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Bunch of crazy characters looking for action!

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Hey there! It's been a while since I came back here, and, defeating my own expectations, I've actually managed to get some RP done! I still feel like I could be doing more, though, and as always I am open to making new connections or, if I'm lucky, landing myself a nice spot in a cozy FC!


I have a lot of free time currently and am available pretty much any time. I should point out that I'm on British time, though, so scheduling RP with you 'Muricans might be a little difficult (but not impossible!).


I have a small handful of characters to choose from, hopefully at least one of them might spark your interest!


Ysolda Merwin (Hyur Midlander) - Ysolda is best described as a nerd. She prefers books over swords and displayed an affinity for magical arts at a young age. While still rather young and inexperienced, she is very intelligent and is currently an apprentice arcanist.


Ehmra Elldi (Miqo'te Keeper) - Ehmra is a wild and free spirit. Ditzy, unfocused and spontaneous, Ehmra often wandered from home as a child and took off for good once she felt she was old enough to make it on her own. She has a fascination with the stars and aspires to one day be taught in the ways of astromancy.


Tsetseg Borlaaq (Xaela Au Ra) - Tsetseg displays high levels of confidence that often gets described as arrogance. He excelled in ranged combat, specifically with bows, during his clan days, but after making his way to Eorzea he sought something with a bit more firepower. He currently spends his time as a sword (well...gun) for hire.


Q'rhin Tia (Miqo'te Seeker) - Q'rhin is your typical nice guy. He always preferred to heal instead of hurt and was rather popular amongst the younger members of his tribe. After being persuaded to challenge the Nuhn and losing, he was quickly exiled from the tribe. Now he makes his way across Eorzea to offer his aid to those he thinks might need it most.


Feel free to reply here, PM me, or if you want to, hit me up on Discord (Shivvers#2954)

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A nerd!? Our FC needs more nerds!


I'm part of Azeyma's Oath, a group of adventurous treasure hunters that go delving for lost artifacts, study the good ones, and lock away the bad stuff. I don't know how into ancient artifacts Ysolda would be, but we're always on the lookout for more people to poke at the stuff we dig up (and, of course, go out into the field and identify the stuff in the first place). If you're interested but also wanted to send a different character our way, we also accept brawn to guard the bookies while they poke around ruins for artifacts.


Outside of that, I'm always happy to make more connections for my character Kazukata. He'd probably see some of his younger self in Ehmra and could click with her. Give Kazu's wiki page a looksie below and tell me if there are any hooks there that interest you.


You also might want to look into the ShroudLife linkshell. It's a linkshell for characters that tend to wander the wilds/travel the roads. You can organize some good world rp through that. Kasi (who runs it) will doubtless be around soon enough to pitch that.

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A nerd!? Our FC needs more nerds!


I'm part of Azeyma's Oath, a group of adventurous treasure hunters that go delving for lost artifacts, study the good ones, and lock away the bad stuff. I don't know how into ancient artifacts Ysolda would be, but we're always on the lookout for more people to poke at the stuff we dig up (and, of course, go out into the field and identify the stuff in the first place). If you're interested but also wanted to send a different character our way, we also accept brawn to guard the bookies while they poke around ruins for artifacts.


Outside of that, I'm always happy to make more connections for my character Kazukata. He'd probably see some of his younger self in Ehmra and could click with her. Give Kazu's wiki page a looksie below and tell me if there are any hooks there that interest you.


You also might want to look into the ShroudLife linkshell. It's a linkshell for characters that tend to wander the wilds/travel the roads. You can organize some good world rp through that. Kasi (who runs it) will doubtless be around soon enough to pitch that.

Forget the FC, Eorzea itself needs more nerds!


Joking aside, I think it's possible Ysolda could be interested! While she prefers the comfort of indoors, I think her thirst for knowledge might be enough to persuade her to get her hands dirty! Plus any threats that might arise would give her the perfect excuse to practice flinging spells around. I'll definitely consider asking to join! :D


Kazukata looks like he and Ehmra could have some interesting interactions. She's very enthusiastic and energetic, but also rash and a little dense, so I could see interactions between them going both ways. I could be wrong, though, after all, he's your character, not mine!

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Forget the FC, Eorzea itself needs more nerds!


Joking aside, I think it's possible Ysolda could be interested! While she prefers the comfort of indoors, I think her thirst for knowledge might be enough to persuade her to get her hands dirty! Plus any threats that might arise would give her the perfect excuse to practice flinging spells around. I'll definitely consider asking to join! :D


Kazukata looks like he and Ehmra could have some interesting interactions. She's very enthusiastic and energetic, but also rash and a little dense, so I could see interactions between them going both ways. I could be wrong, though, after all, he's your character, not mine!


Great! Arietty's our fc leader, so she'll be the one to direct any questions to about that. Other than that, check out our fc page, fill out an application, and we'll go from there. As for Ehmra, yeah, I had similar thoughts. Add me in-game or send me a pm and we can get that one rolling.

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Hi! Welcome back! So many of us are returning, and it is lovely.


As someone on Asia time, I know how tough it can be to be on an alternate timezone; that knowledge that I would not be able to consistently interact with persons of other timezones to build a long continuity held me to my shyness for such a long time, particularly since it is someone else's time you are asking for, but you meet so many people here with similar pains and it works out, :D.


While I'd like to slide in here and also shill my own post-graduate nerd FC, The Guiding Light (see signature), is in a nascent state and may demand more than I can comfortably impose upon your timezone for. That said, I will echo the support of the Azeyma's Oath here by also pointing out that next door to them is the Mischief's Coven tavern, and that the Mischief's Coven group is active both during NA and EU times! You benefit from proximity to two active and fun roleplaying FCs! And that the Oath has wonderful people like Kazukata is also a strong testament to it as a good FC to choose!


Ah, now I know this thread is about finding an FC, but whichever of the many new nerd FCs you choose, I'd also love to make more connections on my own character, C'io -- a well-traveled adventuring researcher of old Eorzean magic who began her journey long ago also by coming into conflict with her demagogue of a father (Nuhn) and leaving the tribe behind. She's worked hard to be who she is right now, but she hasn't forgotten the difficulty of being both inexperienced with the world and without the support of one's family. She'd likely get along with Ysolda, and perhaps with Q'rhin once she overcomes her initial wariness of newly met Seeker males.


Ah, but overall though, good luck in your quest! We should RP and follow through, definitely, timezones permitting!

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Hi! Welcome back! So many of us are returning, and it is lovely.


As someone on Asia time, I know how tough it can be to be on an alternate timezone; that knowledge that I would not be able to consistently interact with persons of other timezones to build a long continuity held me to my shyness for such a long time, particularly since it is someone else's time you are asking for, but you meet so many people here with similar pains and it works out, :D.


While I'd like to slide in here and also shill my own post-graduate nerd FC, The Guiding Light (see signature), is in a nascent state and may demand more than I can comfortably impose upon your timezone for. That said, I will echo the support of the Azeyma's Oath here by also pointing out that next door to them is the Mischief's Coven tavern, and that the Mischief's Coven group is active both during NA and EU times! You benefit from proximity to two active and fun roleplaying FCs! And that the Oath has wonderful people like Kazukata is also a strong testament to it as a good FC to choose!


Ah, now I know this thread is about finding an FC, but whichever of the many new nerd FCs you choose, I'd also love to make more connections on my own character, C'io -- a well-traveled adventuring researcher of old Eorzean magic who began her journey long ago also by coming into conflict with her demagogue of a father (Nuhn) and leaving the tribe behind. She's worked hard to be who she is right now, but she hasn't forgotten the difficulty of being both inexperienced with the world and without the support of one's family. She'd likely get along with Ysolda, and perhaps with Q'rhin once she overcomes her initial wariness of newly met Seeker males.


Ah, but overall though, good luck in your quest! We should RP and follow through, definitely, timezones permitting!


Hey there!


It's a shame you think the timezones wouldn't match up well, I can think of a few characters that might fit in nicely with your FC! Nevertheless, I'll definitely check out Mischeif's Coven, and am strongly considering an application to Azeyma's Oath!


I did mention at the top that I'm open to making new connections, so that'd be great! I'd imagine there's a lot C'io might know that Ysolda would kill to get out of her, seeing as she's after any scrap of knowledge (especially magical knowledge!) she can get her hands on! Q'rhin's made to get along well with everyone unless they're an absolute a-hole, so I'm sure they'll end up getting along fine should they ever meet!


Hopefully we can catch each other at good times, I'll look forward to RPing with you! :D

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Hey there!


So, I can offer a few potential directions here depending on what you're interested in, and expand on some others that've already been mentioned to you here. Funny how that works. Anyway!


First off, there's ShroudLife. If any of your characters are interested in wandering, wilderness RP outside of the major cities, this is a good place to get it. While it was originally tailored more to Keepers in the Shroud, it has since become more diverse than that and now focuses in general wilderness survivalists, hunters, and traders all across Eorzea. We have one event that runs every 2 weeks. Although I cannot take credit for the concept (that belongs to Gehr'ir), I now manage the linkshell- so if you have any questions, feel free! 


Second, there's Hydaelyn Protectors, which is a vigilante group linkshell you can get involved with. Deahfel is your primary contact over there. They err more into the chaotic good spectrum, so if you're looking for some throw-downs, that's a good direction to go!


Third, there's the Oath, which you already know about. Good folks! Guiding Light is also a pretty good lead and is an opportunity to pitch in and help a new FC grow, too! There's also Shroudwolf Clan, which is more event-driven similar to a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that happens 1-3 times a week for a few hours. 


Fourth, there's Mischief's Coven. Granted, this is much more of a niche than some of the others as it is the organized mob. We tend to be very community-oriented as we have a public tavern venue that's a front for the organized crime connections, and we run/participate in events as community antagonists as well (working with other players and groups OOC'ly to make sure conflict is smoothly executed is kind of our major deal). You don't necessarily need to join the Coven to participate in it, either- the tavern is public so you can show up there anytime, and we have a LS for private non-FC contractors too.


Last but not least, there's just plain 'ol Kasi, whom you're welcome to run into sometime. She might not be an FC in and of herself, but she's out and about on the road often and can be run into pretty much anywhere. Suffice it to say she's a wandering mercenary, trader, cook, and frequent bartender.


For the sake of convenience, I link most of these in my signature at the bottom.


Now, all that said, a lot of these groups naturally have some cross-connections, too. The Coven and Oath are, for example, literally next door to one another and the memberships mingle a bit here and there. There are a number of Coven people who're also members of ShroudLife, and some of the Shroudwolves will pop in the tavern to relax too. All in all? It's a big community out there, but you'll surprise yourself in how much you can run into people by connecting yourself to the ecosystem in any manner of ways! 


Regardless, best of luck on your hunt for RP! :thumbsup:

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Hey there!


It's a shame you think the timezones wouldn't match up well, I can think of a few characters that might fit in nicely with your FC! Nevertheless, I'll definitely check out Mischeif's Coven, and am strongly considering an application to Azeyma's Oath!


I did mention at the top that I'm open to making new connections, so that'd be great! I'd imagine there's a lot C'io might know that Ysolda would kill to get out of her, seeing as she's after any scrap of knowledge (especially magical knowledge!) she can get her hands on! Q'rhin's made to get along well with everyone unless they're an absolute a-hole, so I'm sure they'll end up getting along fine should they ever meet!


Hopefully we can catch each other at good times, I'll look forward to RPing with you! :D


Ahhh! Oh no, I didn't quite mean that so strongly as to say they wouldn't match up so well. Of course, if you are alright giving a really, really new and tiny start-up a chance, I would be totally open to it; I just worry about how pulling you over when I don't know if I can really guarantee something yet. It'd be a fixer-upper, to be sure, but you'd also get a pretty good stake RP-wise on how we proceed through inception and our early days. (See the How to Join Disclaimer in my Guiding Light post, haha.) Which characters in particular did you have in mind? We could try brave the Timezone Adventure together, see if it works for us. Regardless of your choices, though, I'd like to try find those intersections between your time and mine!


Hahaha, the interaction with Ysolda would be interesting! I'm not sure if C'io would describe magic in quite the same way as other scholars given that she's a jock turned to magician. She actually quite resists the nerd stereotype, even if she has adapted far too well to its diction-abusing ways!


Could you give me an idea as to what hours you are on? Leave the timezone math to me, :D.

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Thunderbolt300 - Once I have time (both literal and in-game) I'll definitely check those FCs/LSs out if I haven't done so already! I'll also keep an eye out for your character and see if any of mine can oh-so-conveniently bump into her! :D


C'io Behkt - I thought Ysolda and maybe Ehmra would be a good fit, they're both avid learners and love collecting knowledge on all things magical, even if they go about doing it differently from each other. 


I'm on GMT/BST, but I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment (and I mean a lot, I currently can't work for medical reasons) so staying up late/getting up early to adapt to when things go down isn't much of a problem for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Small bump. Totally still looking for connections! Hit me up if you're interested, or if you've already been interested and I just haven't bothered to reply yet (if this is the case you have every right to slap me for being such a forgetful...something that begins with 'f')!

Sounds like Claire and Ehmra would totally get along. She's not *all* there, often acting before thinking, but she's pretty smart when she can get her head out of the clouds.


She's a tinkerer who... *ahem* sometimes has disastrous results from her habit of not entirely thinking things through, and I strongly encourage friendships that would make these mishaps even more commonplace.

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Sounds like Claire and Ehmra would totally get along. She's not *all* there, often acting before thinking, but she's pretty smart when she can get her head out of the clouds.


She's a tinkerer who... *ahem* sometimes has disastrous results from her habit of not entirely thinking things through, and I strongly encourage friendships that would make these mishaps even more commonplace.


Hah, Claire and Ehmra sound like a recipe for disaster! I can't think of any better reason for her to be friends with somebody! Maybe someday they'll trigger the events that lead to the destruction of Eorzea...or maybe they'll just be the victim of comedic explosions. Who knows, or dares to dream?

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