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The Soon to be Red Mage makes his Grand Entrance!

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Hello there all I am Gaethan Charlemend, Rogue and Ninja now Red Mage come Stormblood.  I have been rping for ears before FFXIV but I am about to 60 and when I get caught up will have some down time.  So I am looking for more people to roleplay with and build out the story for Gaethan.


I have a tumblr for the character.  gaethancharlemend.tumblr.com.  I do visit the Tavern occasionally and I have been looking at FC events and trying to get out there.  It's lovely to meet yo all!  Bows.

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Hey there and welcome to the RPC! If you are looking for more RP contacts I would be glad to run into you on Deahfel. She is always wandering around and meeting new people or even if you are just looking for a buddy to tag along with to events.


I will go ahead and follow you on Tumblr too since I finally have one of those haha.

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Hey there and welcome to the RPC! If you are looking for more RP contacts I would be glad to run into you on Deahfel. She is always wandering around and meeting new people or even if you are just looking for a buddy to tag along with to events.


I will go ahead and follow you on Tumblr too since I finally have one of those haha.

I would be happy to have you as a friend.

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