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Flexible Cast of Characters Seeks FC/LS!

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Hey, there! I'm currently in the market for shoving my characters into somebody's group. I'm partial to most themes/premises, with the exception of anything with a heavy military/knight theme. I'll specify what I have to offer, as well as what I'm seeking.


Easy RP hooks for my characters are denoted with colored text!




Y’raja Lhiza

(29) An Ex-Storm Lieutenant Sun Seeker who gave up her Maelstrom life after the Battle of Cartenau. She’s one of the Warriors of Light who was propelled into the future and has the tattoo to prove it. Devastated by being forgotten by her youngest sister, Y’raja took to traveling around Eorzea and making coin via playing singing gigs as a bard instead. Skilled with words, disguises, and running the fuck away. Boisterous, lackadaisical, at times goofy… but surprisingly wise.


Kinsei Hoshikawa

(25) Hingan Raen who hails from a family of fortune-telling peddlers. Ex-Hitwoman. Her main trade is selling medicine and teas and she has extensive knowledge of Xaela tribe culture. Knows the cross-tribal tongue. Her defining characteristic is how she speaks; in a flat, almost-emotionless tone. Money-obsessed, reserved, cynical. Antagonistic potential.


Qajira Orben

(16) A Xaela teen who spent her childhood sailing like most Orben, with the exception that her mother captained a full ocean-faring ship as opposed to a small river boat. She’s spent roughly three years in Eorzea and is trying to find more work so she can save up money. Her aptitude for thaumaturgy is high, she loves studying all things that involve aether, and her culinary skill is masterful. Charming, sisterly, and a tiny bit spoiled.


Shaziya Argali

(27) Nomadic Xaela who prefers the wild to civilization. She is the Khatun of the Argali, a tribe of storytellers, explorers, and artifact hunters. Is charged with carrying out a generations-old duty that drives most things she does. Like most of her tribe, has mastery in bushcraft. Observant, blunt, short-tempered, stubborn. Dark+Mature themes with this character are OK.




I'm Okay With:

  • Medium to Heavy RP intensity.
    At least one night a week where I know I can log on and get RP is nice. I also consider “medium to heavy” to mean that game lore isn't blatantly broken, only bent.

  • Fairly active use of a Discord server and/or website forums.
    I like seeing the sharing of stories, art, music, and other things that promote character building and camaraderie.

  • A laidback yet mature OOC atmosphere.
    Finding a group I click with is hard. I'm not afraid to joke about/discuss offensive subject matter. If you don't want people who may respectfully agree to disagree with you or occasionally poke fun at strangers… I won't be a good fit. (For clarity: I’m a friendly, silly, and helpful individual. I just don’t subscribe to putting filters on myself.)


I'm NOT Okay With:

  • A group with a lot of people who are new to roleplay.
    Some are fine, but I'm not really looking to train people in the basics of RP etiquette/procedure. I have no problem helping people learn the lore or play the game, though.

  • An FC with a complicated system for combat.
    I prefer to use the honor system/freeform RP. In all honesty, I really dislike anything that resembles tabletop elements. However… if there MUST be one, the simpler the better.


Feel free to post here or contact me privately if any of this interests you. (I also have a couple of friends who're also looking that I could potentially bring in as referrals.) Thanks!

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Hello there! I think Azeyma's Oath might have everything you're looking for actually! We have a fair amount of RP throughout the week including going to events and a good relationship (I hope!) with our near neighbors so we can drop in to RP or vice versa! We have discord and a website and I'd like to say we're all adults and try to handle things with an adult-like manner! :D


Everyone currently in the FC has at least a few years experience under their belt and we have I hope a very simple roll system in place meant to benefit those who are obvious skill (ie. you're a master archer and get +100), but is still simple at heart because we want to roleplay not rollplay!


Anyways the actual FC details are in my signature! If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a pm, I'm always available for questions here or on discord! Otherwise good luck and I hope you find what you're searching for!

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Qajira might get a kick out of hanging out with the Order of Ouroboros, being a thaumaturge and all. We do all sorts concerning magic and shizzle wizzle, and she'll find many peers there. And even Rosalyn could come treasure hunting for magical relics with the Order too, we're into exploring places we probably shouldn't tread in search for the ancient and wacky stuff. 


Also, we're the kind of group you're looking for OOC, got that active discord/site and laidback attitude and most of us are experienced RPers with a preference for medium to heavy lore-friendly RP. Feel free to ping me and ask any questions if you're at all interested. Good luck in your search!

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Eorzea Garden is fairly new, but very active.  We've got a variety of roles open, so as long as you're dedicated to helping our RP community grow, we'd be happy to take you in.  


Roles open:


-instructors (academic, practical--cooking, other jobs, combat)

-staff (cooks, mechanics, med staff, stableworker/grounds crew


Open to other stuff, even antagonist roles...R8 FC with crafting stations, housing functions as our garden.  


If interested, more info here: http://eorzeagarden.enjin.com/forum


PM me if we might be a fit for you.  Good luck! :)

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