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Partners looking for an FC.

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Two veteran roleplayers looking for a home! Keeping this straightforward, what we're hoping to find is somewhere that fits these criteria:


  • At least 8 active players.
  • An FC House or designated public RP spot.
  • Medium or Heavy RP intensity.
  • Regular RP activity.
  • Some kind of defined guild purpose/storyline.
  • Discord is a plus, but neither of us use voice chat.
  • 18+ mature group.

It would be nice to have people to run a little endgame content with occasionally as well, but that's not of great importance compared to our RP priorities. We play weeknights from 9 EST to 1 EST and A LOT on the weekends.

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You might actually like Azeyma's Oath as they fulfill all your current needs and wants.


- We have around 12 people, 9 of which are very active RP'ers.

- We have a small house and are saving for a medium to buy hopefully in Stormblood.

- Definately have rp at least once every other night, usually more with plots running, small and large.

- We have discord and voice isn't required and I'd like to think we're all mostly mature.

- We do run content and are more RP focused with some pve thrown in such as maps and the like.


If you'd like to know more about my company's purpose please check my signature to a link to our RPC page which leads to our website. If you have any questions feel free to pm me here or on discord (info on the company's page.)


Regardless if we fit or not good luck in finding what you need!

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Thank you both for the response. We'll definitely take a look at everything.


As far as themes go -- we're open to most non-civilian concepts. Entertainment, tavern running, etc. isn't compatible with our characters. They're more martial/action/adventure focused.


Thanks for the question!

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As always, I'd recommend taking a look through the Free Company listing here on the site. Most companies state their theme, how lore-abiding they are, a relative statement about their activity and "hardcore-ness" regarding their RP.




Might help you find the home you're looking for. Best of luck with your search!


(And of course, shameless plug of my own company, link in my signature.)

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The characters are looking for work that will utilize their talents, adventuring, mercenary, etc. Any kind of risky, martial type stuff. Possibly crime oriented, if it's interesting enough. They're very neutral people.

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The characters are looking for work that will utilize their talents, adventuring, mercenary, etc. Any kind of risky, martial type stuff. Possibly crime oriented, if it's interesting enough. They're very neutral people.


Not really looking to sell you on any FC, but If you're looking to be on the more lawful good side of things, you might check out the Knights of Eorzea, though if you're looking at a more hired gun/crime oriented guild theme, it might not be a great fit. But, I think it fits your other criteria. Maybe worth a look? :)

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