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Scholar looking for RP

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Good evening (morning, afternoon, whatever) everyone,


I've recently introduced myself over at the Welcome Desk. I'm attempting to finally immerse myself into the RP world and guess this would be step 2.


My character is Albus Beaularoix, points of general interest would be that he is a scholar, an sort of impromptu teacher, and an experienced thaumaturge.


His focus of his studies is the applications of magic, specifically thaumaturgy. He can talk about a wide variety of topics and will be more than happy to talk or learn about them, thaumaturgy is just his specialty.


As for the teacher part, that actually wasn't intentional, I just knew a friend who likes making back stories for his characters and he wanted a thaumaturgy teacher. Shortly after that someone in my small FC was in the same boat. So for some reason Albus has two IC students.


And as a thaumaturge he has seen *some* battle, he would probably be a 6 or 7 on a 1-10 scale of battle aptitude. He knows almost all there is about it, but hasn't lived his life out in the field of battle.


So please, if any of you think Albus would make a good point of contact for you or any FC/linkshell you know of, please let me know.

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Hey there!


I'd point you into the direction of either Guiding Light or Azeyma's Oath. Both of these FC's would cater pretty strongly to a scholar, since they deal pretty heavily with game lore, exploring ruins, and unearthing knowledge and artifacts. Guiding Light is a bit of a newer guild that's based around harnessing knowledge. It's still coming together, so there's opportunities there to help out. Oath is more established, but focuses into the niche of treasure / relic hunting rather than strictly knowledge. Both of them are pretty good groups!

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Hey, Azeyma's Oath person here! We're always looking for more bookies to take with on our expeditions and poke at the artifacts we find. If you've already taken a gander at our fc's page, then there's not much to add other than that we'd be happy to have you apply!


If you wanted to find out more about Guiding Light, C'io Behkt is the one that runs that fc. If she doesn't find this thread and come in herself, I imagine a pm would get you the info you're looking for.

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Hi! Welcome to the site and to the roleplaying side of the game! I play C'io, who is now assistant director of The Guiding Light. Sorry about the dearth of information on TGL on the RPC; while I have made the page for it recently (it's in my signature), I can't seem to figure out how to make the RPC actually display it on the Free Companies listings.


I'll let you go read the link yourself, but the short of it is is that The Guiding Light is a nascent Free Company dedicated to knowledge and how its study and dissemination can benefit the realm, particularly against the Garlean Empire which is a superpower whose strength lies in aggressive archeology and research. It is to our detriment to become slack in that department.


Of course, we're not that grand yet. Not close. Right now we're still finishing construction, still getting the group together, and just beginning our first project into Eorzean Attitudes on Refugees, which should be a fun piece to work on together.


Let me know what you think once you go through it! If not the FC, we can at least discuss ways for Albus and C'io to become contacts, :D. I see on the Welcome Desk that reaching out and forming contacts is something you're working on, which is true for me also, but I'm building my network steadily! We can build ours steadily together, haha.


(I have discovered why Azeyma's Oath is apparently on site and The Guiding Light appears to not be (though it is): there is a second page(!) to this FC listing where all the T's hang out! Long mystery solved -_-)

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