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Good realm for RP

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Greetings all!


I'll start off by saying I love RP.  I've Rp'd on World of Warcraft for seven years, and in other forms since my teenage years.


I was looking to get on Balmung, but I've been trying since 10 AM this morning.  It's currently 2:37 AM my time and it's becoming apparent I won't be able to get on that realm.


Are there any other realms with somewhat healthy RP?


I'm also new to RP within this game, so I'm open to any and all suggestions when it comes to that.

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Balmung is pretty much permanently closed except for when it opens up again just after maintenance. The only for-sure way to get on is to transfer which costs $$$ and requires a 3-day old character. Luckily, you can transfer up to 8 characters at once. If you really want the good and plentiful RP, Balmung is the way to go. I haven't regretted transferring at all! 


But if you're looking for other realms, it seems Mateus and Siren have little communities building up. Check out these links for the Free Company and Linkshell halls to see what kind of stuff is happening on other servers.

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I entirely agree with Oyuu. I paid for a transfer to Balmung and although being now extremely poor because I only transfered a Cherry Tree with me to sell, I do not regret my decision. The RP and community on Balmung is beyond what I even anticipated!

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[Despite being] extremely poor because I only transfered a Cherry Tree with me to sell, I do not regret my decision.

This is absolutely fantastic ^_^


Thanks for the correction! I usually don't make mistakes like that but sometimes, words get silly in my head! xP

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