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Looking for people/group to RP with.

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Hi, I’m a noob when it comes to RP and I’m looking for people to kindly put up with me whilst I figure things out. I occasionally do a small amount with my FC but I really want to do more and I’m kinda lacking in the social skills to just walk up to someone in-game and ask to RP. :/I’m also not the quickest at typing because of dyslexia, so forum RP would probably be better for me to start out with.


My character is not the most, err… agreeable of characters so here is some info about him for people to glance over. (I’ll get round to writing an actual wiki page for him, I swear.)


  • Kiht’to Moshroca. Miqo’te - Keeper. 28.
  • Kiht’to can be a bit of a douchebag (an understatement). He is conceited and self-serving but he’s at the point in his life where he has achieved maximum douchiness and is slowly starting to realize that his life hasn’t gotten any better for it.
  • He’s spent the last year of his life avoiding Ul’dah like the plague, lest he be skinned alive. He’s in a lot of debt (gambling etc.) and has scammed and pissed off the wrong people.
  • He’s a Black Mage pretending he’s just a humble Thaumaturge. Long story short, he acquired his soulstone after looting a bunch of ruins and decided to keep it after finding out what it is used for rather than sell it. Because having the power to destroy your enemies without destroying yourself is an optimal position to be in.
  • Basically the further along he gets in life, the bigger the hole he keeps digging for himself gets.
  • Underneath it all he is a somewhat decent guy… If you can believe that. (He has some morals. I don’t think I can actually RP a truly bad person. //orz)

There is so much more to him but I don’t want this post to end up tl;dr.

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Hey!  So I have a FC with agreeable, and not agreeable characters alike that do legal, and slightly illegal things.  It's Orchid 317 Hookah Bar & Performance Lounge and we're recruiting right now people for the cool roleplays.  We offer friendship and smuggling!  There are a few people into the magic stuff roleplay so I'm sure you can bounce that off some of our troupe.


Hit me up if you like what you see, or if you want to just come to the bar and hang out for some shisha and roleplay!  Eshea Tende is usually always around.  :)

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Thank you for your replies, I will take a look! :D


I am  normally someone who is willing to  rp with everyone, granted I am  still trying to figure my own char out. I might write something up later and drop it some where so that maybe I can get help filling in the gaps


I'll look out for what you end up with. :)

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Hey there! 


So, outright, you're welcome to run into Kasi anytime you like. She's a bit of a wandering mercenary, trader, cook, and occasionally a bartender, but she's also a huge Miqo'te nationalist and goes out of her way for anyone she sees as kin. She also has a bit of a darker backstory and has strong ties to the criminal underworld, but of course she's not without her redeeming qualities even as an evil character.


Beyond that, if you're interested in treading the dark side, there's also the Mischief's Coven which is a tavern front for organized crime- what is essentially the mob. Now, this isn't a recruitment regurgitation- you don't need to join the FC to get involved with the criminal underworld and it isn't even expected that you should! The Coven employs numerous independent contractors freely (basically you can participate in 'jobs,' aka events, alongside the Coven and get IC'ly paid for them). The Coven tavern is also a hotspot for some random RP too- offers something a bit more manageable compared to the Quicksands.


If you're looking to chase a lighter, redeeming path though, you could probably take a swipe at either the Shroudwolf Clan or the Morbolvine Clan, where you can connect with tons of other Miqo'te players and stories. This might be more akin to returning home for a soul searching among kin and family. 


Regardless, best of luck on the hunt! :thumbsup:

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Hi! If you don't mind doing forum-only RPs, I'd be more than happy to help! It can be in a forum post or PMs, whichever you prefer.

Edit: I didn't notice the bit about your dyslexia at first, sorry.


I've read Muijh's wiki page and it would love to have a go at RPing with you but I feel like Kiht'to would very much be one to take advantage of her kindness... D:


Hey there! 


So, outright, you're welcome to run into Kasi anytime you like. She's a bit of a wandering mercenary, trader, cook, and occasionally a bartender, but she's also a huge Miqo'te nationalist and goes out of her way for anyone she sees as kin. She also has a bit of a darker backstory and has strong ties to the criminal underworld, but of course she's not without her redeeming qualities even as an evil character.


Beyond that, if you're interested in treading the dark side, there's also the Mischief's Coven which is a tavern front for organized crime- what is essentially the mob. Now, this isn't a recruitment regurgitation- you don't need to join the FC to get involved with the criminal underworld and it isn't even expected that you should! The Coven employs numerous independent contractors freely (basically you can participate in 'jobs,' aka events, alongside the Coven and get IC'ly paid for them). The Coven tavern is also a hotspot for some random RP too- offers something a bit more manageable compared to the Quicksands.


If you're looking to chase a lighter, redeeming path though, you could probably take a swipe at either the Shroudwolf Clan or the Morbolvine Clan, where you can connect with tons of other Miqo'te players and stories. This might be more akin to returning home for a soul searching among kin and family. 


Regardless, best of luck on the hunt! :thumbsup:


Thanks! :)


I've read through Kasi's profile and she sounds like the sort of person that Kiht'to would definitely associate with although I have a feeling that he would totally try to push all her buttons (and his luck).


The Mischief's Coven sounds perfect. I'm in an FC currently anyway so I'm glad that there is a chance to participate without having to join.

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