whatever for Ala Mhigo before we get to the final quest. Killing you was an unfortunate but necessary thing in his eyes.


Widargelt: If this way is lost to me… No. No, I will have this power. I must!

Widargelt: An end to oppression. An end to starvation. Ala Mhigo will be made free. I will see it done!

Widargelt: Forgive my speech. It is a matter close to my heart.



Also! The English version of the quest leaves this out, don’t ask me why, but in the German version of the Questline, you rat out Widargelt to Erik. While he explicitly told you not to. You betray him. He has a very good reason to be angry with you to begin with.


Widargelt: Und erzähl ihm nichts von dem, was ich dir anvertraut habe!

What translates to:

Widargelt: “And can you not tell him what I’ve entrusted you.”



And then the first thing the Warrior of Light does right after in the next quest? Rat him out.

On top of that? For all we know a three chakra Monk might lose control have the same issues as Widargelt had. After all, Widargelt tells you in the German quest, after opening your first chakra, he tells you you need control as well.


Widargelt: Allerdings hast du deine Chakren nur für einen winzigen Augenblick angezapft. Du musst nun lernen, sie frei und ungezwungen zu steuern.

What roughly translates to:

Widargelt: However, you have tapped your chakras only for a tiny moment. You must now learn to control them and steer them freely



So basically. Losing control over a chakra when emotionally unstable? You have to deal with rampant aether who needs to be taken care of (seemingly by combat).

He also doesn’t truly enrage. He doesn’t suddenly kill the other Ala Mhigan quest NPCs involved either.

But the it is not the chakra’s fault. It is the Monk being emotionally unstable to begin with. Control over oneself is the key here. Chakras don’t give you emotions. Emotions give you emotions. Losing control over your emotions while dealing with opening chakras can result in rampart aether what needs to be dealt with; because you are in no state to control said aether.

And Widargelt just needed to have sense slapped back into him.

They are just valves in the body. Nothing else ultimately. Once more: Emotions give you emotions. Not chakras.



TLDR: Chakras are powerlevels. Chakras are vaguely inspired on real life chakras. But they don’t have anything to do with emotions, nor do they have anything to do with lower and upper body chakras in real life. They are valves within the body aspected to both the Shadow and Light. While they skirt on some aspects of certain real life religions, they aren’t a copy either.

Next to that… the philosophy of the Fist of Rhalgr has nothing to do with Buddhism or Hinduism. But that’s a discussion for another time.


And yes, the other languages are so much better on lore :L They speak of Ki-Energy as well. But I will… make a long post on that some other time.


And who knows, things might get flipped upside down coming expansion.


Hope it was helpful!






[align=center]Suspected Chakra Locations






This nerd found out while playing around with Mantra that these might be the chakra locations, or at least some of them!




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lots of dump information for myself coming in, will make more sense later.








The cloth is imbued with the power of Rhalgr. Only monks of His Fist may don it. Only those who overcome many trials.



Die ätherische Energie des Mönchsgewands ist so hoch, dass dein zu leuchten beginnt, wenn du dich einem Teil näherst. Das erleichtert einem echten Mönch die Suche natürlich.


Vergiss nicht, diesem Piratengesindel eine gehörige Lektion zu erteilen. Sie sollen spüren, was passiert, wenn sie ihre dreckigen Hände auf ein Relikt der „Faust von Rhalgr“ legen.



The etheric energy of the monk's robe is so high that yours starts to shine when you approach a part. This makes it easier for a real monk to search.


Do not forget to give this pirate a proper lesson. They should feel what happens when they put their dirty hands on a relic of the "Faust of Rhalgr".


(Hint, you kill them. Heresy is real people)




Diese Artefaktrüstung wurde früher besonders talentierten Mönchen verliehen, die vorher viele Prüfungen bestehen mussten. Sie ist mit der Macht Rhalgrs erfüllt.


This artifact was once given to particularly talented monks, who had to pass many examinations before. It is filled with the power of Rhalgrs.



Parce qu'ils sont imprégnés du pouvoir du Destructeur, seuls les moines du Poing de Rhalgr sont autorisés à les porter, et ce après avoir surmonté de nombreuses épreuves.


Because they are impregnated with the power of the Destroyer, only the monks of the Fist of Rhalgr are authorized to wear them, and this after having overcome many trials.

(Google Translate is feeling kinky today. This is why I adjust and translate things to some degree myself when it makes no sense before posting them. Impregnating holy garments. OKAY?? Calm down Google Translate :l )



Nous nous chargerons de punir les hérétiques qui ont foulé aux pieds notre honneur.



We will punish the heretics who have trampled under our feet.


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