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New to the RP Scene in FF14

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Good [insert time of day here] folks!


The name is Ezraek, but feel free to call me Ez... all the ladies do...


*pause for obligatory ba-dum-psh*


Seriously though, its not to meet all y'all! I'm not new to FF14 by any stretch, and while I have been around the Balmung server for a long time - soaking in the stories of others in open chat - I never actually participated myself. I used to do quite a bit of forum-based RP on sites like World of Tur and several smaller Proboards ones that inevitably closed due to lack of inactivity or administrators disappearing without a word. At any rate, the way I see it, it's about time I immerse myself in the lore-rich world of RP for a game that easily makes my list for favorite games of all time. Coming off a long break in RP though, so do be gentle with me!


So what all commands are used for RP? I see people using one to describe what their character is doing in an emote fashion and I feel like that will be critical for "properly formatted" RP structure. Also, if there is someone the Balmung server doesn't mind being pestered to death with questions can we be friends? I don't have a background or anything set up for my character yet, but once I'm more concrete on the lore it is the very first thing on my to-do list!

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Hey, congratulations on taking the plunge!


I have a similar forum-based background as you, and ffxiv is my first go at RPing in game. It's not so different! You just have less time to post shorter things, really. 


In my experience, people stick to /say or use /em for action. But really, so long as you get the point across, I don't think anyone really minds at the end of the day. You're welcome to look me up in game for questions. I'm usually either playing Sophia Grave or Drunken Dhalmel. The folks here are pretty to quick to answer any questions too and are willing to help you with an idea to get your character up and running. 


Good luck and welcome!

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So what all commands are used for RP? I see people using one to describe what their character is doing in an emote fashion and I feel like that will be critical for "properly formatted" RP structure. Also, if there is someone  the Balmung server doesn't mind being pestered to death with questions can we be friends? I don't have a background or anything set up for my character yet, but once I'm more concrete on the lore it is the very first thing on my to-do list!


So I am not nearly as experienced as many of the people on this forum but I am willing to help in whichever way I can. When it comes to commands most people use say and /em. /em is, basically, substituted with your character's name followed by whatever text comes after that.


For example, "/em nods in agreement." would come out as "Ezraek Wolfryn nods in agreement."


So most the time if what they are saying opens with something descriptive people use /em unless they open with dialogue in which case they'll use "Say". Other commands of course involve emotes, some use the display log messages that default while using emotes as part of their RP or they toggle the display messages off and use the emotes and facial expressions to accent their RP. In cases with large public events there can so much going on that emotes can be missed.


Anyway I can ramble about all I have learned but do send me a PM, we can RP together and/or I can help answer any questions.

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Hello and welcome!


Sweet, good luck! Oh, and if interested, definitely check out the Community Board to help with the lore immersion~


Another thing to add with the /em commands is using them in tangent with macros.


That means that, for further immersion, you can create your personal emotes and combine them with expressions so that your character can "/em Ohlong Johnson nods with a stoic face" (by using the /yes emote with the straight face expression). 


One of the commands you can also use is a timer... I think it's /t #ofseconds


well find it to confirm that of course but basically you can use the timer to chain different actions occurring at different timings for more complex expressions!


.....Buuuuuut just take it a step at a time. That's if you wanna be fancy but you can rp with just /em and no emotes at all! Just go however you wanna go at it ^^


May the path you choose be filled with the light of the crystal!

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC and to the RP scene! :thumbsup:


You're welcome to pester me with questions if you're looking for some direction. The community is pretty large, so there's a whole lot out there depending on what interests you the most. As I have a habit of saying in other welcome posts, there's everything from treasure hunters, knowledge seekers, clans, the mob, and tons in between- and that's just free companies. There are also linkshells out there that arguably are pretty good at providing RP! As long as you push to get outside, you'll find tons to sink your teeth into! 


One thing not mentioned above is that you can target yourself, to go Edit Search Info, and change your online status to Roleplaying. It's a wonderful little feature that allows you to 'flag' yourself as a roleplayer, and makes walk-ups and interactions a lot easier!

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Hi there and congrats on the decision to dive right in. I think the others did a great job in explaining the basics of how to convey yourself in RP with emotes and say or even macros if you are feeling particularly spirited. I think when you jump in you will find that you have a certain style of expressing yourself that is a unique blend of how you use /say, /em, stock emotes and as long as you are able to adequately communicate with your RP partners you will be in good shape. So I would say don't sweat it...hop right in and find the voice for your character.


Hope to see you around and RPing!

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