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Learn how to fight!

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I'm making this thread because the old Making Connections one I made for Koen is extremely outdated.


On to the actual point of the thread: I'm looking for people who'd like some combat training for their character(s). To put it bluntly: Koen's getting too old to be going out at nights to mess with the Garleans, or killing bandits to keep his arm in, and so with his newfound free time he's decided to take on some students so what he's learned over the years won't go to waste when he kicks the bucket.


It'd be lazy to just direct people to Koen's RPC page, and to be honest it needs updating as well, so I'll give a few details about him to give an idea of who your character would be learning from.

  • He was trained in hand-to-hand, warfare and the use of most weapons in the Ala Mhigan military.
  • After leaving Ala Mhigo, he spent nearly a decade in Abalathia's Spine training and sparring with a tribe of Hellsguard Warriors.
  • He's got fourteen years military experience, and over fourty years in general combat using mainly hand-to-hand and his greatsword.

He'll take pretty much anyone on as a student; whether your character's preparing for a war, generally wants to know more about fighting, or just wants to know how to look after them self, feel free to pop me a message here or in-game if you're interested.



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Hey Koen,


My character Deahfel would be very interested in learning from you. She is a greataxe specialist and has a lot of holes in her martial skill and knowledge that she wants to shore up. In the field she generally finds herself in the role of a bodyguard so she would be focused on strategies for keeping people or things safe. I think her learning some new weapons or just learning more from your military experience could be a good opportunity for her. This could be field training in addition to just learning from Koen.


Anyways let me know what you think and we could set something up!

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Hello! I'd love to get in on this for one of my alts, I have always been sticking to ranged-types for fighting skills but that doesn't suit this character in particular. So some mentoring might be a good way to get more of a grasp of it. We could figure something out :D

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Hi Koen!


I'd also like to sign up my character C'io to learn from Koen's long years of experience. Are you setting this up as a class/squad training or individualized instruction? C'io's martial experience is mainly in monster hunting as a pack, so she's good at guerilla fighting and the pile-up of many vs one, but not at regimented warfare or multiple foes. She's also becoming too reliant on her magic to deal with scenarios of conflict outside of what she is accustomed to, and her weapon arm is growing soft. I think she'd benefit greatly from learning a career soldier's perspective and fighting techniques. Her preferred melee weapon is the sword, but she would be willing to learn using what Koen feels most appropriate to teaching good soldiery.


Looking forward to your reply, and will keep an eye out for you in the game too!

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Thanks for all the responses. To be honest, I thought the old guy wouldn't get much interest, but I'm not complaining about more people to RP with! I've sent some of you a PM, but I thought I'd respond to a couple things that I probably should've included in the main post. Whoops.


Are you setting this up as a class/squad training or individualized instruction?


This is a good question, and, like I said, is something I should've included in the main post. I've done a combat training class before on a previous character, and I don't feel like it gives enough individual attention to the 'students', and only worked on that character because first, not many people would show up to it, and second, that character was kind of a prick, so he didn't care if they actually learned anything or not.


Koen's aim is to pass on his accumulated knowledge so that it doesn't die with him. He cares about results, and having a 5'6" Hyur and a 6'5" Elezen learn to fight in the same way just wouldn't be practical, so the training will be personalised to the person's body, strengths, and goals. In the same way he won't teach people of vastly different heights or builds the exact same things, he also wouldn't teach someone just looking for basic self-defense tips how to find the carotid artery.



Her preferred melee weapon is the sword, but she would be willing to learn using what Koen feels most appropriate to teaching good soldiery.


I'm going to add a list of weapons Koen can teach to the main post. Speaking generally, if a character is comfortable with a weapon, he's not going to tell them to switch. That being said, if he was training someone who only used a spear, he might advise them to keep a sidearm handy in case someone gets within their spear's reach.


My character Rana is a Monk in training still. Could see her wanting to learn new hand to hand techniques, Since she has a general love of fighting.


Monks are an odd thing, because of how extraordinary they are as their number of chakras unlocked climbs. I imagine there are different techniques involved when you can punch holes in people and when you can't, but we'll see how it goes!

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