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Miqo'te seeks academic society

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Just wondering if there are any active research and study based FCs or linkshells out there that my conjurer can join. He's the sort to pursue field work over sitting behind tomes and scrolls all day (although that's not to say he dislikes that sort of thing). 

If not that then connections with academic-minded characters would also be great.


Alternatively, would be happy to meet any mercenary/adventurer/bodyguard types that could provide protection on any dangerous expeditions that might occur.


Feel free to reply to this thread, send me a message here or in-game (Rhaya'li Dolamna).

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Hey there!


So, Kasi is a mercenary that'll take on dangerous work as long as she's not being contracted to attack kin and the work has her traveling a reasonable about. She's otherwise pretty cheap on the gil side to hire.


Apart from that, the two FC's I know of that do a whole thing on research-and-study would be Azeyma's Oath (treasure hunting, ruins delving, research) and Guiding Light (a bit on the smaller side, knowledge hunters and research). Both are pretty awesome groups! 


Here's quick links to both:


Guiding Light -- http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18654


Azeyma's Oath -- http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18228


Best of luck on the hunt, regardless!

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Just wondering if there are any active research and study based FCs or linkshells out there that my conjurer can join. He's the sort to pursue field work over sitting behind tomes and scrolls all day (although that's not to say he dislikes that sort of thing). 

If not that then connections with academic-minded characters would also be great.


Alternatively, would be happy to meet any mercenary/adventurer/bodyguard types that could provide protection on any dangerous expeditions that might occur.


Feel free to reply to this thread, send me a message here or in-game (Rhaya'li Dolamna).


As someone who's friends with a few Azeyma's Oath, I can vouch for them being a fun group! I can point you in the direction of a few members if you're interested!

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I would definitely second Kasi's recommendations below. I have interacted with C'io of guiding light and I am a member of Azemya's Oath so I think either way you go would be a solid choice. OATH is actively seeking researchers and more scholarly types for artifact research at the moment.


I would also offer Deahfel for your bodyguard needs. She has plenty of experience working jobs like that and keeping individuals safe while out in the field. So feel free to reach out on here or in game and we can discuss/brainstorm together.


Let me know if you have any questions or need anything!

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The Outrider's arn't so much a research based rp, but investigation/artificat hunting rp. Though if you want bodyguards, then the Outriders can help with that too! 


If you're intereted feel free to message me here or on discord at Amanda#7359.


Can't wait to hear from you!

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As a member of Guiding Light I can verify that they are small, but insanely awesome. 


....as a member of Outriders I can also verify they are awesome xD


...and I have a friend in Oath, and everyone I've met from there has been really nice. So take your pick!

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Well, all of the options presented to me here sound really cool and I wish I could join all of them! But ultimately I'm leaning towards Guiding Light because I've always been inclined to smaller groups. Sometimes it's easy to get lost in big ones.


Either way, thank you all for the replies and advice, it is greatly appreciated. c:


I'll likely get in contact with some of you about bodyguard hiring in the future!

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