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Slayer & Sleuth looking for contacts, employers, and others!

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Ilyes, a peculiar and very straight-forward swordsman, is currently in need of a handful of associates, employers, and (possibly) "agreeable acquaintances". A sell-sword by trade, Ilyes specializes in the displacement of troublesome creatures and beasts but has often agreed to take contracts of a more clandestine nature when times get tough. He is particularly skilled in several martial weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and is considered by many previous employers to be a remarkably gifted investigator. While near-unwavering apathy - or, at best, indifference - is a strong facet of his personality, it is not beyond Ilyes to make mutually beneficial connections with those that might aid him in his pursuits, such as:


  • Craftsmen & Merchants: Do you sell premium wares at premium prices? Ilyes is always in need of weaponry, armor, alchemical supplies, and much more! Some monsters require a trap and net.. others poison and an inconspicuous blade.
  • Information Brokers: Why settle for one set of eyes and ears? If your character or organization is up to date with all the gossip around town, Ilyes is always in the market to buy and sell.
  • Associates: Fancy yourself a fellow contractor? Though he's not the best at idle chit-chat, it's surprisingly easy for him to strike up a conversation when there's a mutual interest involved.
  • Employers: You need something done? Ilyes can do it - for a price. Be it the need for a personal bodyguard, the removal of a meddlesome beast, or something a bit more.. illicit, you need look no further for a discrete and capable sword-for-hire. Preferential to shorter term contracts, long-term deals can be made under the right circumstances.
  • Anything else: Have a character of your own that just needs a shoulder to cry on? Drinking buddy? An open mind to bounce ideas off of? Ilyes is a TERRIBLE choice! However, I'm willing to put him in uncomfortable situations and unlikely scenarios all for the sake of quality roleplay! All you need do is ask and we can probably work something out.

In summation: I'm relatively new to FFXIV RP (on again, off again) and am looking to cement myself in the RP community in preparation for the new expansion and onward. I'm open to just about any and all associations so don't hesitate to ask! I'm available here through the thread and private messages, as well as in-game under the name Ilyes Bell.

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File under Craftsmen & Merchants: one Claire Hargrave, inventor and tinkerer. Give her an idea and she will run, run, Run as far as it will take her.


Modifications? Check. High grade octane explosives that may or may not leave you a pair of smoking boots? Want those in purple or pink?

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I think Pentral and Ilyes could do some good as possible associates! She can even function as an informant from time to time, as she does make it a point to lurk around areas where gossip is bountiful.


He might not be keen on speaking much, but Pentral can more than make up for that with a barrage of questions and comments! She's a scholar by hobby and a pirate by profession, but isn't afraid of picking up odd/shady jobs in between her studies and voyages, if only to stave off boredom.

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I'll  keep you both in mind! I appreciate the responses! Ilyes could definitely use both a tinkerer for those specialty needs and a healer for when things get rough. It'll be interesting should they all become acquainted.


Feel free to add me anytime in-game and we can set something up.


(Soon as I post this I get another update, haha)


That sounds really fun, Pentral. He's not generally the best conversationalist but he's pretty good at answering questions. I'm sure she'd get on his nerves but he's not the type to be too outwardly hostile for fear of drawing too much attention. It'd make for amusing interactions!

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Pst. Hey. Hey you. Yeah, you. Over here- I got what you need! 


So, I can hit a few of your bullet points here probably all at once. The Mischief's Coven is essentially the Gridanian mob- organized crime. They have their fingers into the black market, information trading, spying, sabotage, and a whole lot more. They also employ private contractors on a job-by-job basis, as long as you don't have any issues with dirty work- and no, you don't need to join the FC to take advantage of any of this, either. The Coven runs a tavern 'front' with its own events and regular times, so you can pop in for RP with the seedy crowd pretty much anytime you like. 


Details are on over here:




That aside, you're always welcome to run into Kasi too; she's a wandering mercenary, trader, cook, and occasional bartender with ties (of course) to organized crime. She can serve as a link to the mob, or just as a potential friend, rival, or even an enemy depending on the job she's currently on. 


Regardless, but of luck on your search!

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i'm no stranger to forum RP, but it does take me a bit to get back into the groove of it as apposed to traditional in-game stuff. I wouldn't be apposed to making contact that way! (Sorry, I didn't notice your server).


As far as Gridanian mob offer goes: I don't see why they couldn't at least make contact. Ilyes isn't exactly very fond of doing nefarious jobs, but that doesn't mean he isn't a stranger to them. He's trying to be more of a virtuous man - but sometimes that's hard to do when coin is in demand. I'll be sure to check out the tavern front you guys offer to make contact. As well, if I happen to see you in-game I'll be sure to make contact; or, if I forget, don't be afraid to sniff me out.

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