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Requesting help with getting details of my character's backstory in order.

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I'm attempting to get into RP again with a different character and to be honest this time is going much more smoothly and I'm having more fun creating a background for him. Could I get some help with sorting out some details of my character's backstory? Maybe people could tell me if something doesn't sound quite right.


I don’t know if any of this is written coherently enough, I’m really tired. orz


One of the main motivations for what my character, Kiht'to, does is gil. At first people might assume that he is just greedy and is sitting on a pile of gil but in reality he is in debt up to his eyeballs with a group of potatoes (so much so that he is on the run from them) he loaned money from whilst he lived in Ul'dah. As for why he loaned the money in the first place? The best I can come up with is gambling. I'm also playing with the idea that he had a bit of a stint as a con artist - in an attempt to earn money to pay his debt off - so there are several angry investors waiting to skin him if they so much as set their eyes on him.

I don’t know whether to keep these people vague or add more detail to them. Is there any in-lore group that he could have pissed off?


Kiht’to is also a Black Mage - he knows it’s illegal, he’s not exactly one for living by the law - though he covers this up by being extra vigilant and insisting it’s just Thaumaturgy when people start to get too suspicious. He came into possession of his soulstone whilst looting (He was training as a Thaumaturge at the time).


Also regarding the way Keeper society works: He hasn’t fathered any children. Instead of sticking around the Black Shroud he decided to move to Limsa to become an Arcanist (that didn’t last long...). Although he is interested in both men and women he prefers to sleep with men because he does want any, err, ‘problems’ and regrets not being more careful in the past. Seeing Seeker children with Keeper eyes makes him paranoid.


After about a year and a half of studying to be an Arcanist he got bored and descended down a slippery slope of gradually more nefarious jobs just to get by. (Piracy maybe?)


Because of his background growing up he is a proficient Archer.


That's about it for now. :dazed:

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As for why he loaned the money in the first place? The best I can come up with is gambling. I'm also playing with the idea that he had a bit of a stint as a con artist - in an attempt to earn money to pay his debt off - so there are several angry investors waiting to skin him if they so much as set their eyes on him.

I don’t know whether to keep these people vague or add more detail to them. Is there any in-lore group that he could have pissed off?


I mean, there's tons of them actually.

Ul'dah is a cesspit where money means everything, and people will do anything to get it. It's part of their culture, religion, and political standing in the sultanate. So swindling any organization is likely to get someone sent after you. You say your character is a Thaumaturge, he could've slacked on his "donations" to the Order of Nald'thal. That would've gotten him into some trouble. He could've conned his way into the Platinum Mirage, which is the largest and most exclusive of Ul'dah's many gambling halls that serves only the upper crust of Ul'dahn society. If your character is as outside the law as you say, he could've pissed off the Alacran, a criminal organization that has its fingers in a number of pies, but has been linked to the drug trade in Ul'dah mainly, but are definitely not afraid to get their hands dirtier. There's also a number of consortiums, business fronts, legitimate businesses, and other frivolities that are usually owned by one of the Syndicate members, who are not at all afraid to off someone who cheats them. Your character could be a gambler at the Coliseum, also, and that can land you in hot water also, as it has many others.


In short, the possibilities are pretty much endless.




Kiht’to is also a Black Mage - he knows it’s illegal, he’s not exactly one for living by the law - though he covers this up by being extra vigilant and insisting it’s just Thaumaturgy when people start to get too suspicious. He came into possession of his soulstone whilst looting (He was training as a Thaumaturge at the time).


I don't see anything wrong with this so I'll just drop a few more links if you're interested in the lore behind the professions and if you'd like to know how the magicks work. ^^


-Order of Nald'thal: Thaumaturgy Lore

-Mechanics of Magic Casting with Black Mage Lore




Also regarding the way Keeper society works: He hasn’t fathered any children.


That's not a problem, because most Keeper fathers rarely stick around to raise their kids anyways. They are often described by Keeper women as "best in small doses." You can find more lore about Keepers in this Race Lore Compilation under the Miqo'te section.

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Thank you for all the useful information! :)


I have a feeling that coming up with a realistic explanation of how he scammed his way into the Platinum Mirage is going to be a bit difficult since it's such an exclusive place. :/ It's a possibility that he managed to get in due to his connections with a particularly affluent criminal group in Limsa. This also could tie in with why he moved to Ul'dah in the first place. To add to this he could have managed to amass a fortune during his time pirating and proceeded to gamble (and drink and screw...) it all away because he's an idiot, lol.


Being involved with the Alacran and the drug trade also seems quite a solid idea. They'd probably be willing to take him on with no questions asked as long as he's willing to do their dirty work. Whilst working for them he could have been pocketing some money for himself until they started noticing and he had to hightail it out of Ul'dah.

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