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Oh Hello There!

Tallis N

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Hi there! I finally got around to making an alt on FFXIV for roleplaying purposes as well as setting up a blog for her and everything. So, I figured the next logical step was to make an account here and well, start getting the ball rolling over here.



--MMORPG background



Admittedly, FFXIV is my first MMO. I have always wanted to play other MMO's but never got around to actually doing so? My fiance is the one who told me about FFXIV about six months before it came out and kind of warned me that this game was going to take over his life. He let me try it out when it was released and well, I was immediately hooked. I started off as a Hyur White Mage and now, almost three years later, my main is a Lalafell Bard. 



--RP experience


I'm not new to roleplaying as a whole. I've been forum roleplaying for the past thirteen years now and it's been absolutely wonderful. I got my start on the Neopets forum and was eventually invited to join a Proboards site and I stayed on Proboards for about three years before eventually making my way to Invisionfree/Jcink. I'm mostly done real life roleplay so this whole fantasy type stuff is new to me but I am very excited to do this.



--Character ideas/info



So, I've made an alt on Siren and I plan on transferring her over to Balmung in a few days and right now she's a female Keeper of the Moon named Norha Vapya who was raised in the depths of the Black Shroud. So far what I've come up with for her is that she was raised by a single mother on account of her father being murdered and there was nothing she could do about it, hence why she turned to the art of conjuring/healing. I have her personality pretty fleshed out and everything, a naive but eager young woman who tends to get into trouble pretty often. But other than that, I'm not sure where to go from there?



--How did you learn about the coalition?



Mainly from Tumblr and people linking their Wiki's.



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?



I would love to be a heavy roleplayer but I definitely don't have the time for that. So, I'm definitely aiming more for medium. I do have a tumblr that I'd be down to write with people on as well as the forums. 




--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)



Well, I'm currently 23 years old and have been playing FFXIV since the launch of 2.0 and it's been great. I'm also studying Network Administration in school (although I had to take a semester off) and I'm a chef in a long term care facility. I recently had a health scare that left me disabled with two chronic illnesses but I'm doing much better than I was. I'm working on going back to work (THIS SUNDAY!!!) and can't wait. I also really can't wait to RP with some of you because all of your characters are absolutely amazing. Oh - also I do prefer they/them pronouns if any of you talk to me/about me. (: I guess that's all!

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Hey there! Welcome to the RPC and FFXIV roleplay too!


Your character concept is pretty well along its way, so it's usually best to work on making a post in the Making Connections forum and see if you can find some people for your character to meet! She seems like she would be easy to relate to so I don't think you'll have any trouble finding some people to meet up with once you get to Balmung.


I mostly just hang out here on these forums, so if you're ever looking for some forum RP or anything similar, just send me a message and we'll see what we can set up!

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Hey there! Welcome to the RPC and FFXIV roleplay too!


Your character concept is pretty well along its way, so it's usually best to work on making a post in the Making Connections forum and see if you can find some people for your character to meet! She seems like she would be easy to relate to so I don't think you'll have any trouble finding some people to meet up with once you get to Balmung.


I mostly just hang out here on these forums, so if you're ever looking for some forum RP or anything similar, just send me a message and we'll see what we can set up!


Ah thank you! I will definitely be posting in there at some point, probably once I get my character transfer in. Oh definitely, I'm more used to forum RP so I would definitely love to do some with you. (:

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Welcome to the Community! I think you'll find that in game RP is not too different from forum rp, the one difference though that is glaring is that it is 'real time' and more interactive. You don't have to describe the entire environment around you but you can certainly describe how a wind brushes up against your cheeks, or how your character hears the sound of running water ect., It adds a little more depth but you don't have to go crazy since the game gives you the environmental details.

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC and to Balmung! :thumbsup:


A fellow IT person in networking? And a Miqo'te master race to boot? I like you already.


MMO RP can be pretty incredible on the whole- there's a lot of niches out there on Balmung, so if you have something in mind for where you want to go, that'll help a whole ton. Once you get connected (either via linkshells, free companies, or just making a post in Making Connections) you'll be off to the races!

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Hi there! Welcome to the wonderful world of "Okay, only going to be on game for an hour... oh crud, it's already 3 a.m.??? Where did time go??" Definitely digging your character idea. There's always trouble to be had, after all. Do you tend to do stories commonly for your characters? I always love character stories. They flesh out a persona in a way I can't otherwise do. Like tapping into them, you know?

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Welcome to the Community! I think you'll find that in game RP is not too different from forum rp, the one difference though that is glaring is that it is 'real time' and more interactive. You don't have to describe the entire environment around you but you can certainly describe how a wind brushes up against your cheeks, or how your character hears the sound of running water ect., It adds a little more depth but you don't have to go crazy since the game gives you the environmental details.


I think I'm going to like that aspect the most, if I'm being honest! With forum RP, you sometimes had to wait a few hours if not weeks for replies and I think I'm going to like the interactive part of it and the fact that it's so quick? But thank you for the warm welcome!


Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC and to Balmung! :thumbsup:


A fellow IT person in networking? And a Miqo'te master race to boot? I like you already.


MMO RP can be pretty incredible on the whole- there's a lot of niches out there on Balmung, so if you have something in mind for where you want to go, that'll help a whole ton. Once you get connected (either via linkshells, free companies, or just making a post in Making Connections) you'll be off to the races!


I aim to please! (:


I have no idea what I want to do yet although the idea of getting into trouble sounds like it could be fun. I'm definitely going to making some posts in Making Connections and I'm active on tumblr as well, trying to get some things started.


Hi there! Welcome to the wonderful world of "Okay, only going to be on game for an hour... oh crud, it's already 3 a.m.??? Where did time go??" Definitely digging your character idea. There's always trouble to be had, after all. Do you tend to do stories commonly for your characters? I always love character stories. They flesh out a persona in a way I can't otherwise do. Like tapping into them, you know?


Hello hello! Oh lord, as of right now, I play FFXIV 8-12 hours a day? But that's only because I'm not working. But I'm sure that'll change soon enough. I do do stories? I'm basing Norha on a previous character I had on a RP forum (only real life) and attaching the FFXIV lore to the character. But I'm definitely down for character stories.

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