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Hello everyone, I've been around and involved in Role-playing game for years, always tended to gravitate towards Neutral Evil. So, here I am driven by greed and little more.I have a lot of plans for this character moving forward.


I know the whole mugger/pickpocket thing requires a fair bit of OOC work, but if anyone is ever looking for someone to stir the pot at an event get in touch with me, I'm happy to oblige.


A bit about my character then.


Name: Cygnus Slow-hand (Not actually his name, he doesn't care about having a name. Cygnus was a name he used for a cover once with an old gang, and Slow-hand was the nickname his mentor gave him when teaching him to pickpocket because he was always to slow)


Backstory: Pretty simple, former street urchin Keeper if the Moon, no connection to his roots, can't remember much about his father. Raised among brigands, thieves, and pickpockets. Survived mostly on charm, and what he could steal. 


Personality: Cocky, always looking for a mark to try and charm for personal gain.


Anyway, hope to see some more of you out there, already met a few people in game.

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Looking forward to interacting with the other evil characters.


And thus begins the Eorzean "Legion of Doom"

Muwhahahahha *coughs* hahaha.


Perhaps I can interest you in a comprehensive benefits package that includes dental? I've heard if you go to the Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 50, and order a bloody mary, interesting things happen. Maybe. Possibly. Who knows?

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Looking forward to interacting with the other evil characters.


And thus begins the Eorzean "Legion of Doom"

Muwhahahahha *coughs* hahaha.


Perhaps I can interest you in a comprehensive benefits package that includes dental? I've heard if you go to the Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 50, and order a bloody mary, interesting things happen. Maybe. Possibly. Who knows?

I just Joined Blacksteel last night, but I do want to interact with the Coven. If there is a way I can work with or maybe against you all sometimes, I'd be down. If you need someone to be small time competition in a job to stir up some drama, I'm your cat.

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Oh man, I'd love to see our characters bounce off each other at some point (she's a travelling Neutral Good healer lol). Are you cool with cross-server stuff?


Never done cross server, but why not?

Awesome because neither have I! I can send you a quick background of Muijh if you'd like?

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Looking forward to interacting with the other evil characters.


And thus begins the Eorzean "Legion of Doom"

Muwhahahahha *coughs* hahaha.


Perhaps I can interest you in a comprehensive benefits package that includes dental? I've heard if you go to the Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 50, and order a bloody mary, interesting things happen. Maybe. Possibly. Who knows?

I just Joined Blacksteel last night, but I do want to interact with the Coven. If there is a way I can work with or maybe against you all sometimes, I'd be down. If you need someone to be small time competition in a job to stir up some drama, I'm your cat.


You're more than welcome to swing on by anyway! Membership in the Coven is by no means required to RP with us. xD

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Oh man, I'd love to see our characters bounce off each other at some point (she's a travelling Neutral Good healer lol). Are you cool with cross-server stuff?


Never done cross server, but why not?

Awesome because neither have I! I can send you a quick background of Muijh if you'd like?

Yeah sure, send me a message and we'll work something out

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