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Hello there!...again...again O.o

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I've come back!...again. I was originally Castian Kensaki in game on Balmung and found a nice Free Company called Vanguard. However since I'm returning after almost a year away give or take a few months I decided to completely revamp Castian since he was unknown in character and start anew(well not new in the levels sense). So I made an Au Ra Raen(?) named Celyaena Surin. I still play on the PS4 with a crappy 2mb internet connection so response time is still limited by the time it takes me to move from controller to keyboard.



Character Ideas: Celyaena is a Doman refugee that came with the 2.3 patch group looking forward to returning to her home in Stormblood. She is currently a Ronin-type character who loves to delve into old ruins and learning about the past and I'll be posting a bit of her wip backstory in a bit. I'll try and get her wikia set up but I'm terrible at wiki building so no promises.



Main Job: Currently she's going to be a SMN/DRG/DRK main once I get back into the swing of things. Though once Stormblood releases she'll be a SAM main in both game and character(currently one only in character) and I'll be rocking the RDM as a secondary main.



Anyroad I'm not as outgoing in the roleplay areas until I get to know people but I'm going to try and make some connections in game, but I am looking for a Roleplay FC that is friendly and an active OOC and IC LS.


If you see me running about go ahead and say hi :). Always looking for some wonderful connections.

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Hello and welcome back to Balmung and the RPC! Sounds like you have a solid idea of what you are looking for as you make your way back into the RP world. Since you are looking for a ruin delving FC you may want to check out OATH run by Hikari Miyuki as they put on some solid events and have a lot of RP going on around those storylines.


Once you get your backstory and a bit more about what you are looking for in that we could probably point you in the direction of some Linkshells you might enjoy. If you are looking for OOC interactions you may want to poke around and look into some discord servers. We have a pretty casual but active discord through my linkshell(Hydaelyn Protectors) if you want to check that out and schedule some RP with us.


Hope to see you around in game!

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