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I'm Griffon and after a brief search, I found this forum for folks playing FF14 who enjoy a good story.


I am actually pretty new to Final Fantasy MMOs and as far as my previous knowledge of the whole franchise goes, I vaguely recall playing something FF-related in the late 90s or early 2000s. Can't say for sure what though!


I've been roleplaying for about 15 years online and, though I am experienced, I am always learning and improving (at least I hope so). I prefer to roleplay heavily and immersively with a lot of detail in my writing. I can get a bit verbose and brutally assault your chat box with a few large posts. Pre-emptive apologies to anyone who is within IC earshot of my novels.

I try to avoid OOC for the most part, save for the times when something in character needs a bit of explaining or clarification for the person(s) I'm roleplaying with.


I dont have much knowledge on the lore of the game yet, but I'll be pretty grateful for anyone to message me directly or even comment here to help me out (I've got wiki articles up too).

Heck, I'll even accept a chance to play a character connected to yours if you like in order to get into the swing of things!


Nice to meet ya'll and look forward to coming across roleplayers in-game once Balmung opens up again.



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Welcome to the RPC Griff! i hope you enjoy your time here with us Story-tellers. and good luck getting into balmung! although i've been playing for almost 5 years (since beta) and have only seen balmung open twice... most people bite the bullet and transfer over here!

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Heh, I came from a place where people wanted you to write large amounts even for small actions, I'm used to it by now. (If you look at some of my posts, you'll notice it's a habit that hasn't died yet. :dazed: )


But, er, anyways; welcome to the RPC!

Keep in mind that Balmung is almost always walled off with a population limit unless it's just after a reset so you may have to buy a transfer to get on. But hey, I'm mostly just a forum roleplayer now, so if you're ever interested in finding some just send me a message.


Edit: Aw, Liro, you beat me to it by a few seconds. :P

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Hey there, and welcome aboard to the RPC and to FFXIV! :thumbsup:


Character connections are great! In fact, we have a forum here devoted just to that, called Making Connections. Feel free to toss something up there when you have a rough idea of where you want to head- it'll help you a ton with finding a niche that you're interested in. There's a whole lot out there! 


Edit: Aw, Liro, you beat me to it by a few seconds. :P


There can be only one! Ahem.

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Welcome to the RPC Griff! i hope you enjoy your time here with us Story-tellers. and good luck getting into balmung! although i've been playing for almost 5 years (since beta) and have only seen balmung open twice... most people bite the bullet and transfer over here!


I'm hoping to avoid having to do that but if it comes down to do it, I probably will.


I spent most of today leveling and reading wikisand I'm still no clearer on lore. If anyone wants to take a newcomer under their wing and help me get to know the game more, I'd be greatful. We can come up with some sort of backstory for my character to suddenly be aroudn yours, if need be.



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