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Looking for RP contacts, potential family members & more!

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Just as the title states, I'm looking for RP contacts, potential family members and a possible love interest! 







[align=center]After taking a break from FFxiv, Zalina and I are back and looking to make connections! The more the merrier too.[/align]



[align=center]A little about Zalina;[/align]

[align=center]Age: 28 years[/align]

[align=center]Status: Widow[/align]

[align=center]Personality: Compassionate, helpful, talkative, efficient, teasing - there's just so much about her. I don't want to give too much away because I'd rather RP it than hit you with a bunch of character details.[/align]



[align=center]RP Contacts:[/align]

[align=center]As a fan of random and/or organic RP, 9 times out of 10 you'll find me IC no matter what I'm doing in-game. So if you see me in game feel free to stop me and chat. Unless I absolutely have a somewhere to be - I will stop and RP with you!  Even if its for a two minute chat to say hi and exchange names!  Just gives us more reason to say hi again at a later date.[/align]



[align=center]Family & Background Possibilities:  

Zalina is from Ishgard.  Born and raised in a lower noble house, she was married off young.  When Lord Chanteuse passed on, (he was old...really old), Zalina decided to go broaden her horizons.  Her favorite pastime or hobby as she calls it, is writing steamy novels filled with dangerous men and the women who love them! Yep, she writes Romance novels!

Some of them can be found here ->: Books by Zalina Chanteuse



  If you'd like to chat about Zalina being related to your character, the characters knowing each other in the past or toss around ideas, shoot me a message.  Please note that this is just a small background I've come up with for Zalina and it is apt to change to confer with Lore once more details are discovered.



Love Interest!

Wuv, sweet wuv...

Anyone brave enough to break through that staunch bachorlette resolve and get Zal to change her mind -have at it! She's one of those people who loves to be sociable but is holding fast to her independence. That being said, she's still a woman and susceptible to romance! Also chocolate - just FYI. ;)  You might just have to hit her with it.



Things Zalina would not be interested in; love triangles, married men, married women (she is a firm believer in the bonds of marriage).



Just to note - I do not do any sort of romantic RP with anyone under the age of 18. This includes even the most benign of romance topics!  I realize that someone could lie and say they're over 18 but I hope that would not be the case. 



Feel free to message me in game or here! Usual game time is EST in the evenings.




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Their reasons are probably vastly different, but Kazukata's also a widowed individual not looking to marry. That's...one dynamic I never thought I'd explore. They would be a weird duo, but between their pasts and their love of stories (though Kazu's more of a high adventure guy), they could find enough common ground to be friends, probably.


If that sounds interesting, check out Kazu's wiki in my signature and we can talk more.

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